Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club

Cycling Sports Excellence
Cycling Sports Promotion
Cycling Sports Education

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 08/07/2018

XSPEED 青少年 - 全國青少年公路杯賽(錦標賽南區預賽)


XSPEED 青少年 - 全國青少年公路杯賽(錦標賽南區預賽)

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 08/07/2018

XSPEED, your cycling sport services provider.


A training night at the venue.
A few big games ahead.
Hard Work, Sweat, Hard Work, Sweat………… tears maybe.


A night of practice at the Hong Kong Velodrome - warm up

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 18/06/2018

And the next next one at end June is the German Track Cycling Sprint GP
Sarah & Jessica will paired up for Team Sprint. Watch this.

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 18/06/2018

Next Stop of Hong Kong Sprint Squad in June 2018 is German Sprinters Club.
Look who are there at the start list.

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 28/05/2018

With the substandard arrangement both in availability of rider and of available of equipment for the TTT race yesterday, it is acceptable to be placed at 7th position of Team 1.
As for Team 2, it is a learning experiences of Team work and cooperation. Young fellows were doing their best. Still a long way to go but full of prospects.


OPEN Team Sprint
20.75" / 35.56" / 51.51" (our own timing)

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 26/05/2018

Today Track Race in Hong Kong, XSPEEDers had a nice ride at the Team Sprint in most Categories

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 17/05/2018

XSPEEDers @ Samsung Sports Festivals Tracking Cycling

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 15/05/2018

Monday night track training.

Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 14/05/2018

Samsung Sports Festival Hong Kong Track Cycling had round up yesterday. All Hong Kong XSPEEDers has done a very good job.
Young XSPEEDer 14 - 16 had titled all the top 3 position at the Keirin and Scratch, with which Ling and Nigel stood at the podium for both event at 1st and 2nd place, whereas Cerman and Cyril took the 3rd position for Keirin and Scratch respectively.
The 2 girls were racing magnificently with Sze Wing crowned for both Keirin and Scartch, and Allison top at 3rd at the Scratch.
For the Men Elite, Man Chun had just marginally missing the gold for the Keirin event, but missed the podium with inmature plan for the Scratch event.
All in all, a big cheer is proper for all the XSPEEDers spending their great effort yesterday. 🎉🎊🎉🐤🎖🎖🎖🅿👏👏👏

Photo Credit : Mr. Tso


Yummy!It disappeared like taking 200m flying!



Photos from Xspeed Racing / Xspeed Sport Club's post 11/05/2018



男人再帅,扛不起责任,照样是废物;女人再美,自己不奋斗 ,终归是摆设。无论你是谁,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的平凡人。造船的目的不是停在港湾,而是冲击风浪;做人的目的不是窝在家里,而是打造梦想。不看昨天谁是你,只看今天你是谁;不谈以前的艰难,只论现在的坚持。人生就像舞台,不到谢幕,永远不要认输!活着,不是靠泪水赢得同情,而是靠汗水赢得掌声!



Racing at the Madison event at the 2018 Hong Kong International Track Cup.


We welcome you to our family if you eager, having commitment, being loyal, to be honest, hardworking with no compliant, to be an elite riders breaking out of Hong Kong into the world arena. We shall do our best to make your dream come true.

我們歡迎你來我們的家庭, 如果你有渴望, 有承諾, 忠誠, 誠實, 勤奮, 有承諾成為一個精英車手, 衝破香港, 進入世界舞臺。我們會盡所能使你夢想成真。

2017國際自由車場地經典賽 宣傳廣告 24/06/2017

Go! go! Hong Kong Team!


2017國際自由車場地經典賽 宣傳廣告 2017TAIWAN CUP Track International Classic 「國際自由車場地經典賽」 挑戰全程網路直播 11國菁英車手齊聚台灣 匯聚港都 「2017國際自由車場地經典賽」將於6月25日至27日,在高雄市楠梓自由車場舉行,這是亞洲少數一級(CL1)國際場地賽事,難能可貴為國際自由車總會授證...

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Videos (show all)

A training night at the venue.A few big games ahead.Hard Work, Sweat, Hard Work, Sweat………… tears maybe.
A night of practice at the Hong Kong Velodrome - warm up
OPEN Team Sprint20.75" / 35.56" / 51.51" (our own timing)
2011 China National Youth Cycling Championship
2011 China National Youth Cycling Championship




Hong Kong

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