I love seeing people that are willing to work hard and not let the aging process get the best of them. Don't get me wrong. If you want to workout differently, that's your choice. I still like many non-traditional training tools, but I use them for recovery and sometimes for conditioning. Still, for developing strength, my bias is towards barbells. Often, those that don't like them don't understand how to use them. When it comes to strength development, give me a barbell!
Starting Strength Squat Looks HORRIFYING, Here's Why
We posted a video a few weeks back, and some people were very concerned by one aspect of the squats they saw. What was it?The video Phil is talking about (al...
John gets it!
Modifying the Program for Geezers | Jonathon Sullivan
John C. is an 89 year-old WWII-era veteran and resident at an independent living facility for Seniors in the Detroit Metro area. He is an avid reader and recently has digested both popular press articles and biomedical abstracts on the role of strength decline in aging and the potential of training....
Small things matter...
How Blue Light Affects Mental Health
And while there is endless information about the way diet and exercise affect our mental health, scientists are only beginning to understand the role of electronic light in development of mood disorders.