Well, if you are reading this you are probably tired of the rain too and we were forced to postpone the Joe Wolter clinic which should have started today. He will be here April 28, 29 and 30th so if you are interested let me know and reserve a spot. Auditors are always welcome at $30.00 per day. He will be teaching H1 and H2 which will include cattle and cattle fees are included in the $600 class fee.
We have limited space for overnighters but welcome you to what we have.
Contact Colton or Sofia for sign ups!
Coming here.... Please contact Bunny if you are interested in attending. We offer overnight stalls for those that trailer in. Great opportunity for those interested in ranch roping. He comes to California once a year. We are lucky to have him this year! Horsemanship is included in this clinic and its three full days. Cattle fees included $950.00
" Feel for the horse tpo see what they are going to do" - Doug
Please contact Bunny for sign ups! Overnight stalling is available for non boarders.
Loose Horses - Western Horseman
Using herd mentality and a bit of reverse psychology, trainer Joe Wolter teaches his horses to keep their focus and their bodies moving straight ahead.
Sorry the Roping arena is closed today but Mother Nature intervened this morning. This photo was almost 9am, you should have seen this tree at 6 !!
Does anyone feed alfalfa pellets? I have two new, 40 lb bags free to good home. Just let me know, they are in my tack room but I will deliver to any tack room onsite!!🐰
Carmel Creek Ranch will begin expanding our Ranch Roping experience to "outside" ropers. Costs vary according to cattle used but we currently have eight head of fresh cattle. If you're not confident in your skill, use a breakaway! $50.00 per person, per hour on the eight. Call Bunny for details, times, access. 619-995-4104
The fall jump decorated by Michelle and Katy! Beautiful work ladies!!!❤️❤️
Dave Gamble Horsemanship Clinic- sept 3,4,5 from 9:30am- 4:30pm at Carmel creek ranch. Auditing available for $30 a day. Standing Heart Ranch
July 9, 10, 11th from 8-5:30 cutting horse hall of fames Doug Jordan will be at the ranch for a clinic. Auditing available for $30 a day.
We really appreciate our ranch vet, Dr. Mark Silverman of Sporthorse Veterinary Services. He now has a mobile “office” at the ranch. 😊
Cutting horse hall of fame’s Doug Jordan will be at Carmel creek ranch July 9, 10, 11. Only 2 spots left in the clinic! For more info please pm or call/text 858-395-3873
Dave Gamble clinic starts tomorrow! 9am- 4:30 pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Auditing available.
Carmel Creek ranch is proud to host the Dave Gamble Horsemanship Clinic April 30, May 1,2 9:00am- 4:30pm. Auditors welcome $30 a day.