The Well of Wisdom

The Well of Wisdom


A wonderful, supportive and loving space to share with other wise women.

Operating as usual




I can tell you why you cannot seem to become that woman you so very much aspire to be.

She is not you.

You are, quite wrongly, chasing an ideal of a woman you will never be.

And you are, quite wrongly, ignoring the woman that you already so very much are.

And peace will not come until you take a deep hard look at yourself and see the plethora of wonder, grace and humanity.
All wrapped up, a little messily, into a loveable parcel of real-ness.

Humans do not come perfectly packaged, with a warranty or guarantee.

We are miracles of science, nature and a little magic.
Born of centuries of incredible ancestors who walked through fire and ice to bring us to life.

And we cannot be tamed into a neat little box.

Stop chasing the ideal of a woman you were not born to be and start embracing she who is fizzing fiercely to be seen, right in front of your eyes.

Let her out.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘LIFE’;

Art by Veronique Wibaux

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