Scientific Bouncing
Hi, thanks for taking a look around my page! My name is Kevin and I am a traceur myself. Hope you enjoy the channel!
- Kevin
I created this page (and the corresponding IG page) with the aim to summarize and apply scientific studies to the sport I love!
Operating as usual
This study, to my knowledge is the first one about parkour to be conducted in the field of biomechanics.
Traceurs are always taught to kand on the balls of the feet and not lower down to the heel. This recommendation was never based on any empirical evidence.
The participants were training for about 3 years which doesnt make them professionals but definitely makes the findings applicable to experienced traceurs!
Peak vertical forces exerted by the precision and the pk roll were 38.4 to 42.9% lower, respectively. Which also is in line with the findings of other papers like Zhang et al. (2008). These showed twice the peak vertical forces off the same height with the traditional landing technique.
The authors of todays study conclude that the precision may yield the possibility of greater knee flexion and so a less erect body posture during landing. As greater trunk, hip and knee flexion have shown to improve force absorption (Swartz et al., 2005 & Blackburn et al., 2009).
An obvious downside is the lack of realistic height. Traceurs rarely drop straight down from a low height of 75cm...
Do you pay attention to your heel while landing? How is your experience with the precision technique?
I am not a medical professional. And this is NOT medical advice. If you are in pain, always consult a doctor before implementing/changing anything!
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