It's been a while everyone ! We have been hard at work trying to think of ways to make ourselves better and able to relate more to our fellow gamers. It was this and the constant messages that pushed us into opening up our league to more games !!!!!! So starting from August 19th until the end of the year we will be hosting one off events for multiple different games ! Let your friends know and invite them to like our page and we will be in touch soon !
-PGL Team
Alright everyone we are going to be having a plate sale on October 8th in order to raise money for an upcoming league that we want to start for texas ! Please if your in the San Antonio area or are willing to come to the San Antonio area please stop by and buy a plate! The first event will be for overwatch and we will add other games after we see how the first event goes !!!!!! The plate will cost 8 dollars and will have chicken, sausage, rice and beans.
We may have our differences some times but in the end we are a family !
Everyone please invite all your halo friends to come and like the page ! We will have some stuff coming up in August !!!!!!!
Everyone please invite your friends to come and like the page ! We will use this page to make competitions and build a competitive scene for Texas!