Field day will be this Saturday from 9:30am until finished which will hopefully be around 2pm.
List of things that need to be done:
Leveling field with new dirt/edging
Fix outfield
Pull chain link from dugout to dugout.
Expose bar for chain link (please bring shovels and pick axes if you have them)
Work on bullpen
Make fourwheeler ramp
Work on batting cage
Roll up window in new shed needs put in
Paint posts
Pressure wash/clean bathrooms
Deep clean concession stand
Please bring any rakes, tools, or any equipment you think may be needed.
Wyandotte Bears Youth Baseball
Official Page for the Wyandotte youth baseball leauge for 2022.
Operating as usual

Last day to sign your kid up is Thursday. If you missed signups please reach out to us and we will add your kid. We will be at the field this Saturday to collect any payment.
Don’t forget to sign your kiddos up tonight!! We will be there from 4-7, if you need to meet up at a different time please reach out to us. We will be at the ball field all day Saturday March 2nd for field day!!

It’s time for signups. Click on the link below to signup for the camp. Assitance is available if needed.

Don’t forget to sign your kiddos up tonight!! We will be there from 4-7, if you need to meet up at a different time please reach out to us. We will be at the ball field all day Saturday March 2nd for field day!!

Save the date!! This is a great camp and the kids love it!! There will be a sign up link coming soon!! Your child DOES NOT have to go to Wyandotte to come to this camp! All kids are welcome!!

It’s that time of year again!! BASEBALL SEASON is right around the corner and we want your kiddos!! We will be set up in the lobby during parent/teacher conferences so be sure to stop by and sign up!
Important Dates:
You should be receiving a flyer sent home in your child's Wednesday folder about signups.
Signups will be the 19th and 22nd of this month during parent teacher conference.
Field Day will be March 2nd. We need all the help we can get.
Draft Day for all 8U, 10U, and 12U will be March 9th. Children need to be in attendance if they are in these age groups.
Scott Elbert Camp will be March 23rd with and if date of March 30th

We cannot thank all of our sponsors enough! Another great season in the books!
Just a reminder about our banquet tomorrow. It will be at the little league field. Cannot wait to see everyone!
It's that time again!! Our end of the year party/banquet will be July 8th from 9-11. We will have a slip and slide, co****le, and a kickball game. We will cook hotdogs for all of the kids as well. We will also be selling out the concession stand so it will be open as well!! Come out and enjoy a fun filled morning!!
Pictures are in!! They will be ready for pick up tonight at the concession stand. 😁
Also please come get your hoodies if you bought one. If anyone still owes for their basket tonight is the last night to pay for it before it goes to the next person.
If you purchased a hoodie they are in and at the concession stand!!!
Also if you ordered shirts and have not picked them up please do so by Friday!
If you bid on a basket from the Auction and won said basket, it needs to be picked up by THIS FRIDAY. If it is not picked up by then it will go to the bidder before you.
Thank you
Some things came up so we are going to have to postpone our annual Scott Elbert camp. We will keep you posted when we find another date that works.
We have umpires.
Looking for a couple umpires possibly for tonight and maybe Thursday. If you are interested please message us.
We have extra shirts we are selling if anyone wants one. They are ready and in the concession to purchase.
If you ordered shirts, your order is ready!! I will be at the field for about another 45 minutes.
Just a reminder about our auction coming up. All of our youth teams are coming up with great baskets to bid on. Make sure you go like our auction page and get ready to bid on some amazing items donated by each team.

Stay tuned for our annual online auction coming soon. Just a sneak peak at some of our 6u teams baskets. We will continue to post some sneak peaks of each of our teams throughout the week.
We are looking for some help in the concession stand throughout the season. If you would be willing to help please reach out to us.

Thank you all for coming out yesterday for opening ceremonies! We had a great day of ball!

WE GOT DONUTS!!!! We are also going to have pizza for lunch!!! Come hungry and let’s play some ball!! ❤️

Opening day ceremony information below!
Saturday, April 22nd
All teams will play one inning with everyone batting through.
Individual, team, and group photo will be taken.
Pictures for individuals and teams will be on the high school softball field. The group picture with everyone will be on the little league field.
I will be at the ball field from 4-6pm for anyone that needs to drop off shirt money. Please have the correct amount as we do not have change.
⚾️⚾️⚾️UMPIRES NEEDED⚾️⚾️⚾️
Let us help you, help us😉
Umpires will be paid $$$$ for each game they umpire. Home games only. Details as follows:
$15 for 6U
$20 for 8U
$25 for 10U & 12U in the field
$30 for 10U & 12U behind the plate
Free drink and/or food item provided
Game nights are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
If you are interested please message our page!!
If you know someone who may be interested please gently nudge them our way😂🙃
Happy Baseball!⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️

We are doing a PRE ORDER for Baseball shirts! These orders are due this Friday April 7, 2023. Money is due upon order. Forms will be given to coaches.
Second order will be put in on the 14th.
If you are still needing to get pants or other gear, Dunham’s in Joplin has a HUGE selection. Some of the pants are on clearance as well.

Wyandotte 1: Josh Newton
Wyandotte 2: Kenny Thieman

Wyandotte 1: Michael Weisinger
Wyandotte 2: Jacob Chesnutt
Wyandotte 3: Zach Stovall