Starting the learning curve on the classic fly tying. Green Highlender #6
Salmon flies tied by Torve I am a passionat fly tyer with 20+ years experience. Flies should be personal to you. I ty all flies as if it was for my best friend.
My dream is to make people catch salmon at the river strech they know or don´t know. Have those elemtens that each fisherman whants for him/her selves. Quality materieals from the best nordic vendors. I varnis or glue every part to prolong the life time of each fly. Just give me a hint of you preferences and I wil ty accordingly. Please do not hasitat to contact me
Spey casting is my preferd way
Operating as usual
Green Helmet Salmon Fly
The Bronze Lady Salmon fly #6 Mustad
Simple, but effective. #14 catched a 9,3 kg salmon in start of august. Nummedalslågen.
Perfect catch on my dream fly!
T&L Var, The River Numedalslågen Salmon Hook Fly Series, #6 Dbl Mustad
Phatakorva with Fasan Feathers on a dbl #6 Mustad.
Green But Var, Dbl 6 # Mustad
12 cm
Mikkeli Blue
Thunder & Lightning Gun Variant
There is some thing about The River Alta that is wery interessting. When I get pictures back from friends that fish Scandiflies, I am very happy! Patterns evolve over time, but som basics are a must. Please let me know if you have special requirments in sizes, wing length, thikness, flash, cones, rubber legges, JC or anything you wish fore. I be happy to help. Secrets remaine secrets!
New fly for Alta. Named by the fisher who got this 10 kg Alta Salmon: "Torveflua"
Garry Dog, Alta river spring salmon killer!
Phatakorva on single Mustad #4
Sea Trout Killer, The Wiking. Will add different but/tail colors
About Scandiflies: I am a passionat fly tyer with 20+ years experience. My dream is to make people catch salmon at the river strech they know or don´t know. Flies should be personal to you. Have those elemtens that each fisherman whants for him/her selves. I ty all flies as if it was for my best friend. Quality materieals from the best vendors. I varnis or glue every part to prolong the life time of each fly. Just give me a hint of you preferences and I wil ty accordingly. Please do not hasitat to contact me!
Spey casting is my preferd way of presenting the fly to the salmon. I am trilled to have my son and whife with me at the river. My youngest got his first salmon at age 7 on a Green But he tied him selves. At age 9 his personal best is appx 8 kg (94 cm).