BeneFit Personal Training Videos

Videos by BeneFit Personal Training. Personal Training/Programming to help you meet any and all of your fitness goals.

BeneFit Benchmark

In 30 mins establish your maximum lift for the following:
Back Squat
Strict Press

Advice on the workout -
- Warm up deadlift and strict press to around 75% of what you hope to hit before you start the clock.
- For all three lifts, give yourself 3 attempts. Attempt one should be something you know you can hit, attempt two something you’re 90% confident you can do and the final attempt will be a dream number to hit!
- Give yourself 10mins to find your back squat max once you start the clock.
- From there move onto the strict press, this will most likely not take the full 10 mins so once you’ve found you max get straight to work on the deadlift
- Use whatever time remaining to establish your deadlift max
- Combine all your weights together for the CrossFit total!

Leave your scores in the comments!

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BeneFit BenchmarkIn 30 mins establish your maximum lift for the following:Back SquatStrict PressDeadliftAdvice on the wo...