

Unleash your inner dragon 🐉 with me & reign supreme in business | Mindset coach for founders & CEOs

Operating as usual


Success is stumbling

from failure to failure

with no loss of enthusiasm.

So said the great Winston Churchill.

How do you keep that enthusiasm?

Check out this podcast snippet of an interview The Marketing Medic, Mike Caldwell did with me where I explain it.

You keep stumbling from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm busing these two steps:

➊ process those pesky negative emotions as fast as possible

➋ intentionally generate positive emotions

Life as a business owner is a rollercoaster, but with the right mindset, you can conquer any dip and soar to new heights.

Want more awesome insights from the Marketing Medic and yours truly? Tune in to the full podcast episode – links are in the comments.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 02/08/2023

Imposter syndrome is like having a sneaky little gremlin perched on your shoulder…

Constantly whispering doubts in your ear.

Wickedly playing on your insecurities.

Producing that nagging feeling that you're not as competent or talented as others believe you to be.

It creeps up when you're sitting in a meeting.

Convincing you at any moment, someone will expose you.

Making you feel like a fraud.

Not belonging there.

But fear not, my friend!

In this carousel, I offer 9 insights to tackle this gremlin head-on.

Remember, imposter syndrome may persist, but it doesn't define you.

It's a dragon that needs to be tamed.

You belong right where you are.

And you've got this.

Helping clients overcome their imposter syndrome is my jam.

DM me if you want to schedule your complimentary call with me.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 01/08/2023

One of my new clients accidently messed up family members' hotel reservations.

And out of his own pocket he had to pay thousands of dollars to make it right.

Then he thought to himself,

“I’m willing to spend that amount of money on others but not on myself?

“I’m telling Risa I’m ready to start coaching today.”

He did.

And even after just a few sessions I could see the shift.

He’s much more assertive.

More optimistic.

More himself.

Think of coaching as your secret weapon.

As something that will give you a competitive edge.

Because coaching will transform your life into some extraordinary.

Coaching will take you from good to great.

Instead of just okay.

Coaching is not for you if you want to keep peeping at your future through a keyhole.

Coaching is for you if you’re ready to kick that door open.

And walk right into your unlived life.

Are you coachable?

Do you want coaching more than you need it?

Then, let’s talk. Shoot me a DM.


How often do you hear someone say,

“hell, maybe?”

Not too often, right?

Do you hear them say, “hell, yes?”
Of course.

And “hell, no?”

When you make decisions, don’t waste time with maybes.
Make all of your decisions hell, yeses.
Or hell, nos.

Because making decisions fast and confidently and then acting on them is one of the best ways to level up your business game.

I have a whole podcast episode about decision-making. You want to check it out.

Links are in the comment.


How to say no? Without feeling guilty?

Much easier when you understand how we create emotions in our bodies.

Light waves reach our eyes.

And we see something.

Soundwaves reach our ears.

And we hear something.

These waves carry no intrinsic meaning.

We create meaning by the interpretation we give to them.

Only after we’ve told ourselves a story about them do we have a feeling about what we saw or heard.

Each and every one of us creates our own emotions with our own minds.

That’s why you’re not responsible for the feelings of others.

If you tell them “no” in a nice way and they still choose to feel bad about it, that is on them.

Becoming friends with your inner dragon, or your feelings, is what I help my clients do.

DM me if you want to find out more.

This snippet comes from a vodcast interview I did recently.

Watch the whole interview on YouTube.

Links are in the comments.


This light fixture in the dining room was one of the reasons I wanted to buy the house we now live in.

Hubby was not so impressed with it.

“Do you see all those halogen lightbulbs in it?” he asked. “With all the electricity they burn, we could power up the whole street.”

Oh, the joys of being married to an engineer working in the electric industry.

Because I didn’t want to be wasteful in the first few weeks we lived here, I hardly ever turned on the beautiful light I admired so much.

One day my nearest and dearest asked me why.

“You said it uses too much electricity,” I protested.

“I replaced the halogen lightbulbs with LEDs,” he said. “They are much more energy efficient.”

And now I turn the light on whenever I want to.

But it got me thinking.

Do you have halogen-like thoughts that are draining your power?

Here are a few examples of halogen-type thoughts.

➳ I should have been further along.

➳ I’m never going to succeed.

➳ I’m not good enough.

Replace these strength-sapping thoughts with LED-type ones that won’t drain your energy so fast.

Such as:

➳ I’m exactly where I am supposed to be in my journey

➳ I’m getting better all the time.

➳ I haven’t succeeded yet.

Sometimes all you need is a tweak.

Share one of your old halogen thoughts in the comments. With what LED thought do you want to replace it?

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 28/06/2023

Your dad tells you he loves you all the time.
Problem is, he is not there for you.
Coz he’s in jail.

You have a stepfather. He is there for you but never says he loves you.

Confusing for a little boy called Miguel Lebron.

But hold on tight because Miguel's story takes a remarkable twist! 🚀

At 15, everything changed when Miguel met an exceptional mentor who became his guiding light.

This encounter sparked his passion for personal growth and transformed him into a loving husband, devoted father, and successful entrepreneur. 💼

Get ready for incredible insights in this week’s podcast episode:
✨ Unleash your potential with self-awareness
✨ Experience breakthrough moments of success
✨ Embrace gratitude and transformation

The links are in the comments.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 24/06/2023

7 Surprising Things About Me

Married for almost 40 years to a supportive nuclear engineer. Two amazing adult kids.

Balanced my iPad on a pot once for a flattering coaching angle.

Fluent in Afrikaans, English, and my childhood-made P-language.

Daily self-reflection: 13 questions starting with "Did I do my best today to..."

Proud cancer survivor approaching 20th anniversary.

WILTY TV show = uncontrollable laughter!

Thriving on a Keto diet. (With occasional chocolate cheats.)

Share your unexpected story below.


The road to success

and the road to failure are the same track

The only difference is …

… that the road to success is longer, with a lot of intersections along the way.

Ever wondered why success often feels elusive, while failure can seem like an all-too-familiar companion?

Dana Letch's words quoted here hold a powerful truth that we often overlook.

Success doesn't come with a predetermined timeline.

Instead, it's a journey that unfolds over time.

Setbacks and wrong turns might feel like failures, but they are opportunities to grow your resilience.

As a mindset coach for CEOs and founders, I wholeheartedly embrace failure as an essential part of your journey.

I'm here to normalize failure and negative emotions for you. I want to strip it of its power and influence over you.

Are you ready to rewrite your story and stay on the road to success?

Let's connect and embark on this transformative journey together.

DM me so that we can discuss it.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 16/06/2023

Are you saying…

“I want a business that will allow me to travel more …

BUT …”

Here's a game-changing tip for you: Reverse the order!

Instead of saying, "I want to travel more, but it's so hard," switch it up!

Acknowledge the challenge first:

"It's hard, but I want a business that will allow me to travel more."

By addressing the negative upfront, you reduce its impact.

In that way, you empower yourself to focus on the positive!

Try it out and experience the shift for yourself!

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 14/06/2023

After conducting over 600 coaching sessions, I've identified the 3 biggest hurdles entrepreneurs face.

1️⃣ Shiny Object Syndrome: Have you ever been lured away from your current project by a tempting new idea? Stay focused and resist the allure of those shiny objects. Take a moment to evaluate if it's a genuine opportunity or a mere distraction.

2️⃣ Self-Doubt: That sneaky gremlin whispering doubts in your ear? It's time to silence it! Do a reality check, acknowledge your achievements, skills, and positive feedback. Seek support from a coach who can offer empathy and help you unleash your potential.

3️⃣ Spiralling into Discouragement: We all experience setbacks, but it's essential to approach them with the right mindset. Instead of spiraling into despair, embrace disappointment. It leaves room for curiosity and opens doors to new possibilities.

Are you ready to conquer these challenges?

Take the first step towards your entrepreneurial success. Hire me as your coach if you want to overcome these obstacles. DM me to get started.


You're not as good as you think.

But you're not as bad as you think either!

Set up camp in this fascinating piece of no man's land.

Why is this place so special?

Well, it gives you access to something magical: a beginner's mind.

Embrace the notion that there's always room for improvement.

Let that open up incredible opportunities for growth and learning.

Being in this no man's land also allows you to acknowledge just how far you've come.

You've conquered challenges…

learned valuable lessons…

and made progress that you might not fully recognize.

You’re not as good as your think but you’re not as bad as you think either is an empowering reality check.

Embrace the duality of your journey.

Celebrate your victories, no matter how small.

And at the same time keep pushing yourself to new heights.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 09/06/2023

Oh, the power of 1:1 coaching.

Melanie left her session with me feeling supported, clear-minded, and confident.

If you're ready to confidently tackle your business endeavors with a fresh mindset, DM me for your free discovery call.

Transformation awaits!


I have a simple question for you today.

Do you want to build your life around your business?

Or would you rather build your business around your life?

Business-building can gobble up everything in its path.

Mental well-being.

Physical health.




It’s time to change that.

And you know that.

Imagine if you could build a business that lets you:

➼ do what you want

➼ with whom you want

➼ when you want

Imagine if you had to do very little of what you hate to do.

Isn’t that why you started your business in the first place?

The only reason you don’t have that yet is for this simple reason.

You don’t have VIP access to your problem-solving, idea-generating, possibility-seeing brain.

Your emotions get in the way and trip you up.

Imagine if you had 10 sessions with a mindset coach that could show you how to get that VIP access.

Imagine if you could practice the skill of clearing your emotions with her until you’ve mastered it.

Imagine how you would, at last, be able to build your business around your life and not the other way around.

DM me if you are ready to do this.


Meet Ryan Sullivan - he used to battle the daily grind, commuting tirelessly to New York City.

His daily journey?

Starting at the crack of dawn, enduring a soul-sucking bus ride, and trudging to his job where he churned out cold calls and emails.

Life wasn't just tough, it was draining. 😓
His peers, like sleepless zombies, and his monotonous routine were sapping his spirit.

Then one day, the unexpected happened.

Ryan overslept.

And got scolded.

But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise when his boss introduced him to a life coach.

This was no ordinary coach but a guide living the dream in sunny Hawaii who saw a spark in Ryan.

He dared Ryan to chase his passion for podcasting.

The fear was real, but his determination was stronger. 💪

So he took the leap, quit his job, and launched his own podcast coaching biz.

Ryan’s journey is proof that determination, strategic thinking, and a little nudge can help rewrite your story, and it could be the boost you need to rev up your entrepreneurial engine.

Dive into this week's episode of 'What About the Dragon' 🐉 to soak in every detail of Ryan's transformation.

Links are in the comments.

Remember, your brighter future is waiting!


A big hairy audacious goal? Overrated!

Keep your goals hairy. But keep it blonde.

The blonde I’m talking about is Goldilocks.

You know the story of this little blonde thief who stole the three bears’ porridge.

And who was very picky about the free pickings?

The Goldilocks Rule can help you find that “just right” balance when setting goals.

Here’s how you set a goal that lights up your fire.

Pick one that is not too easy.

A too-easy one will bore you and let you lose interest.

But also don’t pick one that is too difficult.

That will discourage you and let you give up.

Find that sweet spot where the goal stretches you but remains within reach.

Make your goals picky, just like Goldilocks. Need guidance? DM me to book your free consultation now and start your journey towards perfectly balanced goals.


Embrace the beautiful

chaos and contrast

that is life

I love my life.

Sometimes I stumble.

Sometimes I shine.

Sometimes I stop believing.

Sometimes I believe 100%.

Sometimes I mess up.

Sometimes I'm brilliant.

Sometimes I forget what matters most.

Sometimes I'm deeply aligned and inspired by my purpose.

Sometimes I tell myself I'm crazy to be a coach when I can't even figure out my own life.

Sometimes I just know without a shadow of a doubt that being a coach is what I was born to do.

Sometimes I wish the road to success was a clear-cut route so that I could just follow the steps.

Sometimes I'm so proud of myself for figuring it out by myself.

I love my life.

Every moment of it.

Do you love yours?


How could I slash my weekly working hours from 60 hours …

… to only 6 hours

While doubling my income …

It had everything to do with my relationship with the word “no.”

I had a great interview with James Allen about this. The links are in the comments section.

It boils down to this:

➊ Taking no’s

➋ Giving no’s

When you’re a founder or CEO building a business taking no’s is something you have to get used to.

You will reach out to a lot of people.

Most of the time, they will tell you NO.

So, you want to build some resilience around rejection.

But you also want to learn to TELL people no.

A sure way to get burnout is to try to be everything for everyone.

You also have to learn to say no to the wrong kind of opportunities.

And to say no to busy work that may create gallons of dopamine in your brain but won’t shift the needle in your business.

Have a listen to the whole podcast episode!


🔥 When your coach asks you "why," fire them! 🔥

I have a video testimonial from my client Alex Mont-Ros, where I keep asking "why" and drilling down to the root of the matter.

Turns out, asking why can be confrontational and make people defensive. Not good for a coaching relationship, right? 😉

But fear not! I've leveled up my question game.

Now, I ask "what" and "how" in my coaching sessions, like a pro! 🙌

Empowering my clients is my superpower. With "what" and "how" questions, you'll find the answers within you all along. 🌟

If you want to go from:

❃ chaotic to calm

❃ frazzled to focused

❃ confused to confident

DM me and let’s set up that free consultation.


You want to tell yourself better lies.

Wait, what?

Think about it.

When something happened to you when you were a child, what did you know about life?

Still, you made a story up.

What if you allowed yourself to think all your stories are lies anyway.

Mere interpretations.

Flagrantly subjective.

Now you’re free to create new ones.

Ones that will be more empowering.

Ones that will get you to the life of your dreams.

What better lie will you tell yourself today?


When you have a hard time

making a decision

Use this …

Ask yourself how you will feel about this decision in:

⏰ 10 minutes

⏰ 10 months

⏰ 10 years

This question lets you check in with different parts of yourself.

1️⃣ It helps you sort out if you are making the decision to escape short-term discomfort.

2️⃣ Or if you’re thinking with your wise future self, who’s made it successfully through the whole thing.

3️⃣ It also adds that mid-distance perspective when you can get some detachment from the decision.

To make it work really well, also ask yourself how you will feel in:

⏰ 10 minutes

⏰ 10 months

⏰ 10 years

if you DO NOT make this decision.

Thank you, Chip and Dan Heath, for this one.


What does your inner dragon likes to eat?


Sentences such as:

❌ You’re too dumb to do this

❌ You’ll never succeed

❌ See, you lost your temper again. That means you’re a bad person.

But you want to put it on a healthy diet.

You want to feed it

✔ affirmations ➠ of course I can do it

✔ positive reframes ➠ sometimes I do get it right

✔ compliments ➠ you dealt with that like a boss

How often do you need to feed your inner dragon?



No, minute by minute

Stay aware of your inner dragon.

Become its most fascinated observer.

That’s the best way to tame, train and fly your inner drag to great destinations.


🔥🚀 You have to be willing to risk the usual to achieve the unusual.

Time to unleash your inner maverick and step into the extraordinary.

Imagine if Neo from "The Matrix" never took the red pill because he wanted to stay safe in the matrix of conformity!

Or if Frodo Baggins was happy with the same old, same old in The Shire.

💥 Say YES to that thing that keeps you up at night, that exhilarating dream that scares you!

You've been walking down a familiar path, but you already know where it leads.

If you want different results, you must be willing to take a leap of faith.

More of the same won't bring you anything new.

⚡️ If your current situation doesn't make you bounce out of bed with joy? Time to shake things up!

Yes, taking risks comes with uncertainty.

⭐️ Remember, the risk of not trying is far greater than the risk of failure. Don't let the fear of disappointment hold you back.

Embrace the risk with open arms and defy the odds!

My choice? It's a resounding HELL YEAH to the risk!

Join me in this thrilling adventure by typing YES in the comments if you're ready to embark on the extraordinary journey of a lifetime! 💪🌟


You find something that really works…

But then you stop doing it.

Why, oh why?

It could be

· a marketing strategy

· a productivity hack

· a way to get more clients

Nevertheless, you stop doing that.

· Perhaps because you were not paying attention to what was working.

· Perhaps you decided it’s too easy.

· Perhaps you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up.

It’s like your brain just can’t handle success.

DM me if you’re so over that dragon brain of yours not being okay with success.

Photos from Risa4coaching's post 23/05/2023

Get yourself out of the slump with The Dragon Whisperer’s favorite tool - The Triangle of Triumph

Here’re the steps.

Think of a characteristic of yourself you really like.

Recently a client came up with the trait “persistence”.

Now tell yourself a story about a time when you were “persistent”.

Why a story?

Because you want to rekindle a strong feeling in your body, you want your chosen character trait to carry an intense emotional load.

Repeat two more times with two more traits and two specific incidents.

You’ve built yourself a Triangle of Triumph. Return to it whenever you need a little boost. Just to remind yourself who you truly are.

Share one of your words in the comments below.


🌟 Success all depends on the second letter - u 🌟

💪 It's all up to you! 💪

🔥 Dream BIG, work hard, and conquer life's challenges! 💥

✨ Believe in yourself and soar through any situation! 🚀


How does coaching with me save you time?

Are you a busy business owner feeling like you're stuck in a time warp?

Well, fear not my friend, because as your mindset coach I can be your time-traveling DeLorean, zipping you straight to your goals!

Picture this: you're the protagonist of your very own blockbuster movie, but instead of defeating the villain, you're battling distractions and setbacks.

Cue the Dragon Whisperer, your wise and witty mentor who helps you focus on what matters most.

➤ ➤ ➤ With my guidance, you'll avoid wasting time on tasks that don't move the plot forward.

But wait, there's more! I can also help you overcome those pesky limiting beliefs that hold you back like a gravitational pull.

➤ ➤ ➤ Say goodbye to “I can't do it” and hello to “I'm the boss, baby!”

And let's not forget about productivity. As your mindset coach, I’m like a superhero with a toolbox full of tricks to help you optimize your time and energy.

➤ ➤ ➤ With my help, you'll be achieving more in less time than a high-speed chase scene.

Let me be Doc Brown to your Marty McFly

Dumbledore to your Harry Potter

Yoda to your Luke Skywalker

DM me now to get the Dragon Whisperer on board.


Burn all your boats?

Or keep a backdoor open?

Plan B? Or no plan B?

Last year I sold my first online business.

The dragon in my brain freaked out.

“The online courses still bring in money,” it anxiously yelled at me.

Being the Dragon Whisperer, I talked my dragon off the ledge.

“The time is ripe to go all in on the coaching business,” I countered.

I was at the right place to burn that boat.

I got my dragon on board.

I sold the company without drama.

If you are not there yet, that’s okay.

If your business is still a side hustle, that’s okay.

If you have a contingency plan to make your dragon feel less stressed, that’s okay.

Do you have a Plan B?

Or are you ready to burn your boats?

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility?


I want to inspire Christian women with insight and intelligence to nurture their emotional well-being so that they’re equipped to love and serve God with heart, soul and mind.

Let’s start by restoring the relationship with your mother.

Five years ago, I moved from South Africa to the US with my family.

I thought being 8000 miles away from my mother would make me feel better. 😉

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Success is stumblingfrom failure to failurewith no loss of enthusiasm.So said the great Winston Churchill.How do you kee...
How to say no without feeling guilty
Expectations can be …... the root of all your heartache.So said the brilliant William Shakespeare.But fear not!The Drago...
Short-term vs. long-term strategy in business?Hunting? Or Gardening?Gardening is like making YouTube content. It's a lon...
Meet Ryan Sullivan - he used to battle the daily grind, commuting tirelessly to New York City.His daily journey?Starting...
🎧 Ready to unleash your inner Rocky and achieve audacious goals? 🌟💪Join me on the What About the Dragon podcast as I div...
Should you?Or shouldn't you?Start a business now?Check out the latest podcast episode of What about the Dragon, where I ...
When your podcast host is up for a bit of on-the-spot coaching! Thanks for being so gracious, @LifeonaireIt was a great ...
Feeling like you're drowning in indecision? 🌊Well, fear not! 🦸‍♀️Your Dragon Whisperer has got you covered with the ulti...
Are you tired of cold calling?Do you 😮 dread 😮 the thought of pitching your services to strangers?Well, have no fear! "T...
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