Coming soonβ€οΈ
The God KaiJu FC
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The God KaiJu FC, Sports Team, .
Operating as usual
Sorry for waiting We are coming back soonβ€οΈ
Need ku Lg Sundayπβ€οΈ
End of the Match β€οΈ
The GodKaiJuFC 12-5 The T-Rex Ft β€οΈ
Thank you for playing goodluck β€οΈ
God KaiJuFC αααααααααα·αα αΎα ααααΌαααΆααααΆαα·α 20 ααΆααα αΌα inbox β€οΈ
Tuesday Match β€οΈ
The GodKaiJuFCβ€οΈ VS The ChillZone β€οΈ
Time : 9-11 SMK Staduim β€οΈ
GoodLuck for both team πβ€οΈ
αα½αααΎαααααΌαααΆαααΆαααααα½ααα·αααααΆαααααααα αα·αααααααα’αα β€οΈ ααΎα αααααααΆαα½ααα½αααΎαααΌα inbox αααα»α page ααΌαα’ααα»α
The Rea hou FC β€οΈ VS The GoDKaiJuFC β€οΈ
3-5β€οΈ Date 13.3.2022
Goal sport β€οΈ
Good luck for both team π₯°β€οΈπ
We are
Tiger vs The god Kaiju
ααααααΈ : 6 / 03 / 2022
πααΈααααααααααα½α : samaki High school
ααααΆαααα : 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
# αα»αααααα
Need match for tmr At SMK Staduim π₯°β€οΈ Time 1-3 interest inbox β€οΈ
SMK Stadium π₯°β€οΈ αααα 1-3 α
αΆααα’αΆαααααα inbox β€οΈ
We are kaiju FC β€οΈ
Saturday Matchπ₯°β€οΈ
The GodKaiJuFC Vs Leopard Black π₯°β€οΈ
Time : 2-4 SMK Staduim π₯°β€οΈ
Good luck β€οΈ
The end of the game π₯°β€οΈ congrats β€οΈ
The GodKaiju FC Wins 11-4 The strong fc β€οΈ
Thank you for playing with usπ₯°β€οΈ
Kaiju need match for tomorrow Sunday at SMK π₯°β€οΈ inbox π₯°β€οΈ
Match again πβ½β€οΈ
The God Kaiju FC
Capitan Ra DeMo
αααα»α TheGodKaiJuFC ααααΌαααΆα Member α‘α₯ / 15 ααΆααβ€οΈ αα»αα
αΌααααα»ααα½ααααα»αααΌαα²ααααΎα’αΆαααααα α©$ ααΌαα’ααα»αβ€οΈπ₯°π
α’αΆαα» 14 , 15 , 16 β€οΈ 1.60 α‘αΎαβ€οΈ
Result for The Match π₯°β€οΈ
The GodKaiJuFC 1-1 The Strong FC
Well played for both team and thank you for playingβ€οΈ
Sunday Match π₯°β€οΈ Big Match & Friendly Matchβ€οΈ
The GodKaiJuFCβ€οΈ Vs The Strong FCβ€οΈ
20/2/21 π 1-3 Staduim : Smk Staduim
Good Luck for both team π₯°β€οΈ
Sunday Match π₯°β€οΈ Friendly Matchβ€οΈ
The God KaiJu FC π VS The Black Unicorn FCπ¦
2-4 Happy Sport β€οΈ
Good luck for both team π₯°β€οΈ
Happy 30th birthday to you Neymar Jr. π₯°β€οΈ
The End of the match π₯°β€οΈ
The God KaiJu FC 0 - 2 The King Lion FC π₯β€οΈ
Thank you for playing fair with us congrats to The king lion π₯°β€οΈ
Next Match β½οΈβ€οΈ
Sunday Match 30/1/2022π
The GodKaiJu FCπ Vs The King Lionπ¦
See you soon for both team π₯°β€οΈ
GoodLuck β€οΈ
π¨Updated ααααΉα
αααα»ααααααα½αααΎα ααΉαααααΎααΆαααΎααααααΆαααα
Stadium: Happy Sport ααΎααΆαα
Chat α
ααΆαα Page αααααα½αααΎα.π¬β€οΈ ααΌαα’ααα»αα
Our Team has open and new. We are available on Sunday only. Stadium: Happy Sport If u have any amazed or want to played with our team please kindly Chat to our page.π¬β€οΈ Thank you
Congrats for The GodKaiJuFC team πβ€οΈ
The God KaiJu FC 2 - 0 The Wild Wolf
Thank you and good play for both team β€οΈ
Friday Match β€οΈ
The God KaiJu FCπ VS The Wild Wolf πΊ
12:00-2:00 β€οΈ
Happy Sport β€οΈπ
Good luck for both team β€οΈ
Great job for both team β€οΈ
2-0 The God KaiJu FC Win β€οΈπ
Fun Match β€οΈ
Friendly Match π₯°β€οΈ
The GodKaiJu FCπ VS The Panda FCπΌ
2.1.2022 π₯β€οΈ
1-3β€οΈ happy sport
Jam mor spp and like share π₯°β€οΈ
Good luck both team β€οΈ
Hello everyone Nh need member 15 nek β€οΈ football
αααααααΆααΆα β€οΈ
Jg jol inbox X You