Learning how to use your body against a mild form resistance like the gym ball, which provides you with a t type of sensory feedback has far greater results than simply learning how to move without any sensory input. Teaching people to use their body more efficiently, with greater kinesthetic awareness is absolutely essential to developing an athlete to their full potential. ANYONE can become more athletic, can improve at any sport with this approach. GUARANTEED. Get your starter kit on our website, see for yourself.
Speed of Sport
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Speed of Sport (SOS) is a training facility known for developing multiple World Champion, and elite athletes by utilizing methods that promote superior athleticism and explosive power through Nervous System Training techniques. Speed of Sports clients range from middle school to the highest levels of sports including multiple World Champions, Olympic gold medalists, current clients from the NFL, MLB, ATP, NCAA, and US National Teams.
Operating as usual
I know what you're thinking, but no this isn't Cirque DU Soleil.
The serratus anterior muscle is a terrific little muscle, often referred to as the boxers muscle and is a "serrated" looking muscle that wraps around the rib cage. In case you don't know what this muscle does, Just know that it's very important for punching power. Essentially, it connects your trunk muscles to your shoulder and helps protract the shoulder, which combined with scapular loading delivers a truckload strong punch.
There are a number of ways of training this muscle, but I've found that through years of experimentation, one of the best ways is similar to a push-up but you have to change the bodies angle in relation to the arm to really trigger it and make it more like a squeezing motion rather than a pressing motion like a push-up. You can do this. I promise you you going to feel a tremendous amount of activation in that area just like I'm doing here with Jackie. I'm moving her legs slightly up and down. I can kind of target that exact area where she needs to work.
Having fun on Monday. Get sum.
SPORTS FOCUS, a major element that separates the best from the good.
Ask yourself this, when working out does your mind often drift away from the exact precise muscle group you are targeting, are you fixed on how tender you are, how painful it is, OR are you totally focused and deeply connected to your body, moving, even the smallest muscle, maximally and as efficiently as possible?
The heavier you go, the more your mind will drift, the more you lose that connection with the muscles that you're trying to work. If you insist on lifting heavy weight, keep the reps to a minimum, and make up for lost time, utilizing light, quick, eye hand coordination exercises.
Eye hand coordination drills combined with progressive complexity work wonders to enhance, develop, and prolong your sports focus.
Do not underestimate the importance of STAYING IN THE ZONE.
This video could probably be titled how to train your , back, and torso for punching power.
As I've stated before, punching power comes from mechanics combined with the ability to execute both the push and pull movement in tandem, with force. And transfer that push and pull, from the trunk to the arm and into the fist.
The mistake we often make is thinking that doing these specific movements with tension on our arms will improve our punching power and I can tell you it most often doesn't.
The moment you add tension to the arm, the arm wants to initiate the kinematic sequence first, it senses it's under tension. It tenses up and it destroys the ballistic capability that you want to develop, that elastic, heavy power in your punching.
This is a Great exercise that really develops You're punching power and gives you a nice set of obliques too.
If the muscles around your lower abdominal cavity are trained well I can almost guarantee you're hips will become much stronger and more flexible. When there "core" is weak the hips moved much less and more away occurs in the trunk.
Combining exercises for both the hips and "core" are a great way to develop the necessary strength, but also the coordination of both muscle groups working together.
Isometric holds are a fantastic way to develop the foundational strength one needs to improve on dynamic strength!
Try these on your back; keep your lower back in contact with the floor when you til your shoulders up. Lower your feet as close as possible to the floor without losing the contact with your lower back. Then turn over and try them on your stomach... You'll get a tiny taste of what my athletes go thru on a daily basis.
Reposted from A C K I E B. Nothing new. We’ve been working
Stretch reflex is your friend, train it. It will save you from injury and help you become faster and more explosive.
In the training world, where a majority of strength coaches falter, is that they tend to chase higher barbell numbers as if the deciding factor in athletic success. Many have misinterpreted the fact that strength development with barbells was supposed to be used to develop only enough foundational strength to make your Plyometric and explosive movements better for your sport; unless your sport is weightlifting. However more than enough is not better!
This has been completely flipped upside down and has resulted in coaching the athleticism out of athletes by overemphasizing the wrong modality of training. Even professors and physiologists have completely misinterpreted this most basic equation for sports training. F=ma. Force = mass x acceleration.
They prioritize mass over speed.
Think... Forget the Hollywood montage, and. More importantly feel.
Plyometrics are all about contact time, if you go to deep into the joint angles you greatly increase the length of contact time and decrease the plyometric effect of the exercise. Most plyometric exercise are performed at a 1/4 -1/3 squat depth, a personal favorite of mine are the STRAIGHT legged depth jumps, which really decreases the joint angle to almost zero; similar to what you see in this video, smaller joint angles, faster reflexes.
Plyometrics are the king of sports performance exercise, they are probably the only movements performed at a fast enough rate to directly carry over to, and improve sports movements. This is well documented in eastern bloc literature as well as American studies. The problem is most people don't read the fine print, instead looking for the sets, reps, and barbells.
Depth jumps are about as advanced you can get in terms of timing, elastic energy, and rate of force development, with sports performance/ strength training. As high as this jump is, Its not perfect, but we're working on Depth jumps with a 48" drop. In order to be considered true plyometrics the ground contact time needs to be .15 seconds or less. Athletes do not get to move up to the next box until they can consistently hit .15 seconds or less on the subsequent boxes. As fast as these looked, all of the jumps were still too slow, off by only 100th of a second. Of course that's months ago. The fastest time I've ever seen consistently was .08 seconds. You need to earn the right to the height!!
Tired of side planks, even though they're a great exercise for developing a strong torso?
Grab a medicine ball, weight vest, Bulgarian bag, and drape it over your waist; bang out 100 reps, switching sides after 10 reps, without touching the floor... Thank me later....
With the high cost and ridiculous amount of sugar in so called hydration mixes/drinks, how does one hydrate well enough after training at night, to get a good night sleep!
Water alone isn't enough for athletes, and dehydration messes with your melatonin production.
Most of these drinks and mixes have NOWHERE near enough sodium chloride, magnesium, and way too much sugar to be used at night!
SUGAR gives you energy, disturbs your sleep.
If you are a serious athlete , guess what? FDA recommendations do not satisfy your needs either.
If you like, you can try this mixture; drink it when you wake up, before/during training, and also after training at night/if you wake up in the middle of the night.
I usually go through 2 - 1/2 gallon bottles a day, training or not.
1/2tsp or 1000mg Sea Salt (not table salt) per 1/2 gallon of water.
2 packets citric acid
25-30 drops of trace minerals.
Try the tissue turgor test on yourself after training and see the difference. AND THERE IS NO SUGAR, this mix will help you sleep.
No more palpitations, no more walking up with headaches, improve your energy... Combine this with the previous video I posted and you're getting close to sleeping good after training.
There are several reasons why this happens.
First, during hard training your nervous system experiences a fight or flight response; at night time you should be resting and digesting. In other words your nervous system is going haywire when it should be relaxing.
Second, MOST athletes do not get nearly enough sodium chloride/electrolytes, causing dehydration, which can disrupt the bodie's ability to produce melatonin. Melatonin helps you sleep....
Three, you eat TOO MANY carbs after training, late at night. Carbohydrates are good, no, they're great, but eating too much results in excess energy, keeping you up at night.
There are more factors involved but in this video I will address two strategies to help you sleep, and I'll share more over the coming days.
1. Light cardio cool down after hard anaerobic training. 10 minutes of either jogging, jump rope, cycling, at a steady (not erratic) tempo. Heart rate should be between 120-125bpm, very easy pace. You can add some light stretching for 5 minutes also.
2. Restorative breathing, do this for 5-10 minutes after your cool down before you leave the gym. Then another 10 minutes just before you go to bed. You can elevate your legs a little, or a lot, to help lower blood pressure as well.
Start with these two and I'll be adding more over the next few days. Hydration, calculating calories for recovery.. stick around.
The Dragon 🐉
Reposted from I like footwork. That’s was long time ago with .
Eu gosto muito e acho decisivo numa luta o trabalho de pernas,isso foi há um tempo atrás com
Here's a friendly tip for those without an actual ground contact timer,
When your feet come OFF the floor FASTER than they descend, chances are you're doing plyos correctly. You should actually be able to see the stretch reflex occur (the muscles and tendons stretching on impact and then rebounding of the floor with more power) like in this video the feet appear to leave the floor at about 2x the speed. The ground contact time should be .15 seconds or less! That's fast..The eye is not 100% accurate, but it's better than nothing. Do you or does your coach have the trained eye? Hopefully this helps, i try to keep my explanations simple enough for everyone to understand., without trying to sound too fancy with the terminology. Any more questions leave them in the comment section!

This is a young woman who chose a career path at a young age, that most people would never consider, nor believe that they could do it. It's a rare type of person that has this confidence, work ethic, and consistency (plus she laughs at my jokes) We've been training together for over 5 years and I'm so proud to continually be in the company of such an incredible person, and I'm excited to see her living out her dreams. She WILL be a World Champion soon....write it down. Love, respect, and admiration, coach Nick.

Strength training with Rafael Dos Anjos, Nic Lamb, and Coach Nick Curson. A quick behind the scenes look at the physical preparation of professional big wave surfer Nic Lamb prior to winning thre Titans of Mavericks Championship, a...
Can’t stress the importance of training the rotational power of the hips, obliques, and lower back to improve punching power.Simple exercise I came up using a sled.... hip rotational throw off..
This is an exercise I came up with a while ago to help develop the transference of force from the feet, legs, hips, up through the punch. The timing is critical between ground contact and release of the medicine ball. Intermuscular coordination is essential to do this properly. Simple and effective exercise. This really improves punching power on a level I haven’t seen yet. Can progress to a 1-2 combination, multiple angles, etc... This is a 6lb med ball. Try it with and without the plyometric effect, notice the difference in the power. Don’t try this first without building up strength in the wrists and hands or you will injure yourself when hitting the mitts/bags.
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