Apollo Krav Maga
Nearby gyms & sports facilities
Kennedy Road
Lamma Island
香港上環 文咸西街 22-28 號 南北行大廈一樓, Sheung Wan
荃灣德士古道62-72號寶業大廈 A座9樓7室
Des Voeux Road
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道505號電業城20樓2009室, Causeway Bay
Apollo Krav Maga are an International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF) affiliated Krav Maga school in Hong Kong. www.ApolloKravMaga.com/contact-us for details. Mr. Ms.
Apollo Krav Maga are an IKMF affiliated Krav Maga club offering courses, seminars and corporate events in Hong Kong. Apollo Krav Maga formed in 2016 and exists to deliver best-of class Krav Maga training in Hong Kong and Asia. All Apollo Krav Maga instructors are certified, at a minimum, as Civilian Krav Maga Instructors under the International Krav Maga Federation, the largest and most respected
Operating as usual
Special offer for Krav Maga Students;
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One of the most comfortable and safest Gum Shields on the market today. Ideal for all Contact Sports/ Martial Arts activities such as; Krav Maga, BJJ, Boxing, Field Hockey, Football, Hockey, Ice Hockey, Kick Boxing, Lacrosse, MMA, Muay Thai, Rugby
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Difference between a self defence / Krav Maga instructor and a Tactical Instructor / CQB What's the difference between a self defence / Krav Maga instructor and a Tactical Instructor / CQB? During my work around the worl...
KravbyJoe 13/2/19@Goji Elite 2030hr-2200hr followed by a drink or three at the Meeting Place(Next to Gym).
Check out this news report; Israeli Tactical School -
Tomer will be in Asia later to conduct TAC 1-6 Level Course in April-May 2019, Thailand. This event is Suitable for all levels including beginners and experts alike.
Interested parties; Message Joseph Lee / PM for registration and details.
Kravbyjoe®️The Difference is Undeniable. Regular classes at Goji Elite; Wednesday evenings 8.30pm. All Level Welcome.
In this clip - the main focus is to react after the initial 'first' attack/stab from the back. One needs to be realistic and understand, that stopping or preventing an attack from the back e.g.Being stabbed first is likely to happen and there is not much one can do to prevent that first stab coming in from the back, especially if taken by surpise.
How one 'reacts' thereafter will make crucial differences on your chances of survival. The key is stop subsequent follow up of stabs (2nd, 3rd, 4th...etc) by the attacker; counterattack and escape.
The technique shown here is more for the advance stages in the different modes of finish from this attack (we have 3-4 modes of finish).
For more details; contact; Warrior Academy for Krav Maga Classes.
Krav by Joe®️ at Warrior Academy,Wednesday Evening 2030-2200hr. All Welcome.
Krav Maga - Practical Self Defence.
There’s a reason why Krav Maga needs to be aggressive ....
Next Event Executive Protection Course 12-18 January 2019, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Israeli Tactical School (ITS)
Applicants from Hong Kong, Macau & China PM here for details & registration.
Next TAC 1-6 Course Jan 2019, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
PM here for details and Registration.
Next Israeli Tactical School TAC 1-6 January 12-16 2019.
Interested parties from Hong Kong, Macau & China PM here for enrolment / Registration.
We also planning a lead up course in November 2018. Watch This Space!
5.11... functional and practical gear..
5.11既大抽獎又嚟啦! 我哋8月25日會喺尖沙咀加拿分道(The One 對出)有Road Show, 時間係13:00 ~ 18:00, 豐富獎品等緊你.
Who want to join the 5.11 lucky draw? We will have Road Show in Carnarvon Road (near by The One), Tsim Sha Tsui on Aug-25 at 13:00~18:00. come to join with us and grain the valuable prizes.
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Hong Kong
暐仴堂提供訓練包括兒童及成人空手道、兒童體適能、成人健身訓練及泰拳。 主要針對兒童大小肌肉發展、手腦及肢體協調等等。另根據成人學員的需要及目標,訂立專屬訓練計劃,達到增肌減脂效果,塑造理想線條。
RM613, Hong Kong Plaza, 188 Connaught Road West, Western District
Hong Kong, 852
Founded in 1988 by Grandmaster Woo, he opened the school with the goal of strengthening the minds of students believing that a stronger mentality will help students grow without limit. Cheung Do Kwan is now one of HK's Top Martial Arts School.