Videos by Eton Fitness in Windsor. 👉🏻Work with your hormones to drop body fat & build a strong body. 👉🏻Train with me - The Empowered Female Programme 👇🏻FREE Menstrual Cycle 101 Guide👇🏻
For those of you wondering I did record that sound effect myself - from my mouth 😂IYKYK #perimenpause #theempoweredfemal...
Perimenopause P A I N S - more in the comments below 👇🏻#theempoweredfemaleprogramme #perimenopausefatloss #perimenpause
If you are struggling to lose fat in P E R I M E N O P A U S E this could be why……..Fluctuating hormones d...
Y U M ! Peanut butter oat bites - recipe in the comments below 😋 #perimenopausediet #theempoweredfemaleprogramme
Dietary F I B R E is essential for a healthy diet.Here’s how you can easily hit the recommended daily fibre amount of 2...
It’s ludicrous when we look at it as if it were a M A L E problem.There is no way that if a man were to lose his testos...
The impact of 🦈 week on your training can be soooooooooo frustrating!But knowing how your body responds to your hormone...
The Menstrual C Y C L E in under 20 seconds 😂#theempoweredfemaleprogramme #menstrualcycle #periodpower #strongwomen
If you’ve gone back to what used to work for your F A T loss to shift the Perimenopause spare tyre but it’s not workin...
Add these to your Perimenopause toolkit 🔧 How exercise, sleep and cutting down on the booze can help you navigate perime...
Let’s re-frame W H Y we do this thing called exercise….Our time here on earth is so short and it’s so easy to get caug...
T O P 3 Problems….
T O P 3 problems declining estrogen levels cause in perimenopause for fat loss and your training. This is just the tip ...
Us fitness folk aren’t P E R F E C T either, life gets busy, training gets put on the back burner, but progress is mad...
F I N A L call to register your interest for my next intake on The Empowered Female Programme.I’m opening just 10 space...