Videos by Rainbow Dot Spirituality in Phoenix. Spiritual weirdo 🦄🌈✨ holding sacred space when you’re liquid goo in the cocoon of transformation
Do you use smoke medicine regularly in your spiritual and protection practices?What smoke medicine has been calling to y...
Here are the tarot cards I pulled for myself for this Full Moon (which was yesterday but we can still work with its affe...
Feeling present with ourselves doesn’t have to be fancy or take a lot of minutes. Each moment can be supportive and defi...
What are you shaking off and shedding?How are you going to flow more from your place of power? And if that feels like to...
Ready to retire your overthinking brain? Book a one-on-one presence session today and cultivate spaciousness for yoursel...
Love Stormy video bombing us and sharing her abundant ans healing vibes with usStormy invites you to slow down and take ...
How did that feel in your body?To book more presence moments - check out my one-on-one presence sessions for $111 for 2 ...
Pause. Take a deep breathWhat is nourishing you right now? How can you lean a little more into that?What is draining you...
Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, overstimulated, drained, and/or burnt out?Could be a good time to increase your protection m...
You need and deserve support! And there’s nothing wrong with you. This potent work was never meant to be done in isolati...
Pause for details from a current client on why you want to work with me Book a complimentary consultation call at rainbo...