24/7 FITNESS會員專屬禮遇
做做下運動膝關節痛1,2+?不如試試佢! 24/7 FITNESS今次同維固力合作,守護大家關節健康!維固力係一種關節補充產品,可有助延緩膝關節退化3,修復軟骨3。依家做緊會員專屬優惠,憑現金劵買500毫克90粒裝膠囊/ 1500毫克30包裝沖劑,每盒即減$15。現金劵喺全線24/7 分店有得攞啦!想知多少少睇呢邊: https://bit.ly/3ToFMBN
#關節健康 #暉致 #暉若善長健致 #健身
1. Rogers P. How to Do the Leg Press. Available at: https://bit.ly/4be4w5Q. Accessed April 2024.
2. Wong TL, et al. 運動表現期刊. 2017;4(1): 43-52.
3. Sun Y, et al. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020; 15:150.
PM-VIS-24-073105 Aug 2024 ©️2024 VIATRIS-AII Rights Reserved
24/7 Fitness Kwun Tong
Nearby gyms & sports facilities
2C, Capita Trade Centre,
87-105 Chatham Road South
Tsun Yip Street
Tsun Yip Street
Cos Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street ,Kung Tong
觀塘巧明街105號好運工業大廈12D Flt D 12/F Good Luck Ind
Crown Ind Building, 12/F R4, 106 How Ming Street
九龍觀塘巧明街 99 號 巧明工廠大廈
Hoi Yuen Road
誠邀您親臨 24/7 FITNESS 體驗全新服務
We are cordially invited you to enjoy 24/7 FITNESS b
Operating as usual
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行洗水缸,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以下時間暫停食水供應,飲水機、更衣室及洗手間將會受到影響。
2024年9月7日 (星期六) 由上午7時 至 上午9時
Temporary Suspension of Fresh Water Supply for Water Tank Cleansing:
Dear Valued Member:
Due the Water Tank Cleansing, please be noted that the fresh water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary suspended during the below period. The water dispenser, bathrooms & toilets of Kwun Tong Club will be affected.
Date / Time:
7th September, 2024 (Saturday) From 7:00 am To 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
【🎁24/7 FITNESS 會員合約延長 優惠🎁】
🎉好消息🎉24/7 FITNESS感謝大家及各位會員一直以嚟支持同愛戴,我哋推出 “會員合約延長優惠”!由即日起至2024年12月31日,所有24/7 FITNESS嘅會員加簽延長合約 即可享以下回饋優惠:
📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥
✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
-24/7 FITNESS保留更改是次優惠之內容而不先行通知。
-如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行洗水缸,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以下時間暫停食水供應,飲水機、更衣室及洗手間將會受到影響。
2024年6月1日 (星期六) 由上午7時 至 上午9時
Temporary Suspension of Fresh Water Supply for Water Tank Cleansing:
Dear Valued Member:
Due the Water Tank Cleansing, please be noted that the fresh water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary suspended during the below period. The water dispenser, bathrooms & toilets of Kwun Tong Club will be affected.
Date / Time:
1st June, 2024 (Saturday) From 7:00 am To 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
🎉好消息🎉 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店即將完成優化工程,將於5月13日中午12點正式重啟,以嶄新面貌繼續為大家提供更優質健身服務。💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻大家行開觀塘,記住嚟探下我哋!😆
📍想知道更多優惠詳情就快D黎親身了解或 📞📲 致電/WhatsApp 9606 8247查詢及預約參觀試玩!🔥🔥🔥
🎉Great news! 🎉The internal enhancement project at 24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Club has been completed, and we are thrilled to announce that we will be officially reopening on May 13th at 12 noon! We are committed to providing you with even better fitness services in a brand-new setting. 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻
Our newly renovated Kwun Tong Club is now equipped with state-of-the-art fitness facilities. We are open 24 hours a day and have implemented smart and automated systems to ensure that you have the best fitness experience possible. 😊
✨We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support. We warmly invite you to come and experience the incredible offerings of 24/7 FITNESS! 🙇🙇🙇
📍 Act now! For more information, please contact us at 9606 8247 via phone or WhatsApp! 📞📲 🔥
🏪 8/F, South Asia Commercial Center, 64 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
😊Get a FREE Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #免費試玩 #觀塘 #優化工程 #正式重開
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
為提供更優質的服務,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將會進行翻新工程,觀塘店將於4月12日 (星期五) 下午 4時 暫停營業,預計5月上旬恢復營業。
地址:觀塘巧明街94-96號鴻圖中心三樓A & B 室
如有查詢,請致電或WhatsApp 9606 8247與我們聯絡!
Temporary Closure Notice for refurbishment works:
To provide members with a better service, please be informed that the refurbishment works will be carried out, 24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Club will be closed on 12th April (Friday) at 4pm. We will reopen in early May.
Please visit our nearest branch:
24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Second Branch
Address: Shop A & B, 3/F, Hung To Centre, 94-96 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
For enquiries and assistance, please call or WhatsApp us at 9606 8247.
【媒體報導Media Coverage】
感謝TVB News無綫新聞的邀請,24/7 FITNESS的CEO- Ingrid接受《財經透視》的採訪 🎥,當中分享24/7 FITNESS健身室經營理念及健身潮流趨勢的現況。
🎥Special thanks to TVB News《Finance Magazine》for the invitation of our CEO -Ingrid Wong, shared business ideas about the fitness industry trends and her experience in managing 24/7 FITNESS.
📺Let’s check out the interview together!
《財經透視》- 24小時健身市場 (17/2/2024)
#健身 #24小時 #無綫新聞 #財經透視
#全港分店最多 #觀塘 #駿業街
**24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於24/7 FITNESS觀塘店進行翻新工程,更衣室及帶氧運動區有局部位置需要暫時關閉,及後需要關閉整個門店配合裝修工程:
日期:2024年3月18日 (星期一) 至2024年5月上旬
Notice for refurbishment works:
Dear Valued Members,
Due to the refurbishment works of Kwun Tong Club, please note that the changing room and cardio training area will be temporary closed during the following period.
Subsequently, the Kwun Tong Club may be temporarily closed depending on the progress of the construction.
Date/ Time:
From 18th March, 2024 (Monday) To early May 2024
We will try our best to minimize the impact and ensure the usage rights of members.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
📣📣 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店通告📣📣
分店進行預防性消毒塗層工程 暫停營業通告:
24/7 FITNESS為會員創造最安心的健身環境,觀塘店將於以下日期進行預防性消毒塗層工程,以下時段將會暫停營業:
🗓 日期/時間:
由2024年1月26日 (星期五) 晚上11時45分
至2024年1月27日 (星期六) 上午7時00分
📣📣 24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Club Notice 📣📣
Temporary Closure Notice for Preventive Antimicrobial Coatings
Please note that the Kwun Tong Club will be temporarily closed for the application of preventive antimicrobial coatings during the following period.
🗓 Date / Time:
From 26th January, 2024 (Friday) 11:45 pm
To 27th January, 2024 (Saturday) 7:00 am
We strive to do the best for your health. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊
💗24/7 FITNESS 與你一齊迎接新一年💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻!今個聖誕新年我們為大家準備了雙重GIVEAWAY驚喜🎁 嬴取禮物方法好簡單,立即許下來年願望啦🎁:
🍀LIKE & SHARE 24/7 FITNESS香港FB或IG的許願帖,並在帖內留言寫下來年願望及Tag一位朋友,即有機會獲得以下豐富禮品!
🎉體肪測量磅 x 10份
🎉運動按摩槍 x 10份
🎉百老匯禮券 $500 x 20份
🎉男士健膚套裝(ULOS贊助)x 30份
🎉雞胸食品禮劵 $500(Optmeal贊助)x 20份
🤩今年更設有許願卡最佳設計獎20名 (送一個月會籍) ⭐
(⚠️注意: 重覆參加會被篩走⚠️)
🎉旅遊禮劵 $3000 x 5份
🎉Apple Watch Series 9 x 5份
🎉DJI OSMO ACTION 4 運動相機 x 5份
🎉SONY WH-1000XM5無線耳機 x 5份
🎉 Klook $1000禮劵x 80份
🎉一磅裝健身奶粉(Optimum Nutrition贊助)x 100份
🎄活動截止日期: 由2023年12月1日起至2024年1月7日中午12時正!🎁得獎者會有專人inbox 通知!💪🏻
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #健身器材 #優惠 #免費試玩
#聖誕快樂 #節日 #全天候開放 #全港分店最多
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行水管維修工程,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以下時間暫停食水及沖廁水供應,飲水機、洗手間及浴室將會暫停開放。
2023年12月2日 (星期六) 由上午7時 至 上午9時
Temporary Suspension of Fresh & Flush Water Supply:
Dear Valued Member:
Due to the piping repair project of building, please be noted that the fresh & flush water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporarily unavailable during the below period. The water dispenser, toilet & bathrooms of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary closed.
Date / Time:
2nd December, 2023 (Saturday) From 7:00 am To 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
24/7 FITNESS榮獲「傑出連鎖健身中心」大獎!24/7 FITNESS能夠在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出,這肯定了我們所有同事和合作夥伴的付出和努力,並為業界樹立典範。💪🏻
24/7 FITNESS定當繼續力求進步,為各會員提供更優越舒適的環境設施及更優質完善的服務!❤
"01 Gold Medal Awards 2022" ceremony hosted by "HK 01"was successfully held on 27 March 2023. It aims to recognize prominent enterprises with outstanding corporate images within their respective industries. Leaders from a wide range of commercial fields were present to share the occasion. Including finance, banking, insurance, information technology, telecommunications, real estate and public utilities, etc.
24/7 FITNESS is honored to be awarded the “Outstanding Chain Fitness Center”!
We would like to show our deep appreciation to the organizer. As always, we are here to transform the fitness industry and establish a healthy image for everyone. 💪🏻
Thank you for the support from all our members in the past five years, so that we can continue to develop. With the most locations in the region, our 80+ facilities network now covers Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories, Macau and the Mainland. 🙇🏻
We strive to provide the best level of services to our members. Your support is our greatest motivation! ❤
👍🏻Let’s review the highlights of the awards ceremony together:
#健身 #24小時 #全港分店最多 #01企業金勳大獎 #香港01
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
大廈電力檢查測試 暫停營業通告:
由2023年10月21日 (星期六) 晚上11時30分
至2023年10月22日 (星期日) 上午7時00分
於上述工程期間,觀塘店內的電力及公共電力將會暫停供應/服務。24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以上時段暫停營業!
Temporary closure notice due to electricity suspension:
Please be informed that the electrical installation of the building will be inspected and tested as below:
Date/ Time:
From 21st October2023 (Saturday) 11:30 pm
To 22nd October2023 (Sunday) 7:00 am
During the course of work, electricity supply of Kwun Tong Club will be suspended. Please be noticed that 24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Club will be closed during the above period.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
【🎉24/7 FITNESS分店喜訊🎉】
👏🏻恭喜👏🏻 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店教練Davin Yim 💪🏻狀態大勇👍🏻 🏆早前於亞洲自然健美錦標賽 (ANBC) 榮獲以下多個獎項:
🥇男子健體新秀B2組 Champion
🥇男子健體公開C組 2nd Place
🏆 Proud of you 👏🏻🎉🎊
24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業的教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業的服務!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
【🎉24/7 FITNESS Good News🎉】
👏🏻Congratulation to our Kwun Tong Club’s coach Davin Yim! 👏🏻 He has won the following awards💪🏻👍🏻 at Asian Natural Bodybuilding Championship earlier: 💪🏻
🥇Rookie Men's Physique B2 – Champion
🥇Men's Physique Open C - 2nd Place
🏆Proud of you 👏🏻🎉🎊
We are dedicated to provide the best quality of personal training here at 24/7 FITNESS. Coaches are talented and well recognized with their own expertise. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #會籍 #零預繳 #按堂收費 #私人教練 #優惠 #免費體驗 #觀塘 #全港分店最多
**24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於24/7 FITNESS觀塘店進行內部優化工程,以下時段更衣室、儲物櫃區將會暫停開放及店內有局部位置需要關閉:
由2023年6月23日 (星期五) 上午8時
至2023年6月25日 (星期日) 下午6時
Notice for internal enhancement project:
Dear Valued Members,
Due to the internal enhancement project of Kwun Tong Club, please note that the changing room, locker area and parts of the facility will be temporary closed during the following period.
Date/ Time:
From 23th June, 2023 (Friday) 8:00 am
To 25th June, 2023 (Sunday) 6:00 pm
Business will be as usual during the process. We will try our best to minimize the impact and ensure the usage rights of members.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
**24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於24/7 FITNESS觀塘店進行內部優化工程,以下時段更衣室、儲物櫃區將會暫停開放及店內有局部位置需要關閉:
日期:2023年6月23日 (星期五) 至2023年6月24日 (星期六)
Notice for internal enhancement project:
Dear Valued Members,
Due to the internal enhancement project of Kwun Tong Club, please note that the changing room, locker area and parts of the facility will be temporary closed during the following period.
Date/ Time:
From 23th June, 2023 (Friday) To 24th June, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00 am To 6:00 pm
Business will be as usual during the process. We will try our best to minimize the impact and ensure the usage rights of members.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
24/7 FITNESS為推廣全民健身運動普及化,正積極擴大規模 📈🏋🏻,現誠招充滿熱血♥️同理想的您📝,加入24/7 FITNESS大家庭,注入活力同新氣象🏅!
健身教練 – 為每位客人度身訂做健身訓練計劃 📜
有興趣者請將閣下的履歷連同現在及期望薪金透過WhatsApp 9606 8247或電郵至[email protected] 收。
Something BIG is happening📣
To cope with our ever growing network, to promote “sport for all” 🏋🏻 and maintain our high service quality, 24/7 FITNESS needs ambitious talents just like you♥️!
Join our family now if you are:
Fitness Trainer: Customize training programme for our customers.📜
Interested parties can send full resume with current and expected salary to us by WhatsApp 9606 8247/ e-mail ([email protected] ).
#健身 #24小時 #加入我們 #招聘 #健身教練
#運動 #健康 #觀塘
【24/7 FITNESS 伴您風雨同路】
24/7 FITNESS於惡劣天氣警告期間⛈⚡☔仍維持24小時🕰全日開放予會員使用,全年無休。風雨無阻運動的決心!🏋
【24/7 FITNESS stands together with you】
24/7 FITNESS opens 24 hours 🕰, even during severe weather conditions. ⛈⚡☔
No more excuses for laziness! Let’s workout together! 🏋
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #健身器材 #惡劣天氣 #全年無休 #風雨同路 #照常營業 #全港分店最多 #觀塘 #駿業街
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店 Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行食水管維修工程,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店的浴室及洗手間供水將於以下時間暫停供應:
2023年3月4日 (星期六) 由上午7時 至 上午9時
Temporary Suspend water supply:
Dear Valued Member:
Due to piping maintenance of the building, please be noted that the water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporarily unavailable during the below period.
Date/ Time:
4th March, 2022 (Saturday) From 7:00 am To 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
恭喜發財 🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS & 奧運男神阮馬素 🎉🎆祝大家農曆新年快樂!❤ 😆 Happy New Year to (兔🐰) you😆
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
Kung Hei Fat Choy 🎉🎆24/7 FITNEESS & Our beloved German gymnast Marcel Nguyen 🎉🎆 wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! ❤ 😆
We wish you health, joy and success in year 2023! Good health is the greatest wealth 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Happy year of the rabbit! 🐰
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #身體健康 #新年快樂 #免費試玩 #全港分店最多
【🎉🎆24/7 FITNESS送您“期間限定”賀歲WhatsApp Sticker 🎉🎆】
🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS為大家準備咗新年小禮物🎁
如果想擁有24/7 FITNESS“期間限定”賀歲WhatsApp Sticker,方法好簡單,任何人都可點擊以下連結下載或者WhatsApp我地各分店免費獲得賀歲Sticker😍
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
😊快啲黎登記試玩啦~ 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
【🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS “Limited Edition” Chinese New Year WhatsApp Sticker 🎉🎆】
🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS have prepared the limited edition “Chinese New Year WhatsApp Sticker” for our Honorable members to celebrate the Lunar New Year and send the warmest greetings. 🎁
Want to get the “limited edition” Chinese New Year WhatsApp Stickers? It’s easy! You can download the exclusive WhatsApp Stickers with the following link or WhatsApp us 😍
Thanks for your support! Happy year of the rabbit! 🐰
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #身體健康 #新年快樂 #全港分店最多
24/7 FITNESS新會員健身會籍價格於2023年1月1日生效,現有合約會員及其續約收費將維持不變。
📌12個月健身會籍每月@HKD $ 520
📌6個月健身會籍每月@HKD $ 720
📌無合約一個月@HKD $ 1020
感謝大家及各位會員一直以來對24/7 FITNESS的支持!🙇🙇🙇 我們定當繼續力求進步,為各會員提供更優越舒適的環境設施及更優質完善的服務!
24/7 FITNESS各分店電話:
【2023 New Membership Pricing Effective】
24/7 FITNESS adjusts the new membership pricings with effect from 1st January 2023 as the following. Membership pricings with existing contracts are remain unchanged. As always, we will continue with our best effort to deliver a better experience for our members and beyond.
📌 Monthly payment for 12-month contract @ HKD $ 520
📌 Monthly payment for 6-month contract @ HKD $ 720
📌 One month membership without contract $ 1020
Thank you for your big support! 🙇🙇🙇 We strive to provide the best level of services to our members.
Thank you for your continuous support! Your support is our greatest motivation!
For further enquiries and assistance, please call or WhatsApp us for more details.
24/7 FITNESS contacts:
🎄 🎅🏻 24/7 FITNESS &奧運男神阮馬素🎄 🎅🏻祝大家聖誕快樂!❤ 😆
今年大家有什麼聖誕願望? ❣ 立即參與 🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊,齊齊黎許個願,嬴取豐富禮物!
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊:
😇 Make a wish and your wish may come true!Merry Fitmas 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
🎄 🎅🏻 24/7 FITNESS & our beloved German gymnast Marcel Nguyen 🎄 🎅🏻 Wish you a Merry Christmas! ❤ 😆
🏋🏻 Health is the best Christmas gift to yourself and your family. Let's keep fit and get ready to shine in 2023 🎁💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
What's your Christmas wishes this year? 🎁Want to get the special gifts from 24/7 FITNESS? Let’s participate our 🎊 GIVEAWAY 🎊 now!❣
😇 Make a wish, your wish may come true!🎐Merry Fitmas 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
24/7 FITNESS opens 24 hours, even during public holidays. No more excuses! Let's work out! 🏋🏻
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses & WhatsApp:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #聖誕快樂 #節日 #試玩 #阮馬素
📣📣 24/7 FITNESS觀塘分店通告📣📣
分店進行預防性消毒塗層工程 暫停營業通告:
24/7 FITNESS為會員創造最安心的健身環境,觀塘分店將於以下日期進行預防性消毒塗層工程,以下時段將會暫停營業:
🗓 日期/時間:
由2022年12月16日 (星期五) 晚上11時50分
至2022年12月17日 (星期六) 上午7時00分
📣📣 24/7 FITNESS Kwun Tong Club Notice 📣📣
Temporary Closure Notice for Preventive Antimicrobial Coatings
Please note that the Kwun Tong Club will be temporarily closed for the application of preventive antimicrobial coatings during the following period.
🗓 Date / Time:
From 16th December, 2022 (Friday) 11:50 pm
To 17th December, 2022 (Saturday) 7:00 am
We strive to do the best for your health. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊
💗24/7 FITNESS 與你一齊迎接新一年💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻!今個聖誕新年我們為大家準備了雙重GIVEAWAY驚喜🎁 嬴取禮物方法好簡單,立即許下來年願望啦🎁:
🍀LIKE 24/7 FITNESS香港FB或IG的許願帖,並在帖內留言寫下來年願望及Tag三個朋友,即有機會獲得以下豐富禮品!
🎉24/7 FITNESS一個月會籍 x 10份
🎉Nutritionus贊助健身奶粉福袋 x 30份
🎉Optmeal贊助自選雞胸食品(10件)x 30份
🎉按摩槍 x 5份
🎉家用訓練懸掛帶 x 10份
🎉Switch + Ringfit x 5 份
🎉Garmin Vivoactive 4手錶 x 5份
🎉Insta 360 Go2 x 5份
🎉Klook Staycation禮劵 $1000 x 60份
🎄活動截止日期: 由即日起至2023年1月6日!24/7 FITNESS將從中選出最有心思的朋友🎁,得獎名單將於1月20日前公佈,並有專人通知!💪🏻
得獎者需於指定地點領取獎品。如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行洗水缸,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以下時間暫停食水及鹹水供應:
2022年12月3日 (星期六) 上午 7時 至 上午 9時
Temporary Suspension of Water Supply for Water Tank Cleansing:
Dear Valued Member:
Due to the Water Tank Cleansing, please be noted that the fresh & flush water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary suspended during the below period.
Date/ Time:
3rd December 2022 (Saturday) 7:00 am to 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
24/7 FITNESS非常感激各位一路以來的支持,才能讓我們一直持續發展,渡過過去艱辛但令人振奮的四年,並成為香港一個具標誌性的24小時健身室品牌,24/7 FITNESS全人在此表達謝意!
📌12個月健身會籍每月@HKD $ 520
📌6個月健身會籍每月@HKD $ 720
📌無合約一個月@HKD $ 1020
24/7 FITNESS各分店電話:
【2023 New Membership Pricing Adjustments】
Dear valued members,
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the continuous support from everyone who loves 24/7 FITNESS. Your backing as a community have encouraged us in the past four years which were filled with challenges and aided us along the path to become one of the most iconic brands in Hong Kong.
Due to the inevitable global inflation and increasing operational cost of our facilities, 24/7 FITNESS will adjust the new membership pricings with effect from 1st January 2023 as the following. Membership pricings with existing contracts will remain unchanged. As always, we will continue with our best effort to deliver a better experience for our members and beyond.
📌 Monthly payment for 12-month contract @ HKD $ 520
📌 Monthly payment for 6-month contract @ HKD $ 720
📌 One month membership without contract $ 1020
Thank you for your continuous support! Your support is our greatest motivation!
For further enquiries and assistance, please call or WhatsApp us for more details.
24/7 FITNESS contacts:
🎯All the advantage isn't in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. 💪🏽💪🏽
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
🏪 24/7 FITNESS HK address:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #運動 #勵志
* 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club*
由於大廈進行洗水缸,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店將於以下時間暫停食水及鹹水供應:
2022年9月3日 (星期六) 上午 7時 至 上午 9時
Temporary Suspension of Water Supply for Water Tank Cleansing:
Dear Valued Member:
Due to the Water Tank Cleansing, please be noted that the fresh & flush water supply of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary suspended during the below period.
Date/ Time:
3rd September 2022 (Saturday) 7:00 am to 9:00 am
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
** 24/7 FITNESS觀塘店Kwun Tong Club**
由於大廈進行男洗手間改善工程,24/7 FITNESS觀塘店的男洗手間將於以下時間暫停開放:
由2022年7月29日 (星期五) 上午9時
至2022年8月7日 (星期日) 下午6時
Temporary Closure of Male Toilet:
Dear Valued Member:
Due to the carrying out of improvement woks for male toilet, please be noted that the male toilet of Kwun Tong Club will be temporary closed during the below period.
Date/ Time:
From 29th July 2022 (Friday) 9:00 am
To 7th August 2022 (Sunday) 6:00 pm
Toilet on 5/F which will be open for use during the period of work.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
關於我們 About us
24/7 Fitness觀塘會所佔地接近5,000多呎 ,引入先進環保節能的健身器材,24小時全日開放,照顧到不同客人的需要,推行智能化自助服務,零預繳按月收費的模式,明碼實價,高透明度收費,以優惠及合理的價錢讓你體驗舒適自在、無約束的健身模式。
24/7 Fitness Kwun Tong club covers nearly five thousand feet and brings in advanced eco-friendly fitness facilities. We cater to the diversified needs of individuals by adopting a smart & automated gym system with no prepayment & highly transparent pricing. We strive to deliver seamless and stressless gym experience!
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Contact the business
8/F, South Asia Commercial Center, 64 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Monday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Tuesday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Wednesday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Thursday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Friday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Saturday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
Sunday | 00:00 - 23:59 |
太子道西141 太子長榮大廈8F G室
Hong Kong
TEL / WHATSAPP : 5225-5100 EMAIL : [email protected]
5/F Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
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