Xtreme Hip Hop with Jazzy T, San Jose, CA Videos

Videos by Xtreme Hip Hop with Jazzy T in San Jose.

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San Jose Xtreme Hip Hip Instructors share the mic! SundY 12/12 ar 60m
2293 Lincoln AvenueSan Jose, Ca

Step on Saturday 9:15am#eliteprofitness#elitepro#xtremeinstructors #xtremehiphopwithphil #80stayready #Xtremeinstructor#...

👉🏾https://youtu.be/aFYsJYPye94https://youtu.be/ClgwsHjZcnEDo you remember 👆🏾this going viral?Guess who is in class that ...

I greeted In trying Xtreme Hip Hop? Come step with me for beginner classes! Saturdays at 9:15