Be Plus


Operating as usual

Photos from Be Plus's post 27/08/2024

暑假結束,係時候回歸正常作息,恢復規律運動習慣! Be Plus Monthly Pass密集式訓練,為您重塑身體魅力曲線!
$3199/4堂private Pilates一個月時間內快速瘦身
只需每堂$799 !!幫您
KO手臂 byebye肉0肚腩 Call機肉
*第一堂開始計起一個月有效期需由Be Plus 安排導師
快啲 WhatsApp/致電聯絡專屬客服查詢或預約啦!



夏天到來,我們總是迫不及待的嚮往沙灘🏝️陽光☀️,此時正是瘦身、運動的好時機,在這裏,我們為你推薦在studio 和家裡都能輕鬆keep fit 的經典動作,姐妹們快快收藏起來吧!


1. 跪姿臀部
- 性感臀部和全身都在锻炼
- 核心肌肉始终参与,保持臀部平直
- 挤压臀部,将腿向后踢
- 增加脉冲,获得更多乐趣和挑战!

2. 单腿桥式
- 厌倦了普通的臀部滚动?单腿增加挑战和乐趣!
- 活动脊柱,获得良好的脊柱灵活性(不同体型可能需要修改)
- 锻炼大腿、臀部和核心肌肉,无需拱起或拉伤下背部
- 不要忘记脉冲,获得更多燃烧🔥

3. 美人鱼侧弯
- 斜肌锻炼性感的侧腰线
- 保持胸部和臀部朝向同一方向

4. 卷腹
- 锻炼核心肌肉,以 C 形脊柱向后滚动
- 放松颈部和肩部,专注于腹肌锻炼,以 C 形脊柱上下滚动
- 将每条腿抬到桌面,让锻炼更有趣,这也会挑战您的臀部稳定性和核心肌肉!


WhatsApp: 52889893



1. kneeling glutes
- Sexy bum and your total body working too
- Core engaged throughout, remain hip square
- Squeeze the glutes to kick the leg back
- Add pulses for more fun and challenge!

2. single leg bridge
- Bored with the normal hip roll? Single leg add the challenge and fun!
- Articulate the spine for a good spine mobility (modification might be required for different body)
- Engage thigh, glutes and core without arching or straining the lower back
- Not forgetting pulses for more burn 🔥

3. Mermaid side bend
- obliques work for that sexy side waist line
- Keep the chest and hip facing to the same direction

4. Round back
- Engage the core to roll back in a c shape spine
- Relax the neck and shoulder, focus on the abs engagement as you roll up and down with your c shape spine
- Spice it up by lifting each leg to table top, it challenges your hip stability and core as well!









WhatsApp :852 52889893




以下是普拉提對衝浪者有益的 5 個原因🏄‍♀️

1. 增強核心穩定性和力量
2. 鍛鍊靈活性和柔韌性
3. 培養強烈的專注感
4. 建立結構化的運動模式
5. 有助於降低受傷風險



WhatsApp: 52889893



☀️Summer ☀️is coming, Are you ready for 🏄‍♀️Wakesurf?

We find that Pilates is a great way to create a strong base from which to work when on the water. Here are 5 reasons why Pilates is great for surfers.

1. Builds Core Stability and Strength
2. Works on Mobility and Flexibility
3. Creates a Strong Sense of Focus
4. Builds Structured Movement Patterns
5. Helps to Reduce the Risk of Injury

So if you’re a surfer and you haven’t added Pilates to your training routine, I highly recommend giving it a go and seeing if this helps with your form and focus when you’re out surfing.🏄‍♀️

WhatsApp: 52889893

Photos from Be Plus's post 22/06/2024



2. *[50及100堂獎賞]*💯
只要上滿50/100堂, 即可獲得小禮物/免費團體課堂一節

3. *[介紹朋友優惠]*👋
(Group) 朋友試堂後買10堂或以上, 舊會員可獲贈1堂
(Pilates 1on1) 朋友試堂後買20堂, 舊會員可獲贈1堂
(Gyro 1on1) 朋友試堂後買15堂, 舊會員可獲贈1堂



WhatsApp 52889893


限時優惠Sale 💗 520浪漫價給你

浪漫的520 即將到來,在這個浪漫💕的日子裡,何不約定愛💖身邊的人,也愛💖自己。

是否正在花心思準備禮物送給另一半、親人、BBF或者🤔犒勞自己,Be Plus 都一樣以摯愛價獻給你。


自愛的美好,你值得擁有,我們的pilates 和 GYROTONIC ®️ 一對二 半私人課程現正熱賣中,即Get520限定優惠:

Pilates 1:2 Trial:$520/2位

Gyro 1:2 Trial: $799 /2位





確保學員的安全,Be Plus 建議遲到⏰15分鐘的客人不應該進入課室,我們十分理解一些特殊原因遲到的學員⏰,而為學員做特殊安排,在當天有空缺的課程中繼續以上課程。

珍惜每一分鐘的運動時間,充分享受充滿活力的普拉提體驗! 💚

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

⏰ The first 15 minutes of a Pilates group class are crucial for warming up your muscles and core, reducing the risk of injury during the workout.

Be Plus advises that guests arriving 15 minutes late ⏰ should not enter the class for safety reasons. However, special arrangements can be made for late students to join another available class on the same day.

Enjoy your energetic Pilates experience! 💚

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui



Be Plus 明白運動習慣需要時間培養,為猶豫不決的你特別推出3月、4月限時優惠:

🔥 *[Weekly pass]*
兩星期內任選4堂 $799
只限非繁忙時段9:00-17:00的課堂 (不包括18:00及之後的課堂)
**新舊客均可限買兩次 (3/4月)⬅️

我們督促你,為你制定keep fit 週記,你會更有動力改變自己!

優惠受條款約束,Be Plus 保留最終決定權。

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


Be Plus understands that building a consistent exercise routine can be challenging.

That’s why we‘re offering special promotions for March and April to help you overcome your hesitation and experience a variety of classes.

🔥 *[Weekly Pass]*
▪️4 classes in 2 weeks for $799
▫️Limited to first 50 participants
▪️Valid for non-peak hours (9:00-17:00) classes only (excluding classes after 18:00)
▫️*Non-extendable validity period
▪️**Available for both new and existing customers, limited to two purchases per person (March and April)⬅️

Promotion subject to terms and conditions. Be Plus reserves the right to make the final decision.

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


fit fit 同享 推薦[友]賞⭐️

為答謝客戶的支持,並鼓勵客戶將這一健康運動分享給身邊的朋友,Be Plus 推出獎賞活動,即日起只要你成功推薦朋友購買課程,同樣你可以獲得相同購買課程類型獲贈一堂免費的相關課堂!🤩


🔹團課: 朋友試堂後成功購買10堂或以上, 推薦者可獲贈1堂
🔹普拉提1 對1: 朋友試堂後買20堂, 推薦者可獲贈1堂
🔹婵柔1對1: 朋友試堂後買15堂, 推薦者可獲贈1堂

☀️Influence life with life


📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

fit fit Sharing & Referral Rewards🩵

To express our gratitude for your support and encourage you to share this healthy exercise with your friends, Be Plus is launching a rewarding campaign. Starting today, whenever you successfully refer a friend to purchase a course, you will also receive a free class of the same! 🤩

More referrals, More rewards! No limit!

🔹Group Classes: Friend buys 10+ classes after trial = You get 1 free class.
🔹Pilates 1-on-1: Friend buys 20+ classes after trial = You get 1 free class.
🔹Gyro 1-on-1: Friend buys 15+ classes after trial = You get 1 free class.
*Free classes must be used within 1 month.*

☀️ Influence life with life

Share your Pilates journey and inspire more friends and family to embrace a healthy lifestyle!

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

® #尖沙咀 #普拉提香港


即將到來的3月8號 國際婦女節,是值得關注的日子,我們追求平等同樣重視女性價值
在此知名運動品牌Sweaty Betty與Be Plus 舉辦一次聯合活動,
日期:3月8日 19:00/20:00
1,Sweaty Betty禮物
2,Be Plus 心意禮物
如有任何爭議,Be Plus 將保留最終決定權,包括隨時暫停、更改或終止活動及其條款及細則,而毋須另行通知。

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

Join us for a special collaboration between Sweaty Betty and Be Plus on March 8th, International Women’s Day.

Attend our group Pilates class and receive exclusive gifts from Sweaty Betty and Be Plus.

New and existing customers can also enjoy a discount on group classes purchased on the day.

Limited spots available, register now! Be Plus reserves the right to make final decisions regarding the event.

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


📝必收藏 🔖

旅行✈️期間暴飲暴食,又沒辦法到Be Plus練習運動?不用焦慮,
今天我們的導師Nathalie 與你分享一套居家動作,只要一條彈力帶,一樣能達到reformer效果,享受旅行的樂趣,同樣不會鬆懈練習!


🌟Down Bicycle
🌟Hip & knee extension
🌟Curl Back + Biceps Curl


腿部塑形| 線條緊致| 練出大長腿


📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


📝 Save for health 🔖

During your travels ✈️, if you find yourself overeating and unable to exercise at Be Plus, there‘s no need to worry. Today, our instructor Nathalie is sharing a home workout routine with you. With just a resistance band, you can achieve the effects of a reformer and enjoy the pleasures of traveling without neglecting your exercise routine!

These are three simple exercises that will activate your abdominal, waist, back, and arm muscles:

🌟 Down Bicycle
🌟 Hip & knee extension
🌟 Curl Back + Biceps Curl

✅ Performing these exercises unilaterally will further challenge your anti-rotation muscles, strengthen your muscles 💪🏼, and help slim down your legs and waist.

Leg shaping | Firming lines | Achieve long and slim legs

🩵 Beginners: 10-15 per set
🩵 Experienced: 20-30 per set

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


🧹 不要塌腰
🧹 不要聳肩
🧹 不要縮頸
🧹 收緊核心



📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


🧹 No slumping
🧹 No shrugging
🧹 No straining the neck
🧹 Engage the core

These are the secret incantations of Pilates instructors 🪄, helping you maintain proper form and prevent any adverse effects during exercise. By following these spells, you’ll maximize the benefits for your body and stay safe from exercise-related injuries.

Let’s experience the magic of Pilates together! 💫

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


「我以為」的普拉提導師 Vs 「實際上」的普拉提導師


📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

“I thought” Pilates instructor vs. “In reality” Pilates instructor

Our instructors have their own unique characteristics, our instructor team is culturally diverse, and our instructors have different styles. We:

💋 Sometimes focus on beauty
🤓 Sometimes are serious
🤪 Sometimes are fun

We bring out all the tricks to challenge your limits, push you out of your comfort zone, and your hard work is our pleasure 😜

Let’s progress together and grow together!

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui






📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

Developing an exercise routine gradually!

Improve your physical health and gain self-confidence.

Instead of envying others’ physique and abilities, it’s better to strive for our own health and self-assurance. When we see the changes that exercise brings, we can reaffirm our self-worth and gradually achieve our desired goals!

Start the new change today.

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


練習 Pilates 時,你會係發出各種有趣的聲音嗎?其實是你我努力盡力的證明,或者你有更多好玩聲音,不妨與我們分享💪🐷🐵🚀

: 52889893

When practicing Pilates, do you make various funny sounds?
Actually, those sounds are a testament to our efforts and determination. Or maybe you have some more fun sounds to share with us? Let‘s embrace the journey together!💪🐷🐵🚀

Call us at 52889893
7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive,
Tsim Sha Tsui


🐾Yuki 是一隻在IG有十幾萬粉絲的明星狗狗,時常會陪伴主人Angel 來到Be Plus做Pilates ,每次來Be Plus,她總是給我們帶來很多歡笑,她很安靜、有耐心的待在一個小角落,深情的凝視著主人的一舉一動,從來不會打擾到其他客人,讓我們覺得她不可思議,如果你有一天來Be Plus幸運的偶遇Yuki,請和她打個招呼,她一定會很友好的給你熱情的回應!☺️

我們致力於營造一個歡樂和有溫度的Pilates Studio ,加入我們,讓Pilates 成為你健康生活的一部分! ⭐️

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


🐾Yuki is a celebrity dog with over a hundred thousand followers on Instagram. She often accompanies her owner, Angel, to Be Plus for Pilates sessions. Every time they come to Be Plus, Yuki brings so much joy to everyone around. She quietly and patiently stays in a corner, gazing affectionately at her owner’s every move, never disturbing other clients. We find her incredible. If you‘re lucky enough to meet Yuki at Be Plus, please say hello to her. She will warmly respond with friendliness. ☺️

We are committed to creating a joyful and welcoming Pilates Studio. Join us and make Pilates a part of your healthy lifestyle! ⭐️

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui





📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

We share a fulfilling and joyful day at the reception, believing that our energetic and passionate employees create a healthy atmosphere for health-conscious guests. Sometimes, we may have imperfect performance, but we often receive understanding and support from our lovely customers.

Your encouragement and support drive our progress. We will strive to maintain polite service and a pleasant working environment to provide you with better service.

We will continue to share more about our lovely lives and the stories behind our employees and instructors. 🫶🏼

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui



一起收獲健康 越來越好 💪🏼

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

Pilates is suitable for you and your mom to exercise together, investing in your future health and staying youthful and energetic.

It‘s the best mother-daughter relationship where I witness your growth, and you witness my beauty.

Being both family and close friends, we accompany each other and reap the benefits of good health, getting better and stronger together. 💪🏼

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

#香港 #普拉提 #普拉提香港


手臂Bye Bye肉很難減?教你3個普拉提動作,強化上肢,收緊手臂綫條,鍛鍊背部肌肉,在家裡也可以輕鬆練🤗

導師Yvonne 示範器械與居家都可以練習的三個動作進行3-5組,每組15-20次。



KO 手臂粗壯、KO副乳,KO圓肩和駝背,留意Be Plus 一起健康美麗不走彎路

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

Bye Bye Arm Fat difficult to reduce? I’ll teach you 3 simple Pilates to strengthen your upper body, tone your arms, and improve your back muscles. You can do these exercises at home with or without equipment. 🤗

Instructor Yvonne demonstrates the exercises for 3-5 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.

Consistency is key, and you‘ll start seeing results in just one week. No need to worry if you don’t have dumbbells; water bottles can be used as a substitute.

Say goodbye to bulky arms, underarm flab, rounded shoulders, and hunchback. Let‘s prioritize health and beauty with Be Plus!!

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

#普拉提核心床 #運動 #圓肩駝背 #直角肩 #減脂塑形


⭐️新手友好 Annie 帶你完整解構
「reformer pilates」👈🏼

Pilates 是一項具有較多術語和專業動作編排的運動,作為一位新手,一開始上課,你可能會手忙腳亂,感覺自己很難跟上團體課程的節奏和老師的指令?😣

😉在這段Video ,我們為你準備了一些Reformer 器械名稱的小知識,讓做足功課和準備,讓你游刃有餘專注練習。

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


⭐️Beginner-friendly: Annie guides you through a complete deconstruction of “reformer pilates.”👈🏼

Pilates is an exercise method that involves various terminology and specialized movement sequences. As a beginner, when you first attend a class, you may feel overwhelmed and find it challenging to keep up with the pace of the group and the instructor’s commands.

😉In this video, we have prepared some knowledge about the names of the equipment used in reformer pilates. This will help you do your homework and be well-prepared, allowing you to practice with ease and focus.

📞 Call us at 52889893
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui




在38-40度的熱能環境中做普拉提,能夠促進血液循環加速新陳代謝,💦排毒➕燃脂 促進血液循環
🏋🏻 促進新陳代謝和提高氧氣利用率來促進減肥








📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層

Get ready for our "Infrared Pilates" class! Doing Pilates in a 38-40℃ hot environment can accelerate blood circulation, detoxify, and burn fat, promoting weight loss. By raising your body temperature, you can increase metabolism and oxygen utilization.

Here are three tips to make winter the best time for your weight loss journey:
1. Start with your diet: Drink ginger tea to warm up and reduce water retention. Include meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts in your meals.
2. Foot soaks and baths: Soak your feet in warm water to boost blood circulation, or take a bath to enhance overall circulation.
3. Warm-up exercises: Stay active with activities like brisk walks, jogging, cycling, or indoor exercises like jumping rope.

Join our "Infrared Pilates" class at Be Plus and let's achieve our fitness goals together this winter! 💪💕

📞: 52889893
📍 7/F, Yoo Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui


Text neck(簡訊脖)是個新興名詞,都市人生活中連續幾小時低頭看手機、平板電腦等手持設備,導致施加給脊椎的壓力不斷累積,最終給背部造成永久性傷害。長時間收發簡訊、微信、和流覽網頁,我們有機會患上text neck


💁🏻‍♂️Be Plus 物理治療師Felix提醒大家:放下手機,拯救你的脖子!讓我們一起遠離text neck,調整自己坐姿與站姿,遠離富貴包、烏龜頸🐢

在接下來的系列中,我們會與Felix 一起和大家分享一些居家簡單小動作,請密切留意👀

📞: 52889893
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


Title: Say Goodbye to Text Neck! Tips from a Physiotherapist

Text neck, a newly coined term, refers to the strain on the spine caused by continuously looking down at handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets for hours on end. This repetitive stress can lead to permanent damage to the back. Engaging in prolonged texting, using messaging apps, and browsing the web increases the risk of developing text neck.

Our head weighs around 4 to 5 kilograms, and when we constantly look down, our neck struggles to support the weight of the head. It’s similar to holding a heavy object away from the body using only the arm—the further it is from the body, the heavier it feels.

💁🏻‍♂️ Felix, a physiotherapist from Be Plus, reminds us: Put down your phone and save your neck! Let‘s together prevent text neck by adjusting our sitting and standing postures and avoiding the infamous ”tech neck“ 🐢.

In the upcoming series, we will be sharing some simple home exercises and tips with Felix. Stay tuned and keep an eye out! 👀

📞 Call us at 55086331
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park
Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

#物理治療 #烏龜頸 #烏龜頸救星 #改善低頭族的問題 #運動治療 #普拉提運動治療 #尖沙咀


導師Cherry 擁有令所有女生都嚮往擁有的蜜桃臀曲線,全靠她經常練習Pilates 保持身材,在這裏,我們很高興與她一起為大家分享如何用Pilates reformer和居家練習,都可以練出完美曲線,希望你可以有所收穫🥰

- 名稱:橋式Hip Bridges
- 器械:普拉提床
- 姿勢:仰臥中立位,雙臂放在身體兩側,腹部平坦收緊。保持鎖骨延伸,目光朝向膝蓋方向。吸氣,不動,呼氣時通過臀肌發力,將臀部抬起,同時保持腹部平坦,不要過度壓頸椎。
- 組數:2-3組,每組15-20次

- 名稱:側分腿滑冰(Skater)
- 姿勢:單腿支撐,另一腿的腳尖踩在滑車上。身體俯身,屈髖屈膝,脊柱延伸,腹部收緊,鎖骨展開。將重心轉移到支撐腿上。
- 組數:2-3組,每組15-20次


Instructor Cherry, who possesses the enviable peach-shaped curves that every woman desires, attributes her figure to regular Pilates practice. Here, we are thrilled to share with you how to achieve perfect curves using Pilates reformer and home exercises. We hope you can benefit from it! 🥰

Improving the Appearance of Wide Hips and Saggy Glutes - Activating the Glute Muscles

No. 1️⃣
- Name: Bridge Hip Bridges
- Equipment: Pilates Reformer
- Position: Lie on your back with arms by your sides, maintaining a flat and engaged abdomen. Keep your collarbones extended and gaze towards your knees. Inhale and exhale as you engage your glutes to lift your hips, maintaining a flat abdomen and avoiding excessive pressure on the neck.
- Sets: 2-3 sets, 15-20 repetitions per set

No. 2️⃣
- Name: Skater
- Position: Support yourself on one leg while placing the tip of the other foot on the carriage of the reformer. Lean forward, flexing your hips and knees, while extending your spine and engaging your abdominal muscles. Shift your weight onto the supporting leg.
- Sets: 2-3 sets, 15-20 repetitions per set

⭐️ These exercises can help improve the appearance of wide hips and saggy glutes while activating the glute muscles and enhancing the curves of your buttocks. Feel free to save and practice these exercises!

#香港 #香港普拉提 #居家運動


我們不斷創新,為客人提供多元素新體驗,滿足你更多的需求。在團體課程房A房,我們不僅有常見的核心床Reformer ,更增加了穩踏椅wunde chair 這一器械




📞: 55086331
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


🆙We constantly innovate to provide our clients with diverse and new experiences that cater to their needs. In our Group Class Room A, we not only have the popular Core Bed Reformer but also added the Wunda Chair to our equipment.

🔹Reformer: A versatile equipment that strengthens core muscles, enhances balance and flexibility, and improves posture.

🔹Wunda Chair: Provides additional support and stability, suitable for various seated, standing, and stretching exercises, targeting core and full-body muscles.

Elevate yourself and experience a unique Pilates class.

Call us at 55086331
📍 7/F, Yue Hwa International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

#普拉提 #團體 #普拉提核心床 #普拉提椅


來自馬來西亞的新晉導師Annie 充滿活力又熱情洋溢!令你在冬日的早晨課程後充滿能量,積極開啟新一天!
加入冬日的Morning Class ,與Annie 來一場普拉提的約會!




Introducing Annie, an energetic and enthusiastic emerging instructor from Malaysia! She will fill you with energy and enthusiasm after your morning class, making you ready to start your day on a positive note!

Join us for the Winter Morning Class and Let’s date with Annie in Pilates!

Our morning class is available from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

🎄Christmas limited-time offer is now officially launched!

For more details, please contact:
📍7th Floor, Whole Floor, Yue Wah International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.

#普拉提 #普拉提器械 #香港 #香港普拉提 #尖沙咀


臨近聖誕節,要出席不同活動Party ,想Keep 住靚靚狀態示人,保持最佳狀態的必勝秘訣!就是與BFF一齊來練習Pilates ➕嬋柔。

Be Plus 了解你的需求:
🎁 購買任何嬋柔➕Pilates課程,即可享有聖誕限定優惠!🎉🎁

🎉即日起Join Pilates Class 更可獲得Morii Girls 11月19號粉絲見面簽名會活動門票🎫 名額有限,送完即止!

立即預訂你的Pilates➕GYROTONIC ® 課程, 做Party 上最靚的你!👸✨🎉

📞: 55086331
📍 尖沙咀九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大廈7樓全層


With the upcoming Christmas and various party events to attend, want to keep your stunning appearance and be in the best shape to impress.

The winning secret to achieving that is to practice Pilates and GYROTONIC ® with your BFF.

🎁 Purchase any GYROTONIC ® + Pilates class and enjoy exclusive Christmas offers! 🎉🎁

❤️ Additional Surprise ❤️
🎉 Starting today, joining our Pilates Class will grant you a ticket to the Morii girls Fans Meeting on November 19th! 🎫
Limited spots available. , while supplies last!🔥

Book your Pilates + GYROTONIC ® now and be the most gorgeous one at the party! 👸✨🎉

📞 Call us at 55086331
📍 7/F, Yue Wah International Building, 1 Kowloon Park Drive, Tsim Sha Tsui

® #普拉提 #婵柔 #尖沙咀 #香港

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Videos (show all)

妳很想來Be Plus體驗普拉提課程,卻因為種種原因而遲遲未踏出第一步,又或者在運動的時候總是很難堅持下去?其實每個人都會有惰性,有時候需要導師推我們一把,才能讓我們持之以恆的堅持健康生活!在這裏,我們整理了幾個為什麼你需要一個私人教練的理...
Serena 是一位潛水愛好者,今天她@serenang0218 為各位示範普拉提經典動作中的:[The Swan Dive] 在準備潛水之前,來我們Studio練習這個動作可以避免在運動中避免受傷及有更好的潛水表現🤿,下面我們為大家講解這...
📝必收藏📝最近和閨蜜👯‍♀️一起相約海灘🏖️船P的次數越來越多,有發現她們都在偷偷變得體態更好更緊緻嗎?今天,我們的新晉導師 Smile 就來告訴這個偷偷變瘦的秘密🤫🤫為大家示範三組在Studio 和居家都可以練習的動作!         ...
今天,我們為大家分享倪樂琳 Ellyn 的普拉提日常,為保持體態與身材的Ellyn,練習普拉提時的專注與自律時常感染到我們,加上她開朗有禮的性格受到導師和員工的歡迎,給我們注入更多活力和正能量如果你也想擁有優雅體態與緊致身材,不妨將普拉提融...
📨必收藏📨馬甲線必現普拉提神奇動作!夏天到來,我們總是迫不及待的嚮往沙灘🏝️陽光☀️,此時正是瘦身、運動的好時機,在這裏,我們為你推薦在studio 和家裡都能輕鬆keep fit 的經典動作,姐妹們快快收藏起來吧!新手姐妹每個動作2組,每...
**身心合一,活力雙現**普拉提是一種全面的身心鍛鍊方法,能夠提升身體靈活性和協調力,同時也能促進心理健康,幫助你找到內心的平靜與力量。 通過深呼吸、精准動作和注意力集中,普拉提將你的身心完美結合,幫助你獲得活力四射的身體和寧靜平和的內心。...
☀️夏天來臨☀️又是玩Wakesurf🏄‍♀️的季節,見到別人玩得又型又專業,覺得這項運動太難,與自己很有距離感?我們發現普拉提是一種很好的方式,可以為水上運動打下堅實的基礎。以下是普拉提對衝浪者有益的 5 個原因🏄‍♀️1. 增強核心穩定...
💯必收藏💯  又到了我們分享居家動作的時候了!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼長期坐在電腦前,赴案工作8小時,令身心疲憊,我們為你分享幾個普拉提動作,令你舒緩壓力、減輕痛症,人都精神多了!收藏起來,即使在辦公室亦可以練習起來!新手姐妹👯‍♀️每個動作2組X4 ...
👀躺著也能跳 !🔥坐著也能瘦!😆😜普拉提團體課程【 Jump Board】 ➕ 【 Chair 】 👋夏天想減肥的姐妹看過來👀Reformer 利用跳板Jumpboard也可以加上動態有氧訓練进行间歇性的跳跃运动,达到增强肌肉力量、耐力和心...
在練習普拉提時,專業的導師非常注重動作的準確性與控制力。因此,在練習過程中導師會示範正確的姿勢和動作並給予指導,以達到普拉提的最佳訓練效果。在這裡,我們與各位分享幾個要點:1. 正確的姿勢和動作:普拉提非常強調正確的身體對齊和動作,以避免受...




Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00
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