722 Sweat Mvmt Videos

Videos by 722 Sweat Mvmt. "722 Sweat Mvmt is a online fitness business offering live virtual fitness classes & an Apparel line.

Late post. In August 2024, I celebrated 1 year as Group Fitness Instructor with Chuze Fitness. I taught at Cudahy Aug. 2023--Dec. 2023, then transferred to the Temple City club in Jan. 2024. These pics are from my Monday and Wednesday BODYPUMP classes in Temple City and my Wednesday BODYPUMP class at Cudahy. I am thankful for all my Chuze members and my friend, Atasha, for recommending me to management πŸ’› Special thanks to my awesome manager, Jess, as well! Let's keep the fun going πŸŽ‰πŸ€ΈπŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ🏾 #dontletthethicknessfoolya #turbosumiyah #722sweatmvmt #fitnessinstructor #chuzefitness #bodypump #lesmills #anniversary

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Late post. In August 2024, I celebrated 1 year as Group Fitness Instructor with Chuze Fitness. I taught at Cudahy Aug. 2...

#latepost Last Saturday I team taught with my friend, Maricela Valencia to launch BODYPUMP 127 to her class! We had so m...