Videos by ToKa. Soccer Training, Ball Mastery Training, Strength and Conditioning Training
Happy Birthday Aleah! Wishing you the best on your day!
#wearetoka #itsatokathing #tokafest5v5 #texaswarriors #dksc #texomafc #solarsoccerclub #bvb #rebañosagrado #surfdallas #...
#wearetoka #rockwalltx #youthsoccer #ballmasterytraining #itsatokathing #tokatrained #ballmasterydrills #skillstraining ...
Sign up for our upcoming 5v5 tournament! Contact us 214-557-9884. Spots filling up fast so reserve your spot!
TSE (toka street elite) sign up today and don’t miss out!Every Friday night from 6:30-7:30pm at SWAT 2922 South Goliad S...
2017 boys Toka FC in the pink! All month of October supporting breast cancer awareness wearing pink bows! All of our tea...