Equipment has got to go.
All top notch gear, no junk.
More you buy, the more you save.
Pick what you like and make an offer.
A boutique style gym that utilizes small group personal training that centers on improving members well-being through effective and authentic training methods. We stand apart from others in the following area:
Personal Attention: No class larger than 8 members
Time: Classes are 30 minutes in duration and are offered throughout the day
Variety: This is no "Curves" workout, each day is a unique an
Operating as usual
Equipment has got to go.
All top notch gear, no junk.
More you buy, the more you save.
Pick what you like and make an offer.
March of Doom
2, 4, 6, 8 trips done in succession with bike, plank and pushups in between. Crush your legs, your heart and your soul :)
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Incline Supermans. Great exercise to develop the upper back/shoulders. Hugely beneficial for all pressing exercises, squats and deadlifts!
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
It's not all HIT workouts all the time. Each week we dedicate pure muscle building workouts to compliment the cardio dense programming. Increased hypertrophy and strength improves everything. If you're bored with what you're doing, come train with us.
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
"Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield"
Functional Strength Training (moving with weights/strongman training) has IMMENSE carry over for every sport and every age. Carries , drags, pushes and throws all improve athleticism, strength, power, balance and mental toughness. Start them young and once you master moving with weights, you'll dominate on the field when moving without weights!
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Kettlebell arm bars are great but to really hammer your core, add a straight leg situp to the move. Goddamn they are tough and will turn your midsection to steel!
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
The Viking Chop
Saw this little devil and wanted to give it a try. Practice with a light bell to master the tech and then move to a heavier bell to blitz your lungs and core.
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Online Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Autumn is a time for change, why not change up and improve your fitness as well. If you are serious about getting results, check out our programs. No flash, no sparkly lights, no foofoo fancy routines. Just hard and effective workouts that get you results.
Send us a message here, call or text to get started.
Strength & Honor Fitness.
No excuses, just results
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Personal Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Three Keys to Help Maximize Results
Intensity is your effort, usually heavier, faster, slower, combos, etc.
What’s the difference between an amateur and a professional? Consistently getting it done. Stay committed to your goal, especially when you don’t feel like it
Bring intentionality to not only the workout, but each movement. Workouts should have a purpose and each movement should be done with purpose!
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Personal Training
No Excuses, Just Results
With no struggle, there can be no strength. These mason burpees are killer, courtesy of
Want incredible results? Check us out:
- Group Training
- Personal Training
- Youth/Athlete Training
- Personal Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Monday | 06:00 - 21:00 |
Tuesday | 06:00 - 21:00 |
Wednesday | 06:00 - 21:00 |
Thursday | 06:00 - 21:00 |
Friday | 06:00 - 18:00 |
Saturday | 07:30 - 12:00 |
Sunday | 07:30 - 12:00 |