I put a lot of emphasis on managing stress levels because of this.
This is why mindfulness is crucial for our health, our self esteem, and mental health.
If you feel like you have too much on your plate that you are dealing with, talk to someone. There is no reason you have to face a stressful situation by yourself.
Vitality Detective
Mom, wife, Human Resources Professional, 3D Esparza athlete, author, certified health coach.
Many people take supplements and vitamins because we have been told that they are good for us. However, it’s best to find out exactly what your body is missing, so you can give it exactly what it needs.
Vitamin B3, although beneficial can cause a serious cancer risk when taken in excess, according to a recent study.
Study: Popular dietary supplement causes cancer risk, brain metastasis While previous studies have linked commercial dietary supplements like nicotinamide riboside (NR), a form of vitamin B3, to benefits related to cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological health, new research from the University of Missouri has found NR could actually increase the risk of serious dis...
And today we foraged walnuts.
One of the things I love about walking around my neighborhood with my husband is that we get to see really cool stuff that we’d miss otherwise, like the multiple walnut trees that grow around here.
The cool thing? They are ready for harvesting! We picked the ones that had fallen around the tree and now I just need to roast them, which will bring the natural oils out that make them so so healthy! Perfect for snacking, baking, or sprinkling over a salad.
Years ago, I read and practiced Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning”. I found Hal’s book to be a life-changer, as it had me focus on starting my mornings on the right foot. I became extremely focused and productive at that time.
I have found myself struggling a bit this year in several areas of my life due to some unexpected, extremely unpleasant situations that occurred a couple of months ago, which I allowed to interfere with my productivity and sense of wellbeing.
Rather than feeling defeated, I have taken another couple of challenges this week: Phase two of and reading Hal’s “The Miracle Equation”, which is helping me focus on my personal development and wellbeing. Because what you focus on, expands.
Shoutout to for my awesome and funny t-shirt, SO appropriate for leg days!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted something on Instagram. I’ve been busy spending time with my family and making amazing memories. This has been a very busy, blessed season for us.
As much as I’m enjoying my family and my life, I also had to deal with a very unpleasant and upsetting situation a few months ago. And I will be honest that it threw me off, which caused a bit of a ripple effect in my health and in my vitality.
But guess what? I had the answer in front of me all along, but I just couldn’t see it because of how upset I was. On Friday of last week, I made the conscious choice to reach out for help and a new opportunity opened up for me. Then I saw this awesome quote which I can relate to so much.
Start something new, and trust the magic of beginnings.
Whole new fields of research such as nutritional psychiatry have emerged since I wrote The UltraMind Solution about how the body affects the mind in 2009. Stanford has a department of Metabolic Psychiatry. Harvard now has a department of Nutritional Psychiatry. Studies show that simply swapping out processed, sugary starchy foods for whole foods is effective in treating depression.
Studies also show kids with severe violent behavior transform when swapping out processed foods for whole foods, including a 75% reduction in the use of restraints and a 100% reduction in suicides, which is the 3rd leading cause of death in that age group.
One study of violent juveniles found that simply giving children a vitamin and mineral supplement reduced violent acts by 91 percent compared to a control group. Why were they violent?
Their brains were starving for nutrients that regulate mood and behavior including iron, magnesium, B12, and folate. Just giving these kids vitamins for three months fixed their abnormal brain waves on EEG. The kids who also changed their diet had an 80% reduction in violent crime and those who stayed on a processed diet continued their violent ways.
While many children are not eating enough brain food, they are also eating too many chemicals, including about five pounds of dyes, preservatives and additives that are linked to hyperactivity and worse.
While therapy, stress reduction, and movement are equally critical in many brain disorders, food plays a pivotal and often overlooked role.
Start small. Start with the Pegan Diet. Eat loads of veggies, some fruit (especially the low-sugar, nutrient-dense ones), whole grains (not flours), nuts and seeds, low-starch beans and legumes, and some high-quality meat, poultry, and fish. Focus on brain foods that have been shown to impact mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety— foods rich in omega-3s, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, antioxidants, and B vitamins.
When I worked with doctors, I noticed an increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. This was usually caused by eating highly processed foods, and high amounts of sugar (including sodas and fruit juice).
This news story highlights how crucial prenatal nutrition is, and the impact of chemicals found in cookware, processed foods, etc., on children’s health.
Liver disease in kids has been rising for years. A new study points to why It's the first comprehensive study to look at the association between endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including PFAS, and rates of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in kids.
I’m training right now so I avoid sweets and follow the plan that has created for me.
However, I love baking and often make delicious treats with no sugar, gluten, or dairy.
I made these beautiful and delicious cobblers over the weekend (peach and blueberry) with an amazingly delicious shortbread cookie top (did I mention it’s gluten-free, dairy-free and has NO sugar?).
I also used my homemade vanilla paste to make these because my extracts aren’t ready yet. See those little black specks? That’s delicious vanilla!
I used monk fruit and then heard they were a hit! I am thinking about publishing a new recipe book with all these yummy recipes.
I had a strange experience last week. One that I won’t be discussing online, but it made me think how often people think it’s okay to gossip and make things up about people, acting like mean teenagers who have not learned a lick about kindness and compassion.
Being on the receiving end of these comments was hurtful and insulting. And I know that despite everything that was said, people are not responding to me. They are responding to past experiences that have nothing to do with me, but it still doesn’t make it okay.
I try my best to ask myself if what I am about to say is kind, necessary or helpful. And yet, I fail at reminding myself to ask these questions too. But when having a choice, it’s best to be kind (and by the way, we ALWAYS have that choice).
And the 2022 updated dirty dozen and clean fifteen is here! When possible, buy organic versions of the dirty dozen (or grow your own, if you can).
Should You Buy Organic? 2022 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Lists Released By Karen Lee Richards If you want to begin incorporating more organic foods into your diet, but can't afford to buy everything organic, consulting the “EWG's 2022 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in ProduceTM” is a good place to start. Each year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) compiles a list...
And just like that… I’m on day 32 of 75 Hard.
This challenge is not a fitness challenge, it’s a resilience challenge, one that encourages you to keep your word to the most important person: YOURSELF.
Challenges like this one help me stay accountable to my health and wellness, along with whatever else I’ve promised myself I would do, because how you do one thing, is how you do everything else. In order to stay committed, I have turned down wine and spontaneous get-togethers with friends. I’ve celebrated my anniversary and a few other accomplishments where I’d normally celebrate with a glass of wine and a good dinner. But doing that, doesn’t take me closer to my goals. What does, is keeping my eye on the goal and taking the steps to get there. Personal growth only occurs when we take on doing things that challenge us.
Have you done this challenge?
I love this quote. We often think that walking away from something that doesn’t serve us anymore is tough. I think that staying unhappy in that situation is tougher.
Last year, I planted Lucy Glo apple seeds from an apple that a friend sent me (they don’t sell them in my area). These apples taste so sweet and delicious!
I learned so much from planting these little guys, out of 5 seeds, only one sapling survived. I’m happy to say that it is thriving! And boy did I learn a lot from this experience!
Scroll to the right to see the before and after pictures which are only 2 weeks apart. Grateful that it’s doing so well!
New scam, this is how they steal your account on IG now.
I have two factor authentication. This person sent me this message to “vote for her”. When I got the text message it stated: “you can access your account by clicking on this link”. If I had sent her the screenshot, this person would have easily accessed my account and reset my password then STEALING my account/information and everything.
Do NOT fall for this.
Today I’m on day 20 of the challenge (this post is from yesterday). I have had every excuse in the world to not complete my challenge:
1. My daughter got sick
2. I’m busy with my last classes before completing my master’s degree (one month away from graduation)
3. I celebrated my 18th year wedding anniversary on Monday
However, I also want to be resilient, and unstoppable. Having structure to keep me accountable really works well for me. 75Hard is helping me stick to my word about my self-care which is something that I neglected for the past few years.
We can’t have a breakthrough in something we want, if we don’t commit to making changes.
There are tools that help us form new habits too! I recently tagged the book because it provides excellent tools for people who want to make changes to their life but are stuck and don’t know how. If taking a big challenge like the one I’m doing works for you? GREAT! If not? GREAT! Find something that works for you. We can only make changes when we feel GOOD. So focus on what makes you feel good and not on what makes you feel guilty or bad.
What are you working on?
For anyone struggling to reach goals or establish behaviors that will help you reach your goals, this book is a MUST!
This was the book I chose for my 75 Hard challenge.
Thank you for creating this method! It truly is a life changer!
7 days of completed! This is the first time that all my rings have been closed for all 7 days on my Apple Watch.
I’ve had every excuse to not exercise:
- A five hour round trip
- Homework
- Going to the movies with my family
- Something I wanted to celebrate (no wine with this challenge!)
And yet, I’ve managed to stay consistent, despite all my excuses.
What I am discovering is that I can do hard things and I have way more time in the day to do the things I’m committed to than I often tell myself.
Have you done this challenge? What did you get from it?
Strength does not mean raising our voice when we don’t agree with something or when we feel that we are being wronged. Strength comes from being aware of our reactions and being able to tame the dragon that we have within us. I think this quote sums it up nicely…
“I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me.
I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.”
José Micard Teixeira (this quote was misattributed to Meryl Streep)
Homemade gluten-free bread. I made this bread in with flour. It’s the only gluten-free flour that works for this particular bread.
I also discovered that baked goods made at home need to be refrigerated since they do not have any preservatives, they tend to not last as long as gluten-free commercial products.
I have to avoid gluten because celiac runs in my family and unfortunately, I inherited the gene that causes it. Since I don’t want to run the endoscopy to see if I have celiac (I would have to eat gluten to run the test according to my doctor) and because it’s an invasive procedure, I much rather avoid gluten altogether, and use a preventative approach.
Eek! Excited about my super high recovery and sleep score today! I did sleep in which I absolutely needed. I get up at 5:30 am everyday and I am usually in bed by 9:00 PM.
I have also been very active and training 6 days/week so these numbers on my are an excellent indicator that what I’m doing is working.
I took this picture yesterday! It was a beautiful Spring day in my little town.
A few months ago, I somehow bumped into some cute ads for a line of workout clothes called constantly_varied_gear. I live in workout clothes most days since I work from home.
These clothes are made in the USA, the company is woman-owned, and for women.
Everything I am wearing in this picture is from CVG. I personally love the message on my sweatshirt! And no, I don’t earn a thing from talking about this brand, I just want to share the love 💕
I truly believe that it would be beneficial for children to learn how to cook. I’m all for this idea!
I had a bit of a health scare about 3 weeks ago, it has not been easy for me to come out in the open and talk about this. What is interesting is that the doctors have not figured out WHY.
I am being seen by a functional medicine doctor who had ordered a long list of blood work before this happened and of course there was nothing there to explain what happened.
My specialist ordered a few more tests and I will hopefully have some insights on Tuesday when I see him for my results. That being said, I am doing SO much better.
The specialist told me it was okay for me to train again. So I have been doing so, 6 days a week, and have been hiking every day.
The goal is for me to be completely healed in the next few weeks. I am 📻 n medication for the time being, with the understanding that it should only be temporary while everything balanced out.
I am grateful that I have amazing doctors.
Take a few moments out of your day to celebrate whatever progress you have made so far this year.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to focus more on what goals I haven’t reached yet, than on what I have accomplished, but that leaves me feeling frustrated more than anything. So this time, I am focusing more on what I need to celebrate that brings me a sense of pride and happiness.
- I have been consistent with my workouts
- I had a major breakthrough getting to the top of a hill this week without taking breaks (I had to take 7 breaks the first time and that was only 2 weeks ago!)
- I have been consistent with my hydration, something that hasn’t been so easy in the past!
- I have been consistent with my meals.
- And I have been journaling everyday!
- Today I am grateful for progress.
A HUGE shout out to ! If you haven’t checked their wonderful, comfy and beautiful lingerie, I recommend you go do that right away!
I don’t normally wear thongs but this one is absolutely comfortable, feminine and super sexy!
Thank you for creating such amazing pieces! You guys rock!
I make these for salads all the time! It makes eating salads a bit more appetizing for my family (especially my 14 year old). The recipe is super simple! I often have to hide these nuts because they taste so dang good, it’s hard to not eat them all 😂
In a pan at low heat:
Melt 1 tbsp butter and add
1 tbsp gold monk fruit (or you can add Swerve brown sugar substitute.
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
Mix well until melted butter and ingredients are fully combined. Then add 1/2 cup of pecan slices, stir to coat nuts well and remove from pan.
It takes about 5 minutes to make these! So yum!
I add them to salads along with goat cheese or Feta, berries and a spring mix, a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a dash of salt and pepper.
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Reducing Turnover & Burnout in Veterinary Medicine Teams Through Evidence-Based Wellness Development
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I help women stop wanting Mr./Ms Wrong back and FIND SOMEONE BETTER
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Welcome. Please message me about anything related to health, nutrition or personal development. I am here to help you.
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FFOT empowers parents to get tone & improve their health by providing proven fitness coaching in a state-of-the-art online format.
Adderley School 316A State Street
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Dancing is a joy. The steps don't matter! It's the music & the connections you make to others that make Zumba the most amazing way to sweat & feel alive!
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Building a community of Premium Female Entrepreneurs who want to build their business to high 6 - 7 figure businesses while having time to enjoy their life. Tap into your Feminine Power and overcome blocks and challenges to success.
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