NoScore Dart Team

NoScore Dart Team

Eran trecento, eran giovani e forti, e sono morti! ...beh ecco, noi siamo nove, giovani non tanto e neanche forti... speriamo bene :)


Temeteci ;) Noscore Dart Team forever! Fausto Trivelloni FIGF Lazio

Photos from NoScore Dart Team's post 12/03/2019

Che squadrone!

Brilliant Motion-Tracking Dart Board Guarantees a Bullseye With Every Throw 22/03/2017

Brilliant Motion-Tracking Dart Board Guarantees a Bullseye With Every Throw A night at a local pub isn’t complete without a few rounds of darts, but as your blood-alcohol level rises, your ability to hit the bullseye greatly diminishes. Unless you’re playing with Mark Rober’s motion-tracking dart board that automatically repositions itself so you’re guaranteed to hit the bu...

Timeline photos 14/02/2017

Timeline photos 05/02/2016

So buoni tutti a fare un robin hood... Fate questo se siete caxx! Hahahhaha

Timeline photos 05/02/2016

MVP - Carlo Spatocco! Lacrime e shottini al Freedom! Tuttodarts Freccette La ragnatela pub dart club

Timeline photos 29/01/2016

Roberta MVP della serata con il S. Patrick! Tuttodarts Freccette La Ragnatela dart club

Timeline photos 27/11/2015

This sounds familiar... Like if you can relate!

Timeline photos 17/11/2015


Timeline photos 03/11/2015
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