Tally Ho Horse Park, Clovis, CA Videos

Videos by Tally Ho Horse Park in Clovis. Experience the Wonderful World of Horses !!! Day Camps, Barn Friends, & HORSES !!! Please call for details.....559-593-1342

Soooo.....this happened yesterday

Julie & Jet.....the dynamic duo !!!

Other Tally Ho Horse Park videos

Soooo.....this happened yesterday
Julie & Jet.....the dynamic duo !!!

Sweet boy Charlie
I wish they all wanted to clean their own stalls !!!

Barn Buddies are the BEST Buddies !!
We beat the heat & are having a BLAST !!! Barn Buddies are the BEST Buddies !

First canter !!! Atta girl Gracie !!!
First canter !!! Atta girl Gracie !!

Turkey Turkey !!!
Much to be thankful for....especially him !!!

Public Service Announcement !!! The original "Barn Day" is still 9am-1:30pm Saturday's.......

"This will get their attention" !!! My baby Andy !!!

More jumpy, jumpy, jumpy !!! Sweet Georgie & Makayla......

Bailey & her "Spark-a-licious"....jump, jump, jump.....

Spring is "springing" !!! Emily & Gracie are getting ready for the shows !!!

Well.....Sweet Bud is feeling a bit better !!! He has to stay in the hospital a few more days, but he seemed happier !!...

Look at my barn buddy !!

Here we go.....Summer Time !!! All lessons start at 9:00am to 1:30 pm. Two night classes available Tuesday & Thursday ...

Bailey got a beautiful bare back pad for Christmas. She just HAD to try it out on her friend Sparky !!!

Jake got to play in the arena today !!! He was thrilled !!!

Jake got to play !!!
Woo Hoo !!! Jake got to come out & play today !!! He was sooooo happy !!! For those that don't know.....Jake had coli...

Shelby/Sparky Alivia/Georgie
Sometimes, ya gotta just be a kid with a pony......Barn Buddies RULE !!!

Whew......Turkey camp in full swing !!!

Izzy & Georgie, Baily & Sparky.......barn buddies......life is good......Thanks God !!! P.S. Izzy & Baily are both 5 y...