The 1st Milonga-O at La Parrilla Steak Restaurant. Wonderful capture of the mood and atmosphere of the night, happy to see smiling faces and laughters.
The next one will be on 21 Sept 2024 (SAT) 8:45pm till late… mark the date!
Photo credit : Edward Fong
Otrotango Dance Studio 阿根廷探戈舞室 Hong Kong Argentine Tango School
The most popular Tango School in Hong Kong by Raymond and Lily, champions in Asian Tango Championship 2011 and China Championship 2014.
They are the only couple in HK listed Top 30 in World Championship. Highly renowed for bringing up many good dancers. Argentine Tango Dance Studio
Operating as usual
Milonga-O at La Parrilla on 17 Aug. 1st time we can have Argentine Steak at a milonga!
Thanks to Bonnie for the amazing capture of the mood and the precious moments of laughters! 🙏🏼❤️😇
We are on the list of 5 of the best things to do in SCMP.
We're thrilled to host the Milonga-O event at LaParrilla tomorrow!
Date : 17 August (SAT) 8:45pm-12:30am
Venue : La Parrilla at LG/F, King Man Court, 19 Fort Street, North Point 北角堡壘街19號景文樓 L/G
DJ : Kaiyu Liu
Dress code : Elegant
Please find the detailed event arrangements below:
⭕️Dinner service starts at 6 PM.
⭕️If you've indicated that you'll be having dinner there as well, we've already provided the restaurant with a guest list. We have specified the group seating if you have requested and they will arrange accordingly. If you have any special seating requests, please contact the restaurant directly to make arrangements.
⭕️There is a nearby parking facility available at 338 King's Road, North Point - 華懋交易廣場二期停車場.
⭕️As the Milonga part of the event begins, we may need to add extra chairs and seating to accommodate the growing number of guests. Please bear with us as we work to ensure everyone is comfortably seated.
⭕️The Milonga entry fee includes 2 drinks - 1 alcoholic and 1 non-alcoholic. If you'd like additional drinks, the restaurant offers great wine, beer and beverage options that you can order.
We can't wait to see you all there and celebrate the joy of Argentine tango together! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
We're thrilled to announce that our 1st Milonga at LaParrilla is already FULL! Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support.
We're working closely with the restaurant to see if we can add some extra seating. If you'd still like to join, please let us know by PM and we'll be happy to put you on the waitlist. Those on the waitlist will get priority for booking when we announce our next Milonga event.
Our next Milonga @ LaParrilla is scheduled for 21 September 2024. Mark the date!
*Milonga at La Parrilla*
Date : 17 Aug 2024 (SAT)
Time : 8:45pm-12:15am
(Dinner time starts from 6pm)
Venue: La Parrilla - LG/F, King Man Court, 19 Fort Street, North Point 北角堡壘街19號景文樓LG層
DJ : Kaiyu Liu
Fee: $168 - Milonga with 2 drinks (including 1 alcoholic beverage)
**Dinner can be ordered at the restaurant and pay directly at the restaurant (dinner set starts at $288 and up).
Pls add your name at the post in our Milonga group on facebook or Pm us.
And make a payment of $168 to Otrotango before 14 Aug.
Pls indicate (+D) after your name for reservation of Dinner. Seats for dinner are limited. We'll finalize a list on 14 Aug with your names and phone numbers and send to the restaurant, they may call you to arrange the dinner and your booking.
(The restaurant's menu can be found at:
Pls feel free to join our Milonga group on facebook 👇🏻
[學生的探戈歷程] 學生 - Reeves (男生)
R : 2024年2月開始學
R : 我之前無跳過任何舞蹈。本身從事餐飲培訓及批發工作。
問題3:點解會對Tango有興趣?你覺得Tango 同其他舞有咩唔同?
R : 當初是因為有跳tango的朋友介紹,然後來試堂下認識。開始學習時都是抱著「試試看」的心態;但之後就愈來愈喜愛這種舞蹈。
我覺得tango 的特別之處是在舞會可以跟任何人一起舞,不用預先排練的即興玩樂。
R : 多了一個認識新朋友的途徑,透過舞蹈交流。之後去不同國家旅行亦可參與當地舞會認識不同的人。
R : 男步跟女步跳舞期間,不用言語,只靠身體傳達訊息是最特別之處。
R : OtroTango 給予初學生支援很好,16堂的初級班可讓新生慢慢打好根基。另外,學校每星期亦設有很多練習時段,提供很多練習機會。每個月的新手舞會亦可讓新生很快感受到tango 舞會的氣氛。
問題7 : 有冇啲在探戈深刻或趣嘅經歷可以分享?
R : 第一次在舞會透過所學的舞步而完成一首曲目是最開心的。
🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️查詢報名請Whatsapp 92572195
[學生的探戈歷程] 學生 - 呀Y (女生)
Y :2023.02 (1.5 years)
Y : 完全沒有舞蹈基礎😅 本身職業係buyer
Y : 陪朋友Trial, 點知一試就入坑🔥
Y : 瞓得晏左, 見少左以前嘅朋友😵 跳咗探戈之後靚左自信左, 仲識多左好多新朋友🙆♀️
Y : 雙人舞唔會孤獨👫🏻👨🏼🤝👨🏽👩🏽🤝👩🏻, 仲有得攬攬🥰
Y : 本身睇到instagram廣告所以報名, OtroTango上堂氣氛好好, 老師好有經驗教學生動有趣👍🏻
問題7 : 有冇啲在探戈深刻或趣嘅經歷可以分享?
Y : 可遇不可求的magic moment, 世界突然停頓了,得返我同舞伴係度跳舞💃🕺好幸運學左幾個月已經體驗到🙊

🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️查詢報名請Whatsapp 92572195
阿根廷探戈不僅是一種優雅的舞蹈,更是 一場心靈的邂逅, 一種無言的情感溝通。從學習舞步領略男女進退互動微妙的溝通技巧,學習做一個更好的自己,享受跳舞的樂趣 。
⭕️ 不需有舞蹈基礎,許多從未跳過舞的人都能學得很好,初學動作不會太難,從簡單舞步學會展現屬於自己的優雅自信
⭕️ 提升放工後的生活品味,打開生活圈子
⭕️ 去到世界各地都可以參加當地的舞會,以舞會友
⭕️ 可以跳一世的舞,由18歲跳到80歲
探戈令很多人重新發現生活的熱情和動力,令生活更加精彩豐富!! 來一次試堂體驗下探戈的magic啦!
💟阿根廷探戈 [零基礎試堂]💟
✴️ 8月9日(星期五) 4:15-5:45pm
✴️ 8月11日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 8月18日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 8月25日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月1日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月7日(星期六) 7:15-8:45pm
✴️ 9月11日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 9月15日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月22日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
OtroTango Dance Studio
📍地區: 九龍油麻地|YauMaTei
試堂體驗價:HK$210 (需上堂前預付)
(7日前付款早鳥優惠價: $180 )
🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️報名請Whatsapp 92572195
OTROTANGO舞室是香港最專業的阿根廷探戈學校。由香港唯一的亞洲區冠軍Raymond 及Lily老師於2011年創辦。Lily放棄做建築師而全職教授阿根廷探戈,學校多年以來於香港已教授過超過數千名學員,並訓練出優秀舞者及教師團隊。他們受到多個媒體報道,包括TVB, ViuTV, RTHK 等,致力推廣阿根廷探戈舞蹈及文化,希望更多人能享受與不同人共舞的樂趣,透過探戈感染更多人追尋夢想熱愛,活出更精彩的人生!
⚛️Website :
⚛️page :
⚛️IG :
阿根廷探戈不僅是一種優雅的舞蹈,更是 一場心靈的邂逅, 一種無言的情感溝通。從學習舞步領略男女進退互動微妙的溝通技巧,學習做一個更好的自己,享受跳舞的樂趣 。
⭕️ 不需有舞蹈基礎,許多從未跳過舞的人都能學得很好,初學動作不會太難,從簡單舞步學會展現屬於自己的優雅自信
⭕️ 提升放工後的生活品味,打開生活圈子
⭕️ 去到世界各地都可以參加當地的舞會,以舞會友
⭕️ 可以跳一世的舞,由18歲跳到80歲
探戈令很多人重新發現生活的熱情和動力,令生活更加精彩豐富!! 來一次試堂體驗下探戈的magic啦!
💟阿根廷探戈 [零基礎試堂]💟
✴️ 8月9日(星期五) 4:15-5:45pm
✴️ 8月11日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 8月18日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 8月25日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月1日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月7日(星期六) 7:15-8:45pm
✴️ 9月11日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 9月15日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
✴️ 9月22日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
OtroTango Dance Studio
📍地區: 九龍油麻地|YauMaTei
試堂體驗價:HK$210 (需上堂前預付)
(7日前付款早鳥優惠價: $180 )
🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️報名請Whatsapp 92572195
OTROTANGO舞室是香港最專業的阿根廷探戈學校。由香港唯一的亞洲區冠軍Raymond 及Lily老師於2011年創辦。Lily放棄做建築師而全職教授阿根廷探戈,學校多年以來於香港已教授過超過數千名學員,並訓練出優秀舞者及教師團隊。他們受到多個媒體報道,包括TVB, ViuTV, RTHK 等,致力推廣阿根廷探戈舞蹈及文化,希望更多人能享受與不同人共舞的樂趣,透過探戈感染更多人追尋夢想熱愛,活出更精彩的人生!
⚛️Website :
⚛️page :
⚛️IG :
唔覺意開錯file, 竟然係2010年我哋都未有自己嘅studio時候嘅課表,那時候再三個唔同嘅Studio打游擊,每星期只有3班初班同幾班其他中級課堂… 相對現在Current Timetsble 有9班初班、加上其他中、高級課堂、技巧班等10堂… 真係感慨良多… 亦好感恩我哋由2011年開始有自己嘅studio, 感激有一班好好的導師團隊,才能繼續下去!呢幾年社會經濟大家都唔容易,但我哋會繼續加油!💪🏼❤️🥰
"Milonga" means dance party of Argentine Tango. This time we'll organize it at a fine dining Argentine restaurant, La Parrilla at North Point.
Argentine Tango with fine steak and wine... what can be better?!
Stay tuned for more info coming soon! but mark the date first, it'll be on 17 Aug 2024 the first time, a 3rd week as we always have our Milonga-O.
Moment of flying hair
Milonga-O (*moved earlier*specifically this date)
20 July 2024 (Sat) 8:15 - 11:30pm
Fee : $120(sign-up price) / $140 (walk-in)
Venue : Otrotango Dance Studio
Room 1901, 19/F, Sunbeam Commercial Building(新光商業大廈), 469-471 Nathan Rd., Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
According to the building management, the G/F entrance gate will be closed after 10:30pm. (If you have to come after 10:30pm, pls let us know in advance to arrange someone to receive you. )
Pls join our Milonga group and sign up under the post or send a message to Lily or Raymond to enjoy the lower entrance fee. Thx 🙏🏼🥰😇
Pls join our Milonga group👇🏻
💟阿根廷探戈 [零基礎試堂]💟
✴️ 7月15日(星期一) 4:15-5:45pm 🈵
✴️ 7月21日(星期日) 5:15-6:45pm
✴️ 7月24日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 7月26日(星期五) 4:15-5:45pm
✴️ 7月28日(星期日) 6:45-8:15pm
✴️ 7月31日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 8月3日(星期六) 7:15-8:45pm
✴️ 8月11日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
OtroTango Dance Studio
📍地區: 九龍油麻地|YauMaTei
🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️查詢報名請Whatsapp 92572195
#阿根廷探戈 #愛上阿根廷探戈 #愛上探戈
#探戈 #香港探戈 #香港阿根廷探戈
如何掌握尺度?從阿根廷探戈學懂男女相處之道… 也是認識自己的一個旅程。
💟阿根廷探戈 [零基礎試堂]💟
✴️ 7月12日(星期五) 4:15-5:45pm
✴️ 7月15日(星期一) 4:15-5:45pm
✴️ 7月21日(星期日) 5:15-6:45pm
✴️ 7月24日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 7月28日(星期日) 6:45-8:15pm
✴️ 7月31日(星期三) 8:15-9:45pm
✴️ 8月3日(星期六) 7:15-8:45pm
✴️ 8月11日(星期日) 2:15-3:45pm
OtroTango Dance Studio
📍地區: 九龍油麻地|YauMaTei
🙋🏻♂️💁🏻♀️查詢報名請Whatsapp 92572195
#阿根廷探戈 #愛上阿根廷探戈 #愛上探戈
#探戈 #香港探戈 #香港阿根廷探戈
⚛️Website :
⚛️page :
⚛️IG :
💟阿根廷探戈 [零基礎試堂]💟
Otrotango Dance Studio 阿根廷探戈舞室 Hong Kong Argentine Tango School
Chung and Chris Performance at Milonga dancing to Milonguea del Ayer
Group performance by Otrotango student dance team at Meta Stages, 9 June 2024.
Thanks to all the dancers and milongueros who came to enjoy the event! You all looked gorgeous!
Thanks to DJ Thyne, Photographer Junney, Charles, Videographer Roy. Thanks Sissy for bringing her collection for our girls.
Photo credit : Junney
(more photos to come still!)
Gooooood show and great atmosphere at MetaStages on 9 June 2024. Thanks to all the dancers and milongueros who came to enjoy the event!
Thanks to DJ Thyne, Photographer Junney, Charles, Videographer Roy. Thanks Sissy for bringing her collection for our girls.
Photo credit : Junney
(more photos to come still!)
Gooooood show and great atmosphere at MetaStages on 9 June 2024.
Thanks to all the dancers and milongueros who came to enjoy the event!
Thanks to DJ Thyne, Photographer Junney, Charles, Videographer Roy. Thanks Sissy for bringing her collection for our girls.
Photo credit : Junney
(more photos to come still!)
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Our Story
OtroTango Dance Studio - by Raymond Chu & Lily Cheng
Raymond及Lily (朱永康及鄭勵)是2011年世界探戈大賽亞洲區分賽(沙龍探戈組)冠軍,曾於2011年世界探戈大賽中準決賽排名第四並晉身總決賽。2014年更贏得世界探戈大賽中國賽區(沙龍探戈組及華爾茲組)冠軍,代表中國參加於阿根廷首都擧辦的世界大賽, 再次晉身總決賽。
Raymond及Lily自2003年起接觸探戈,曾於布宜諾斯艾利斯跟隨多位探戈大師學習。他們緊隨沙龍探戈的傳統,舞姿優雅流暢,獨具風格,是新一代舞者的典範。他們同樣重視探戈的傳承,於2006年成立OtroTango,在香港及各地教授了不少優秀的學生,他們曾獲邀到亞洲多個城市表演及客席授課,亦多次在布宜諾斯艾利斯著名的探戈舞會中表演,例如Salon Canning, Sunderland 及La Baldosa等。他們亦在編舞方面有很多經驗,曾受邀為亞洲頂尖舞者編排羣舞。Raymond 和Lily教學經驗豐富,敎授方式非常準確有效為學生解決核心問題,2018年度中國賽區的冠、亞、季軍都是他們的學生。
Videos (show all)
Contact the business
九龍油麻地彌敦道469-471號新光商業大廈1901室 (地鐵站C出口行2分鐘) , Room 1901, Sunbeam Commercial Building, 469~471 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Monday | 19:00 - 23:30 |
Tuesday | 19:00 - 23:30 |
Wednesday | 19:00 - 23:30 |
Thursday | 19:00 - 23:30 |
Friday | 19:00 - 23:30 |
Saturday | 13:00 - 21:00 |
13 B, Times Media Centre, 133, WanChai Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Dance from the heart.
2001-2002 20/f, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau
Hong Kong
This is where you know all about DanzStage Hong Kong.
No. 29-38, LG/F, 68 Mody Road, Empire Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
i Dance 香港大型舞蹈演藝學校 自信自在 跳出真我 i Dance, I Change
Hong Kong
�Private Studio in Mong Kok �5 mins walk from MK MTR station � Enquiry pls DM �40mm Brass X-pole x 2 �Lap Dance Chair �Yoga Mat, Block & Wheel
31-33, Hollywood Street/5th Floor
Hong Kong, 000000
We're an independent multifunctional space located steps from the center of town, and are proud to be
Hong Kong
DAPA香港舞蹈演藝學會提供專業的兒童、青少年及成人拉丁舞課程。 HONG KONG DANCE ACADEMY FOR PERFORMING ARTS provides professional latindance course for kids, teenagers and adults.