Eton Fitness, Windsor Videos

Videos by Eton Fitness in Windsor. 👉🏻Work with your hormones to drop body fat & build a strong body. 👉🏻Train with me - The Empowered Female Programme 👇🏻FREE Menstrual Cycle 101 Guide👇🏻

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For those of you wondering I did record that sound effect myself - from my mouth 😂IYKYK #perimenpause #theempoweredfemal...

Perimenopause P A I N S - more in the comments below 👇🏻#theempoweredfemaleprogramme #perimenopausefatloss #perimenpause

If you are struggling to lose fat in P E R I M E N O P A U S E this could be why……..Fluctuating hormones d...

Y U M ! Peanut butter oat bites - recipe in the comments below 😋 #perimenopausediet #theempoweredfemaleprogramme

A new study has just been published, the first of its kind they believe, to measure T O X I C metals in our tampons. T...

Dietary F I B R E is essential for a healthy diet.Here’s how you can easily hit the recommended daily fibre amount of 2...

It’s ludicrous when we look at it as if it were a M A L E problem.There is no way that if a man were to lose his testos...

The impact of 🦈 week on your training can be soooooooooo frustrating!But knowing how your body responds to your hormone...

The Menstrual C Y C L E in under 20 seconds 😂#theempoweredfemaleprogramme #menstrualcycle #periodpower #strongwomen

If you’ve gone back to what used to work for your F A T loss to shift the Perimenopause spare tyre but it’s not workin...

This was the first video to get over 1 million views on my social media, so I thought I’d give it a little re-post.I’ve ...

Add these to your Perimenopause toolkit 🔧 How exercise, sleep and cutting down on the booze can help you navigate perime...

Let’s re-frame W H Y we do this thing called exercise….Our time here on earth is so short and it’s so easy to get caug...

T O P 3 Problems….
T O P 3 problems declining estrogen levels cause in perimenopause for fat loss and your training. This is just the tip ...

Us fitness folk aren’t P E R F E C T either, life gets busy, training gets put on the back burner, but progress is mad...

F I N A L call to register your interest for my next intake on The Empowered Female Programme.I’m opening just 10 space...

Top 3 reasons you are piling on the pounds in perimenopause Losing body fat in perimenopause is made harder by the effec...

On this episode on The Empowered Female Podcast we are joined by our very first special guest!! @kellsw82 and I are join...

Here are 2 efficient ways to tackle your Perimenopause spare T Y R E If you have questions on this just ask them in the...