When women in the workplace become Ladies Who Lead, they not only feel alive… companies thrive! Her mission?
• In July 2008, the Harvard Business School Working Forum found that U.S. employers spend 200 to 300% more
on the indirect costs of healthcare (e.g. absenteeism, sick days and decreased productivity) than on healthcare
• 63% of executives said they do not fully unplug and disconnect from work while they’re on vacation, even though
95% said they’re aware of the benefits of doing so
• In the U.S. private sector, there is a $224 billion vacation liability in PTO (personal time off) rollover
• A 2012 study showed that women in stressful jobs have a 40% greater risk for heart disease
• According to the CDC, 75% of American healthcare dollars are being spent on treating chronic conditions such
as diabetes, heart disease and obesity, which can be brought on by higher levels of stress
• A Harvard Medical School study found that 96% of leaders say they feel burned out. MEET LORI LATIMER, CEO, LADIES WHO LEAD
A highly sought after coach and consultant for women in the workplace as well as for companies who want to empower
their female leadership, Lori Latimer offers success strategies, intuitive insights, and a no-nonsense approach to
empowering women at work. To end overwhelm and burnout while teaching, training, and supporting
women executives in becoming purpose-filled Ladies Who Lead. SIGNATURE PROGRAM
Women & The Workplace: How To End Overwhelm, Get Off Autopilot, & Become A Lady Who Leads
The #1 thing keeping women at work exhausted and burned out – and what individuals and companies can do
about it
• The true costs of women who stay connected to their jobs, email, and phone 24/7 - and the real benefits of
women taking time off
• How the physical effects of exhaustion and burnout negatively impact corporations, PLUS one simple thing
women can do to break the cycle
• The newest “disease” affecting most female employees at any level – and its financial impact on corporations
• How to end overwhelm, get off autopilot, and become a Lady Who Leads
Lori can customize her signature presentation based on your needs. From a 1 hour Lunch & Learn to a 2 hour keynote
presentation to a full day workshop, Lori will personally design her dynamic presentation to suit your needs. TAKEAWAYS
Lori offers simple and practical tools, resources, and strategies to easily and immediately transform women’s
experiences at work, home, and within themselves. Her trainings are experiential as well as informative. Women leave
with a clear understanding of why particular practices and habits are causing burnout and exhaustion, as well as how
to implement profound and lasting change. ABOUT LORI
Lori’s mission is to assist high achieving women and female executives in releasing the burnout and exhaustion they live
with and instead create a more balanced life they truly enjoy based on their passion, purpose, and innate leadership
style. Lori’s 20+ years of experience in corporate America led her to blaze her own trail as a Lady Who Leads, and one
who empowers, motivates, and mobilizes women to become the leaders in their own lives. Working with Lori has had a profound impact on every area of my life. I regained my self-confidence which helped me to restart my career and land a 6-figure job after being out of the workplace for six years raising my children. Working with her has helped me grow into more of who I really am. I always feel supported and valued, which has helped me support and value myself in a new way. - T.P. Atlanta, GA
For speaking engagements, retreats, training, customized talks and media inquiries, please
contact Lori at [email protected] or by phone at (770)485-2007.