G-Spot - Frisbee Tourney

Time to retire from the rat race called city life and retreat to the countryside. G-**OT aka Gentle's Supreme Party Oh-yeah Tournament !

Grab your shovel and hoe, start up that tractor and join us for G-**ot 2024: The Agricultural Showdown! The one and only mixed Ultimate tournament in Belgium bringing you the best, craziest and most fun times you've had since ever. We'll help you find yours ! Next edition: 26 - 29th th of May 2022


We all know you’re at the edge of your seats for more info about our 2025 edition. The wait is almost over!

But while you wait, you can block this date in your calendars: 30th of May - 1st of June
ps: maybe take the 2nd as well.

It’s coming!

Yours truly,
The magnificent G-**ot Crew

Photos from G-**ot - Frisbee Tourney's post 21/06/2024

G-**OT 2024 photo's are finally here!

Big thanks to Aline Pouille and Pepijn Allary for sneaking around the fields with their camera's all weekend.

More photo's here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ajm48pYDc5yygu1gFElVoQ9zlPWyJg?e=TBLCRZ

Feel free to share and don't forget to tag us!

See you next year folks! 30.05 - 1.06 📆


Are you ready for G-**OT 2024?!

Buckle up people, because it's only 4 more days!

Photos from G-**ot - Frisbee Tourney's post 22/01/2024

Wave your straw hats in celebration, because these 24 teams have been selected for G-**ot 2024: The Agricultural Showdown!

Team captains: check your inbox for more info regarding first payments

Big Love from the G-**ot crew!

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Sportschool in Ghent wordt?

Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

Are you ready for G-**OT 2024?! Buckle up people, because it's only 4 more days! #ultimatefrisbee#gentleultimate#belgium...



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