Last Saturday I had the honor to do one of the most incredible things a cowgirl can do. I was blessed with the opportunity to carry the American Flag. Cowboy for Tyler 2023 was so much fun, thank you to everyone who came and a very special thank you to all of the sponsors who made this possible.
Happy Birthday Cowboy! We love you and miss you more than you could ever imagine.🤍
Rise and shine! It’s rodeo day! ☀️☀️☀️
You still have time to sign up for sled racing! We have some pretty cool prizes sponsored by some amazing people! Can’t wait to see you all tonight!
It’s Rodeo time!!! I can’t wait to see all of the excitement! If you don’t have anything to do on Saturday please come out and support this rodeo. It’s going to be a great time❤️❤️
We are so excited to see all of the kids this year. Make sure to contact Charla Johnson to get your kids signed up!
The rodeo is getting close! Sign up now!
So exciting!! I hope to see you all there🥰 thank you to everyone who is able to make this possible!
I was able to attend the last night of Rodeo of the Ozarks 2023 for their grand entry! The energy of the stadium, the smell of corn dogs, and that first step in the arena. All of these are simple things that you should never take for granted! Here’s to the first appearance but certainly not the last!! Shout out to my dad for driving my horse and I❤️
Future Miss Cowboy for Tyler queens at a local kids horse camp with Twin Willows Ranch & Stables! It’s so rewarding to see these kiddos grow in their horsemanship!
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!❤️
A small random appreciation post for the most lovely miss JoAnne Whisenhunt. During this photo shoot with Sherry Smith Photography she continued to help make me feel comfortable! JoAnne you are the best! Thank you for all you do!!
Inspire one another..
A day late to the occasion but, Happy Easter!
This is one of my favorite pictures of the 3 of us from this shoot. These 2 ladies are such strong, beautiful and independent ladies, I am so blessed to work beside them promoting CFT and it’s mission statement. Teen Cowboy for Tyler
A few sneak peak pictures from the most fun photo shoot! Sherry Smith Photography did such a wonderful job at making a first time queen feel so welcomed. Again her experience was so educational and I am so excited to share more from this shoot!
Rhinestone Lipgloss produced the most gorgeous earrings! My favorite are the turquoise ones😍😍
Thank you to all of the love and support I have received! Stay tuned for more pictures!
Yesterday was such a fun experience with Sherry Smith Photography!! Walking in I was nervous because I didn’t know if I was prepared enough but Miss Sherry quickly reassured me that it’s going to be fine and fun!
This was my first time ever really doing a photo shoot like this, especially as a rodeo queen. The first picture I posted is my first time seeing myself as an actual queen. This experience was one of the best and most educational experiences. I have the best CFT family, they were so gracious to help educate.
Earrings produced by Rhinestone Lipgloss
Formal night calls for an appearance…. Stay tuned for more pictures of representing Tyler internationally!
Miss Cowboy For Tyler gone on vacation🚢🚢🚢 spreading the message internationally!
Cheers to a new year! Let’s make this a good one friends!
Merry Christmas to all of my friends, 2 or 4 legged! This has been a wonderful year and I cannot wait to see what the year of 2023 will hold. Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for all of the support I’ve been shown the last few months🎄❤️
Wreaths Across America 2022! I was able to honor my grandparents and other veterans, all while representing Cowboy For Tyler. I also found one of my lesson students representing her Girl Scout group!!
It was dark so the picture quality wasn’t the best, and it was busy so I didn’t get to get a bunch of pictures! I had sooo much fun bringing Cowboy For Tyler into the Ozark’s with this beautiful parade. I loved interacting with all of the kiddos who were so excited to see horses! Thank you to everyone who came and made this a wonderful time!
Happy Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for this year, but I’m most thankful for the privilege of carrying this title. What are you most thankful for this year?