Balance the yang with the yin.
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Wing Chun. Tai chi. Xing yi quan. Liang yi quan. Practical internal martial arts in Hong Kong. Tr
Operating as usual
開拳 Hoi Kuen
Hoi kuen is Cantonese for ‘opening fist’ or starting a form, if taken literally, or more often it means starting or opening the door to a style. It can also mean ‘the introduction’ or first lesson.
It has both literal and symbolic meaning, and is more a practice in southern styles (at least I haven’t heard this phrase used in the many northern styles I study). In practice, it literally means the first lesson, the introduction, or the to start the first form. It can be viewed as the introduction to the style, or introducing the student into the style. It may be something as simple as teaching them how to get into the horse stance, or holding a fist. In the olden days there were no videos . Everything was shown from scratch.
Traditionally, ‘hoi kuen’ was done by the sifu himself, or by a senior student appointment by the sifu. As it is the students first session, no one will dare to teach him/her until the sifu tells them to do so. Also it is better if the sifu welcomes them into the style. Sometimes there were red packets, sometimes not.
I know some of you may ask ‘doesn’t every style have a ‘first lesson’?’ Yes. But it’s not taken in the same way as in the southern styles. The person who ‘hoi kuen’ for you will forever hold significance. For example, even the old masters now will say things like ‘oh sifu hoi kuen for me’ or ‘oh when I started it was xyz si hing who hoi kuen for me’. Or to show seniority, some might like to say ‘who? Him? I was the one who helped him hoi kuen’.
I thought I would just share this peculiar piece of traditional ‘idea’ with you, as I reminisce when my wing chun sifu first hoi kuen for me 24 years ago, as I am ‘hoi kuen’ for my student now to introduce her into the school of wing chun.
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Been too busy to post. Currently in Beijing for a training trip. Training with my long time Liang Yi Quan sifu, and also Tong bei. Been a fruitful trip. Lots of training to come this year! This video is zhi jing - straight punch of liang yi quan
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Major jings vs Minor jings
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To be able to practice fajing, one has to be very focussed in training. It is very hard to get good if you (especially when your first start) try to mix the fajing methods of different styles when you first start to learn. However after you have achieved some level of attainment with one method, it is ok to expand your arsenal with different mechanics. It can be through different styles, or different focusses on the same style.
I always say that sometimes the most advanced topics of one style, might be the basic topic of another. Sometimes changing the focus adds to your primary focus. It was just a choice form the founder as to where the training should start.
The method of power generation depends on the body type, style, personality etc. However, each style has its ‘fundamental’ method. Xing yi is based on structure, liang yi is based on ‘dou jing’ shaking power. Tai chi is based on sinking or expanding powers. The theme runs through the system. These are the ‘major jing’ - the primary method of the style. However some styles also have drills for other methods, like the video here. This drill is from Xue Dian style xing yi - snake form. It practices whipping power. One may look at it and say ‘where’s the frame? Where’s the xing yi?’. This is an example of a ‘Minor jing’ or minor focus of the style. It isn’t always used in the system, but also exists.
So keep an open mind, and don’t rush to conclusions when you see something that looks a bit different to what you expect !
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Tai chi application
Holding the ball
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This video is an idea of applying ‘holding the ball’ in tai chi. It is often overlooked as a technique because it’s is a ‘transition’ and not a ‘technique’.
Tai chi is a conceptual martial art, as such it is more important to understand the underlying concept behind the techniques than to rigidly apply the technique. Tai chi is about using and dissolving power, and playing with your own and your opponents levers and centre of gravity to create an effect (or technique)
For example this ‘technique’ teaches you to apply torque to an opponent by using opposite forces (push/pull) at the same plane, and then removing the point of stability so the opponent falls into ‘emptiness’.
These leverages can be applied anywhere, so long as they create an effect.
Remember. The form teaches you about yourself, and partner work teaches you the relationship between you and your partner
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
First chi sau session of 2024!
Just some snippets of the first session in 2024. There were a couple more people, but hey, some are camera shy 😏
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
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Happy new year!
Every year, in the first couple months I always focus on revisiting fundamentals. I try to re learn and discover more and more out of these fundamentals because the a little improvement here will lead to massive improvements in the ‘later stages’
My January is always focussed on basics punches/kicks, and a form of my choice.
This is the Ba - Shi form from xing yi quan, probably my favorite form in the system. First time I learned it was around 2005-7! So many layers to it. This video is mostly a log for myself to see where I’m at now. And where I will get to after a month or two of working on fundamentals and this form!
Do you have a yearly training cycle?
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
It’s the end of the year! It’s the time to be thankful for all the teachers, students, friends, posts, memes that have inspired you to improve this year! Happy new year and may your kung fu powers grow 😎
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

I've just reached 8K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each and every one of you. 🙏🤗🎉
Shao jie ling jing
Leading power with the distal
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The basics of many internal arts is ‘whole body power’ I’ve spoken about the variations and types of whole body power many times, but this time I want to talk about a slightly advanced topic
Many people, when discussing whole body power are still at the fundamental (basic) level of ‘power comes from
The ground, through the legs/hips/spine to the arms . Yes! That is right but not everything! Many practical internal stylists will know this kinetic chain is way too long! The opponent will be long gone by the time you do a full kinetic chain (of course if you have the chance do the ‘power punch’.
This is where leading force (where you use to lead the power) and multiple ‘jing’ sources come into play. Today I only talk about the first.
If we stay on the idea of a full kinetic chain, the base of the whip is at the ground, and the end is at the hand. Now imagine a whip that only goes from thick to thin. When you whip it, it has power, but lacks crispness, precision, concentration, and power. Now if you look at a whip, it always ends with a little ‘k**b’ that’s a bit bigger an heavier than the tail end. This is what gives the whip its crack, and aim!
If you only do ground to arm, you have the whip with no k**b or end. In the video I demonstrate a way to create that ‘k**b’ or make the end ‘heavier’ so the jing is more crisp/ and much quicker. You generate power from the ground as well as some power from the fingers.
Give this a try, pick any movement.
Generate from ground up and throw the arm out like a normal punch
Do the same, but this time, grab you fingers a little (fingers go from loose to a bit tense). Going from loose to firm fajing as well. See if it changes the crispness, precision and speed.
Let me know how it goes !
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Huang/waving in internal styles 2
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Last week I mentioned that wave power is trained in opposing powers, and demonstrated an up/down drill.
This week is another angle, the left right direction.
Treat this more as an exercise, because I know people will start asking what it’s good for in a fight and I don’t want to get into that argument.
If you view it as a movement drill, to be able to generate a wave in this direction, you need to simultaneously or sequentially be able to open/close the chest, shake/twist the waist, loosen the shoulder, wave the power along the limbs, and generate power from the ground. Otherwise you will look stiff and rigid
As I’ve mentioned before, many fighters have ‘movement coaches’ to train their body to be able to move in more ways than the gym
Or fighting drills can give you. As a result you have better control over your body, and more angles to do things from.
So, treat it as a mobility drill :)
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

Just uploaded a full 11 min video - Xing yi 5 elements teaching footage on YouTube!
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Xing yi quan teaching footage - 5 elements (形意拳) Hey guys!In this video I go through the 5 elements with 2 visitors from Russia. This is more a summary of what I showed them. Hopefully this gives you an i...
Huang/waving in internal styles
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This type of power is often described as ‘waving’ power. However often it gets over complicated and dramatised into dance like movements.
Different to the more linear types of power generation, to create wave like power (either by you, or onto the opponent), one needs to break up the movement into parts to train.
Waving power is like the power of opposites. A wave has a crest and a trough. Up and down is a vertical wave , left and right is a horizontal one. Forward and backward is a wave in the frontal dimension, and a diagonal is a slight combination of everything. When combined, it creates a complex movement in all directions.
To train wave movement, start with exaggerating a direction, then go the opposite direction, then generate power in the first. Like push/pull/push in front/back, and up/down/up etc. don’t try anything complicated, just do 2 directions first, then add on!
Let me know how it goes!
(I’m just talking about wave power in terms of my definition, I’m sure there are other ways to describe this power)
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

Wanted to share this picture because it encompasses everything that is martial arts in one moment. and flew over from Moscow to come train in Hong Kong, and wanted to meet different sifus and experience the HK kung fu circle. So after doing some sessions with me I took them to meet some of my sifus.
We had a sit down and chat with my sifu Lau Biu, and even though we spanned generations, had language and cultural differences, we were able to connect through martial arts.
We spent a lot of time talking martial arts, and a lot of wisdom was passed down in a meaningful conversation!
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
3 expressions of Peng
On teaching/sharing openly
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I was chatting with a couple sifus in hk, and a few of them asked if I was worried that people will ‘steal all my stuff’ or just copy them. I said at the time my stuff isn’t worth copying, and there’s no such thing as stealing.
I would like to quote a reply to this from a master I spoke with a while back:
‘You need to think why those like to teach with a closed mind
I am an ocean, with depth and width so immense. You can take as much as you want and I can give it all.
Now imagine those who don’t. They might have enough water to fill a cup. If they give it to you they will have none left. ‘
I think this is both wise and also confidence in one’s own knowledge and ability. Now imagine those who think if you steal everything they have nothing left.
In another conversation my friend said he was so busy learning and training that sometimes ‘his cup is full’. As a joke I said if the cup is full get a bucket. He said he has an Olympic pool now . Maybe eventually one day we can have knowledge and skill as wide and deep as the ocean.
In the meantime feel free to take from my swimming pool 🤣
The video is 3 expressions of peng jing, but it can have unlimited expressions.
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Chow gar praying mantis
Hoi moon bat s*k (開門八式)
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In my previous post i mentioned I spent most of my time training the northern styles where tai chi, liang yi, and xing yi form the basis of my power generation and shenfa (body movement), and wing chun forms a technique base .
I have spent significant effort in 2 other southern styles though, namely Choy mok pai and chow gar praying mantis.
As an internal style guy, I have to say chow gar has got to be one of the more ‘internal’ of the southern styles. Its main focus is on developing the body (internally, with specific effects that are effective and can be tested), and internal power.
It has a big curriculum of chi gong, all of which has results that will come (unlike some other chi gong where you can claim to see health benefits in 80 years 🤣). Of course the chi gong is mostly martial.
A lot of people judge other styles by their viewpoint only. When I call chow gar internal, many people may think it’s not. But what is internal anyways 😏.
With its wide set of internal strengthening methods and deep understanding and control of the human body, I would definitely classify it as an internal style. Just not the same as tai chi or bagua that’s all. But then again xing yi isn’t very tai chi is it?
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Choy mok pai 蔡莫派- been kiu (鞭橋)
Whipping bridge form
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Just went to the annual dinner for this so might as well post a form.
I’ve only ever trained seriously in 3 southern styles (wing chun, Choy mok, chow gar mantis), but my body and personality is more suited for northern style power generation, so I shifted towards those naturally . However for techniques, wing chun and Choy mok pai play quite a big role in my fighting style.
Choy mok pai is a rare style originating in the coastal villages of Hoi Luk Fung, although it contains many forms, the main essence of the style (and therefore class time) is focussed on san sau and 2 person technique training.
There’s a lot of arm glancing (not clashing) that results in very conditioned arms and fists. Also there is an ointment we use during training that helps relieve pain and swelling, and harden bones. Choy mok pai practitioners are known to have an elastic speedy power with an iron bridge.
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

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Guys check out my newest YouTube clip!
Xing yi wu xing Quan - 5 elements fist
Xing yi quan (形意拳)- Wu xing quan/ Five elements fist by kung fu ronin Wu xing quan (五行拳) is the lifelong practice of Xing yi Quan. It is 5 powers expresssed throguh 5 different punches, and teaches body movement, power, body ...
Just found a quite spot and did this 😏.
May the ancestral spirits give me power 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

New YouTube clip is up! -
This video is about 5 key points in wooden dummy training
This is the format I will use to explain concepts, longer, more talking! Hope you enjoy it!
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
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Siu leem tau - the first form of wing chun
Sections 2 and 3
They said wing chun was made for alley fighting 😏. I still pracrice wing chun, the videos just don’t look at pretty that’s all.
Siu lim tau is the fundamental form of wing chun, first first part teaches positioning, and trains elbow power ‘jang dai lik’ and wrist movements. The second part is supposed to be the source of power generating in wing chun in all directions (more on that later). The third part teaches angles and bridge use.
Also, the form must be one of the most boring forms in the world to watch!
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Two methods of practising the spear
‘Tie shen - 貼身‘ and ‘Li shen - 離身’
Full tutorial -
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When practising the spear, we have 2 main handling methods - tie shen ( with the spear sticking to the body) and li shen (with the spear away from the body. There are 2 reasons we practice spear nowadays - to use it for fighting (never happens anymore), or to use it to develop body power.
Since we never use the spear to fight, I’ll just gloss over the fighting aspect. Tie shen allows for a stronger sweep or movement, and allows a stronger defense and attack. Imagine having to sweep through 2-3 spears attacking you, like in war. However there are times when you want the range, and make use of the tip. Also you want to keep the opponent away from you, so you keep range and have the spear leave your body, which is quicker to handle.
As for the body power training, a lot of styles emphasise that the spear needs to stick to the body, so you can use the body to shake or move the spear. This is where tie Shen training comes in. However as you advance, you want to be able to use your body power further and further out. Such that even when the spear is hanging outside, you can use body power. This is where li shen training comes in. Some people might see li Shen and assume it’s ‘all arm power’ but that’s normally when they can’t tell that you are using body power in the li shen method.
I exaggerate a little in my youtube video so you can see clearer!
Let me know how you like my spear tutorials !
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳

New YouTube clip on xing yi spear fundamentals is up!
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Spear Fundamentals - 'Lan Na' directing power with the spear - with KungFuronin In this video I demonstrate 2 ways to do the 2 fundamental movements in spear training - Lan and Na. These are 2 defensive movements, where you deflect an a...
All is one, and one is all
The separate powers and unity
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Just had a conversation the inspired this post. I was asked about the 8 powers of tai chi - peng, lu, ji, an, cai, lie, zhou, kao. He mentioned that his old teacher said, in the beginning you learn the 8 powers, then they become one. This is typical of Chinese ideas. You begin as nothing, or as one, then as you learn more you can separate everything. Then as everything becomes natural, it becomes in everything, every movement, every step, as one thing.
Why do u need so many different ‘powers’ or xiao jings. In this video, there is rising/falling, open/closing, pushing/pulling, coiling/uncoiling, close/far, pushing with the foot/leading with the head. These are all separate powers as well as techniques. But each time you ‘gain a power’ it’s like gaining an ability in a game. You level up your body. Each time you gain a ‘jing’ you become more powerful. That’s what adds layers or depth to your practice.
If I put it in non mystical terms - when you learn a punch. You may just arm punch. Then you learn to add the shoulder extension, wrist turning, twist the waist, step with the foot, time the punch. These are all ‘powers/jing’ except in simpler terms than the 8 ‘powers’
In tai chi the 8 powers are techniques, as well as powers. The techniques serve as a guide to learning about the power, which are not limited to the technique itself.
This is why single movement training is important. Through constant repetition of simple movements, you can find and learn complicated powers that will become natural over the long term. Then they exist in every move, and every time you move you are the style.
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
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Advanced wing chun/vingtsun wooden dummy techniques - issuing and intercepting power drill
Check out my YouTube for a full video!
The wooden dummy is a great tool,and one used by many styles. As with all tools, it is only useful if used effectively. Instead of just bashing at the dummy, I show you two was of releasing and intercepting power on the wooden dummy.
1. Strike the dummy so it bounces back, then use a jut way to intercept the wave so it ‘stops’ or freezes the dummy. The idea of this is to feel when the dummy rocks back, and intercept its path immediately. Do this quickly but don’t rush
2. Jerk the dummy downwards with a jut sau, then borrow the wave when it falls forward to strike . This imitates jerking the opponent down into you, and borrowing that power to hit him - this is concept called 撞門錘 ‘jong moon chui’ or colliding doors, when you borrow the forward energy and u clash into it with your own attack.
Go watch the video if you haven’t yet !
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
Different ways to generate power
Two hand version
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Two handed power generation is a bit different from one hand, and the mechanics are different. I did a one hand version earlier on, so this is a follow up. Although similar mechanics can be used, some work better and some don’t, for example hip rotation can be used, but if you want to generate power equally to both hands, it’s harder to use the waist. If you want different power you can turn your waist accordingly.
You rarely use two handed attacks in real life (pushing someone off a cliff doesn’t count!), so I treat it mostly as a way to generate power and practice body methods.
In the video I demonstrate the shaking (dou jing), frame/structural, and wave methods.
A word of caution I find a lot of people injure their necks when they practice 2 handed fajin. So be careful! A phrase from the tai chi classics - ‘虛領頂勁’ - raise the crown of the head. Is the hint to prevent injury 😏. Let me know if you practice 2 handed fajing!
#功夫 #太極拳 #詠春
#氣功 #形意拳
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