Good evening. For all of those wondering, I want to confirm that I have been told that this year’s Sunshine State Games Ultimate tournament is cancelled. The Florida Sports Foundation sent emails to registered team captains last week and has already issued refunds. I apologize for any disappointment and/or inconvenience.
Ultimate - Sunshine State Games
Annual Florida Olympics Ultimate Tournament

ATTENTION: Registration closes this Friday! If you want to play, get registered by Friday. 🏃 🏃♀️
Ultimate In association with Ultimate Match-upWho: Tampa Bay Cannons vs. Austin SolWhen: Saturday, June 1, 7:05pmWhere: Tampa SportsPlexTickets: $12 each – click here to purchase tickets.Promo Code: Use SSG19 to receive $2.00 off ticket

We are three weeks away! If you plan on playing, get your teams registered. We currently have five coed teams and three open teams registered. Obviously, we would like more. Please register this week so we can plan the event. Thanks!

We are about a month and a half away. Get your teams registered here:
Ultimate AwardsGold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place teams. At the discretion of the Sport Director additional awards may be given.

Are you getting your teams together?! Enjoy typical SSG goodness, plus an exciting Tampa Bay Cannons game Saturday night!

Have you registered your teams for SSG Beach? The date is September 29th. The place is Clearwater, FL.
Disc, waves, oversized hot tub and plenty of beverages.

SSG Beach is back, September 29th: get your teams registered!
Ultimate captains and players:
I regret to inform you that the 2018 Sunshine State Games ultimate tournament has been canceled. The Florida sports foundation has made internal changes this year; in fact, everyone in a leadership role is new. This led to a delay in opening registration that, in turn, lead to lower than usual levels of registration. This also led to a delay in other preparations behind the scenes that help make the event outstanding. Ultimately, we decided that it was better to skip a year than to have a tournament that did not meet the high standards we have set at this event in the past 13 years. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to the Beach Games in the Fall and to an excellent summer event in 2019.
If you already made plans to go to Bradenton for SSG, take note that there’s a Canons game in St Pete that Saturday night. If turnout is good, I’m told by the Cannons’ owners that they might organize an after-party. 🤘🏼
If you’re a team that registered for SSG, the folks at the Florida Sports Foundation will be contacting you about a refund.

Registration is OPEN for SSG 2018! June 2-3 at Premier Sports Complex in Lakewood Ranch.
Open, mixed and youth divisions. We can add a women’s division if we get three interested teams.
Hi ulty folks. Just got word that SSG will be June 2-3. Location will likely be Premier in Bradenton. Mark your calendars. 🤘🏼
Lots of new pics up on Instagram.
Follow us on Instagram . We are slowly uploading pics from every SSG.

Congrats to Miasco (mixed champs), Pale (open champs) and Sand1 (SOTG champs)! Thank you to all of the players for coming out today.

SCHEDULE for this weekend! Please share with your teammates. Looking forward to a great weekend.
NOTE: This will be a ONE-DAY tournament.
Happy SSG Beach week! We are keeping registration open until tonight. There's still space in all divisions. Once we have all registrations in hand, a schedule will be made. We hope to have the schedule done by Wednesday, or Thursday at the latest.
Due to Irma, registration will remain open until Monday. We've been receiving several calls and understand folks didn't have power. Please get your teams registered by Monday so we can make a schedule. Open, mixed and women's divisions. :)

Irma, who!? SSG Beach is still a go. Get registered!

We are just a few weeks away from SSG BEACH! September 30-October 1, 2017 at Sheraton Sand Key Resort in Clearwater, FL. TODAY is the DEADLINE for the reduced rate ($200 per team; it goes up to $250/team tomorrow). We will have open, women's and mixed divisions. It is a two-day event.
Play is literally in the backyard of the host hotel. The party will also be at the host hotel. This hotel puts this event together so, naturally, they hope you stay there. If most players don't stay there, they don't have a lot of incentive to keep hosting this event. Food for thought... ;)
Sheraton Sand Key Resort, 1160 Gulf Blvd, Clearwater Beach, FL 33767. Reservations: 727-595-1611. Rate: $129 per night single/double. The only way to receive the special rate is to reserve under this block. Make your reservation online today by clicking below.

Photo booth, day 2!

Winning team photos. Winning dog photo.

Final scores! Thanks for a great weekend!
SOTG WINNER: Space Coast!
1st: GROSS
2nd: Shore Break
3rd: Shrimpboat
4th: Scoober Divers
5th: Hammerhead
6th: Chasing the Dream
7th: Space Coast
8th: Tampa Tyranny
1st: G-Unit
2nd: D-Unit
3rd: MargaritaVile
4th: Mutiny
5th: Bold City
6th: FL Youth Allstars
7th: Swag State
8th: Schmeel Possee
1st: FL Youth Allstars
Special thanks to the team captains (an often under-appreciated role), the players/teams, Sunshine State Games, Florida Sports Foundation, SAVAGEultimate and all of the volunteers (especially Will Murphy, Elizabeth Grace Becker and Rick Saxe)! ~ Kristin

G-Unit. Mixed division champs, 3rd year running!

Final games going down right now. One hour left of play. Trying to stay ahead of bad weather. Really great spirit out here this weekend!

Day two, round one complete. Started game one with lots of rain (but no lightning) and teams played on!

Photo booth fun; day 1.

Standings after pool play! Games begin at 9am tomorrow. Field assignments are circled.
A1: G-Unit (3-0)
A2: MargaritaVile (2-1)
A3: FL Youth All Stars (1-2)
A4: Bold City (0-3)
B1: D-Unit (3-0)
B2: Mutiny (2-1)
B3: Schmeel Possee (1-2)
B4: Swag State (0-3)
A1: Tampa Tyranny (3-0)
A2: Hammerhead (2-1)
A3: Chasing the Dream (1-2)
A4: Space Coast (0-3)
B1: GROSS (3-0)
B2: Shorebreak (2-1)
B3: Shrimp Boat (1-2)
B4: Scoober Divers (0-3)
We have resumed play with 10 minutes of game 2 remaining. We will reassess the remaining schedule once this round ends at 12:55.

We are presently on a weather delay due to nearby lightning strikes.