Videos by Colts Basketball Group in Bartlett. Christian centered, year-round basketball training program for girls and boys, third thru eighth gra
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, the exercises during a training session will help you refine your skills...
Practicing the 3-man weave at today’s CBG session. 🏀Colts Basketball Group membership info - [email protected]
“…that’s what we’re looking for!…” 🏀Join us! [email protected]
Our sister club - the Colts Chess Team - had its inaugural practice today. The team meets again next Sunday. Interested?...
Membership: [email protected]: Micah Branch(Additional videos in the comments) 🏀
You’ll get strength training in the weight room AND basketball training when you’re a part of the Colts Basketball Group...
Dribble drills at last night’s training session. Come dribble with us! 🏀Membership: [email protected]
A little look at some skill work with a few of the younger kiddos in our CBG program. COLTS BASKETBALL GROUP: K-8th grad...
Colts Basketball Group: K-8th, boys and girls, all skill levels, year-round training. Join our group at any time! jamie@...