Now Yoga, New York, NY Videos

Videos by Now Yoga in New York. Community for mindful movement and meditation

❄️ in-person is suspended today, saturday 1/29. ❄️ stay home and safe. we’ll be on zoom. ❄️

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Other Now Yoga videos

❄️ in-person is suspended today, saturday 1/29. ❄️ stay home and safe. we’ll be on zoom. ❄️

tomorrow! tuesday 12/21–TWO donation classes on zoom ❄️ 4pm open level vinyasa with renata ❄️ 5:30pm winter solstice res...

happy belated birthday, joe! 🎈check out his latest video below + info on his upcoming upstate retreat this august. follo...

if you’re at astor place this weekend (maybe for class @nowyogany) stop by the plaza for opening weekend of this install...

Parighasana (gate pose)

Ujjayi (victorious) breath

Moving from down dog to warr

Supported tripod headstand

Prayer hands behind the back in parsvottanasana

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle)

Alternate nostril breathing