Shintaido Česká Republika o.s.

Shintaido Česká Republika o.s.

Tělocvičny/sportovní Zařízení v blízkosti

Běh Českým údolím
Běh Českým údolím

Shintaido (šíntajdó) je dynamické cvičení pro zdraví inspirované výrazovým pohybem a japonským bojovým uměním.

Shintaido is a dynamic health exercise inspired by expressive movement and J*panese martial arts. Video představující Shintaido / a video intro to Shintaido -

Otevřeno jako obvykle


Dílna Shintaido bojutsu pro každého, od začátečníka do zkušeného.
Neděle 16. června, 11:00 - 16:00
v Plzni
Cena: 1200,- Kč
Již víte, že se byste rádi zúčastnili této dílny? Rezervujte si místo! Přihláška a drobnosti jsou zde:


Shiatsu and quality touch
1-day intensive workshop
Sunday May 19, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
at the Tržiště na Malé Straně studio, Prague 1, a new space managed by Veronika (, where there are numerous fascinating events on offer.

Shiatsu (J*p. 指圧, literally "finger pressure") is a J*panese style of therapeutic massage that is done fully clothed, using no oils or lotions. In Shiatsu we use precisely-applied pressure of the thumbs, fingers, palms and sometimes elbows to improve circulation and deep relaxation.

Shiatsu is based on the ancient principles of traditional Chinese and J*panese medicine, and you can learn effective health-maintenance techniques through Shiatsu without necessarily delving into the details of the Five Elements Theory, the meridians and their functions, or hundreds of acupressure points. This way of learning is very intuitive and literally hands-on.

Learning to give a Shiatsu massage has benefits. When you learn to give massage, you also become aware of your own alignment, posture, and breathing, and how to position yourself to apply pressure effectively. Much like Judo, Shiatsu is about using the minimum effort to achieve the greatest effect. One of common misconception about massage is that you need strong hands. In Shiatsu, the natural strength of your whole body working harmoniously is what produces the beneficial effect of the massage. Therefore learning massage also includes some holistic physical conditioning exercises from Shintaido.

Your teacher
David Franklin is orginally from New York City. He studied traditional Chinese and J*panese medicine at New England School of Acupuncture and at Boston Shiatsu School and Institute of East-West Medicine. He worked as a professional masseur for years and he co-founded a massage company that provided on-site massage to corporate clients in Boston. He is certified in the TouchPro style of on-site chair massage. David is also a Shintaido and Tai Chi instructor. Instruction will be in Czech and also in English in case non-Czech speakers attend the course.

The workshop is open to all regardless of age or movement experience and will be held in Czech, with translation into English according to need.

The price is 2100 CZK. You need to pay a deposit of 600 CZK to reserve a space. The price is 1900 CZK if you send your deposit by 12 May. Want to participate in this workshop? Reserve your space here:

Amanda Palmer: former living statue, musician, crowdfunding guru 20/10/2023

Hey guys, if you'd like to hear what Amanda Palmer has to say about Shintaido, she's my guest on the latest episode of the Shintaido of America podcast. Shintaido, in case you haven't heard of it, is an amazing body movement practice developed in J*pan in the 1960s by a group of artists, actors, and martial artists. Amanda's been an intermittent itinerant practitioner since she was in her 20s. We talk about what singing and vocalizing and movement can do for our brains, our lives, and our communities.

Amanda Palmer: former living statue, musician, crowdfunding guru Musician Amanda Palmer joins us for Episode 10 of the 2nd season of the podcast. With Brian Viglione she forms one half of the punk cabaret duo the Dresden Dolls, while in her solo career she is not only a songwriter, ukulele enthusiast, feminist, abortion rights activist, TED Talks superstar, and p...


Hey folks, Amanda F. Palmer will be my guest on an upcoming episode of the Shintaido podcast. We talk about what live performance means for our brains, combining health exercise with creative expression, her reactions to hearing me screaming at the top of my lungs in the woods near her house, and other fun topics. The episode will drop later this month.
You may want to hear some of the other amazing interviews I've been honored to do. I recently interviewed the inventor on-site seated massage, David Palmer (no relation) for the podcast ( I also interviewed internationally-acclaimed classical orchestral conductor Kent Nagano (


[ENGLISH below].
Pozvánka na ukázkové cvičení Shintaida a nábor ke nově skupině experimentálního divadla
Neděle 24.9. 9:00-10:30 v Borském parku Plzeň
Shintaido je japonská pohybová disciplina, která se vyvinula od 1964. Zahrnuje progám otevřených pohybů pro celostní sílu, expresivitu, statečnost i sebevědomí.

Trial Shintaido practice and tryouts for a new
experimental theater group
Sunday Sept. 24th 9:00-10:30 AM
in Borský Park, Pilsen
Shintaido is a J*panese movement discipline that's been in development since 1964. It includes systematic opening movements for holistic power, expressiveness, and self-confidence.


[ENGLISH below]
Pozvánka na experimentální pohybovou divadelní akci s členy taneční skupiny NoTA (
Sobota 23. září 2023 15:00-17:00 hned na Náměstí Míru, Plzeň ( jako část Plzeňských dnů otevřených ateliérů ( ). Představení je součast multimedálního díla „Jak mluvit s dětmi o globálním oteplování“ od Davida Franklina (

You are invited to an experimental movement theater event with member of the NoTA dance troupe (
Saturday Sept. 23rd, 3:00-5:00 PM right at Náměstí Míru, Pilsen
at a part of Pilsner Open Studios Weekend ( ).
The event is part of my multimedia artwork How to Talk with Children about Global Warming (HtTwCaGW) (
Look forward to seeing you soon!

Untying Knots chapter 1 and an interview with artist Mario Uribe 13/02/2023

We hope to make the Shintaido of America podcast interesting for people who are interested in art, culture, and body movement, even if they don't know much about Shintaido (yet -- but they will!)
Please share! Thanks - David

Untying Knots chapter 1 and an interview with artist Mario Uribe In the first episode of Season Two, you'll hear a reading from Untying Knots by master Shintaido instructor Michael Thompson and an interview with artist and Shintaido practitioner Mario Uribe. While Micheal sets the scene for his first encounter with Shintaido in France in the early 1970s, Mario di...


🔴 Shintaido of America is releasing the first-ever podcast dedicated to Shintaido!

In 2022, it is going to be exactly 40 years since Shintaido of America first published the English translation of the original book by Master Hiroyuki Aoki "Shintaido – The body is a message of the universe".

Narrated by David Franklin, you can experience the book in 20 episodes published regularly throughout 2022, Starting on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.

Join our ZOOM release party on January 4, 2022, and meet the producer team along with our special guests HF Ito, Masashi Minagawa, Michael Thompson and many others.

Find more information about the contents of the podcast, our motivation and the essential links in a new Body Dialogue article. Also, in the article you can find tips for podcast applications and learn more about how podcasts actually work.

Follow our social media and website for updates and don´t forget to subscribe to our podcast on January 5, 2022.


(in English below)

Shintaido na festivalu Inspirace
Kdy: 14. srpna, 2021
​Kde: ​Park mezi zdmi u gymnázia, Sušice
s Lucií Strnadovou a Janem Růžičkou
Na léto Sušické kulturní centrum chystá zcela nový festivalový formát, který v mnoha směrech může návštěvníky obohatit, potěšit a rozšířit jim obzory. Navíc reflektuje současné trendy poznání světa. Na jednom místě se bude diskutovat, hrát hudba a v různých workshopech se představí další činnosti, např. Shintaido.
Detaily dílny Shintaida:
Další dílny:
Kontakty na organizatory festivalu:


Shintaido at Inspirace festival
​August 14, 2021
Location: Park mezi zdmi u gymnázia, Sušice, Czech Republic
with Lucie Strnadová and Jan Růžička
This summer, the Sušice Cultural Center is preparing a completely new festival format, which can enrich and broaden your horizons. In addition, it reflects current trends in world knowledge. Music will be discussed, music will be played in one place and other activities will be presented in various workshops, such as Shintaido.
(These pages are in Czech, not English):
Shintaido workshop details:
​Other workshops:
​Contact the festival organizers:

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