RCT Weightlifting

RCT weightlifting club is an Olympic weightlifting club based in the Rhondda for people of all ages

Operating as usual


Saturday 23rd October!!!
All timings will be confirmed but just so you can make arrangements we will be looking at an 8am start and doing a “hopper style” workout. We will put numbers in a hopper and take turns to pull out a number or workout and that’s what we will be doing. We will aim to finish the workouts around 2pm then stay for a few beers and possibly order some pizzas! (Now I got your attention) 😂

We Will be raising money for Sands which is a charity that provides bereavement support to any families affected by the death of babies and still borns. (More information on this to be posted soon).

We are also raising money so that we apply for funding from Sports Wales that will go to creating showers and changing rooms at the gym.

There will be a £20 entry fee for the WODATHON to which £10 will go towards Sands and the other £10 will go towards raising money for showers. This will be paid into the Crowdfunder page and then be transferred to Sands.

There will be a raffle on the day so if anyone has anything that we can use as prizes please let me know as soon as possible so we can get everything together.

Link to donate:




For this week’s weightlifting session. Will be running a mock weightlifting competition.

You will have time to warm up and build to working weight for sn**ch/clean and jerk.

Then as in a weightlifting competition. The bar will be loaded to your choice of weight. Then you have 3 attempts to make a successful lift. You will (hopefully) record at least one sn**ch and one Clean+jerk. This will give you your weightlifting total.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. This is just a week to see where you are with your weightlifting giving us a total. We can use this to plan effectively for the next 12 weeks.

The way the class will work. You will have roughly 20/25 mins to warm up and establish what weight you want to start at. We will dedicate one platform that everyone will lift their scored lifts from. Each lifter will go in turn depending on what your choice of weight is. We will start with the Sn**ch then clean and jerk. Once you have completed your three attempts at sn**ch then start warming up ready for the clean and jerk.

They way I would plan my lifts for each movement. First lift is something you know you can lift at least 9 times out of 10. Roughly 90% of your 1rm. Is successful then second attempt go for pretty much your 1rm. If all goes to plan and feel good then 3rd lift go for broke and go for a pb.

See you tomorrow at 19:30 🏋️‍♂️🏋️🏋️‍♀️


On tonight’s class at RCT weightlifting.

Week 11.

Deload ready for test week next week.

0-30 mins.

Warm up. Spending extra time on specific mobility, positions and movements.

30-55 mins. Free lifting. Catch up on any missed weeks. Nothing heavier than 50% keep it light and snappy ready for test week on week 12.


On for tonight’s weightlifting class.

Week 10 Sn**ch work.

0-15 mins warm up, mobility and barbell drills.

15 - 40 mins

Practice in your own time a complex of

1 high hang sn**ch
1 low hang sn**ch
1 full sn**ch.

Keep it light and perfect each movement. Build on from the complex from two weeks ago.

40-55 mins

Choice of

10 singles over head squat


10 x 2 sn**ch grip deadlifts


Build to a heavy sn**ch.


On tonight class.

RCT Weightlifting week 9.

Split Jerks & strength work.

0-15 mins warm up + barbell drills.

15-40 mins

3 sets of

1 high hang clean 3 strict press

Into 3 sets of

1 high hang clean 3 push press

Into 3 sets of

1 high hang clean 3 push jerk

Into 3 sets of

1 high hang clean 3 split jerk

40-55 mins

Choice of

Split jerk singles from the rack.


Heavy front squat singles.


On tonight at RCT weightlifting

Week 8 Sn**ch specific work

Something different this week. The aim of this session is to adress each lifters technical break downs in performing a full sn**ch.

0-15 minutes warm up, Drill work

15-40 minutes

Sn**ch specific technical work. Main aim for this week. Is to consistently catch the bar at the zero gravity point. (not catching the bar high and riding it down) also to take the arm rip/pull out of the lift. Perfect for people who struggle with the bottom catch position and to achieve a nice float from the leg drive.

40-55 mins. Over head squat, heave sn**ch balance, drop sn**ch balance work.

A nice light session. Concentrating on speed and efficiency in the lift.


On tonights class at RCT Weightlifting.

Week 7 Clean and Jerk.

0-15 minutes warm up and barbell drills.

15-40 minutes, Work through a complex of

1 x full clean and jerk, 3s pause at the knee and 3s pause in the dip position before the split jerk.

Pauses are great to build strength in the weak positions of your lift. Also to correct any positional issues and get the body used to moving the same way every lift.

40-55 minutes.

Choice of

build to a heavy front squat double


Defecit clean grip deadlifts. Build to a heavy double.



Weightlifting still on for this week!

As were exactly half way through the 12 week program. This week will be an open lifting . Can either test your weightlifting total or just work on technique breakdowns/weaknesses. Once we have more information when lockdown ends can resume from week 7 of the programme. See you tomorrow 19:30 👍🏻


The session for tonight’s weightlifting class.

Week 6. (Power and positional strength)

0-15 mins Warm up.

15-40 mins complete

3x10 empty barbell jump squats

10x2 speed squats (build weight every set)

Slow decent, fast drive out of the bottom.

40-55 mins complete

10 x 2 Clean grip deficit deadlifts with 3 seconds pause at the knee.

55-60 cool down/stretch.


Technique work with an empty barbell from today’s session. If you can’t move well with an empty barbell you have no chance of moving well with weight added to it. 👌🏻


Tonight’s weightlifting

RCT Weightlifting week 5


0-15 mins warm up

Into build to a heavy (not a 1rm) complex of

1 Sn**ch grip deadlift*
1 full Sn**ch

*Sn**ch grip deadlift. Lift the bar in your Sn**ch grip with a smooth tempo, stop just at the point where you would jump and catch. Lower the bar to the floor(don’t drop it). Aim to keep arms relaxed, shoulders back and arms long as possible with your chest nice and proud/facing forwards.

15-40 mins

5 mins to adjust weight and practice.

Emom 10.

1 muscle sn**ch
1 hip sn**ch
1 sn**ch balance.

(Nice and light to keep it fast and explosive)


55-60 cool down


RCT Weightlifting week 4

Clean and Jerk

0-15 mins warm up

Into build to a heavy (not a 1rm) complex of

1 clean grip deadlift*
1 full clean
1 front squat
1 spilt jerk

*clean grip deadlift. Lift the bar in your clean grip with a smooth tempo, stop just at the point where you would jump and catch. Lower the bar to the floor(don’t drop it). Aim to keep arms loose, shoulders inline with the bar and chest nice and proud/facing forwards.

15-40 mins


(5 mins to alter weight)

10 min Emom of

1 clean (2 sec pause in the catch)
1 split jerk ( 2 sec pause in the dip)


55-60 cool down


Rct weightlifting Week 3 (strength week)

Warm up 0-15mins

Bottom start position front squats

Build to a heavy single. If feeling good for your 1 rep max.

Add weight gradually. Use jerk blocks. Set the height slightly above the bottom of your squat depth. Drive out of the bottom position fast. Lower barbell under control.

15-40 mins

Choice of either

Super set, 5 sets 10 reps each exercise.

Barbell back rack (empty barbell)

10 step forward lunges
10 step back lunges
10 jump squats.

Do all reps in a row. Perfect in pairs as use each other’s working set as a rest.

Or catch up from week 1-2

Light sn**ch or C&J technique work.


Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins


Rct weightlifting Week 2

Warm up 0-15mins (sn**ch specific)

Build to a heavy complex of

1 power sn**ch
1 low hang full sn**ch
1 high hang full sn**ch

Start light. Add weight slowly. Make every lift look the same.

Once established a heavy single. Take weight down to 75% for 5 sets.

Aim for the 5 sets are to correct any breakdowns in technique, while establishing the heavy single.

15-40 mins

Choice of either

Sn**ch grip deficit deadlifts 6 sets of 3 reps (strength and positional work)


Drop sn**ches (speed work and confidence getting under the bar)


Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins

All movements adapted to ability/injuries etc.


Rct weightlifting Week 1

Warm up 0-15mins

Build to a heavy complex of

1 power clean
1 low hang full clean
1 split jerk

Start light. Add weight slowly. Don’t add weight if technique breaks down. Make every lift the same. If new to weightlifting will be going over the details of each part of the lift.

15-40 mins

Once established a heavy single. Take weight down to 75% for 5 sets.


Aim for the 5 sets are to correct any breakdowns in technique, while establishing the heavy single.

Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins


Sorry for the late post on this weeks weightlifting. Unfortunately I’m unavailable to take the class this week. So to follow on with the 12 weeks program (as we are exactly half way through) this week can be an open gym free choice weightlifting week. Then we will carry on with week 7 the week after. If you want any tips or ideas on what to work on feel free to ask Sorry again. 🏋️‍♂️👍🏻


This Tuesday at RCT weightlifting

Weightlifting Week 6.

Strength/explosive power.

Warm up 0-15 mins

Strength 15-40 mins

Build to a heavy working weight of.

3 deficit sn**ch grip deadlifts.


5 sets 3 reps.

With the each set it’s 3 reps no floor touch. From a 2 inch deficit. Nice smooth leg drive. Good positioning throughout the 3 reps.

Power 40-50 mins.

light barbell jump squats.

5 sets of 10 reps. Barbell in the back rack, lower in a good temp into a good leg drive and jump. Work in 2-3s as one finishes the set you go straight into your next set.

50- finish

Max height box jumps test.


RCT Weightlifting week


0-15 mins warm up

Into build to a heavy (not a 1rm) complex of

1 Sn**ch grip deadlift*
1 full Sn**ch

*Sn**ch grip deadlift. Lift the bar in your Sn**ch grip with a smooth tempo, stop just at the point where you would jump and catch. Lower the bar to the floor(don’t drop it). Aim to keep shoulders inline with the bar and chest nice and proud/facing forwards.

15-40 mins

Into 5 singles Sn**ch same weight or lower to 75/80% these should feel nice and snappy. Correct any issues found while build up in weight.


55-60 cool down


Week 5 of the program this week. Session to follow. Coach Sabrina Butler putting the work in.


RCT Weightlifting


RCT Weightlifting week 4

Clean and Jerks

0-15 mins warm up

Into build to a heavy (not a 1rm) complex of

1 clean grip deadlift*
1 full clean
1 front squat
1 spilt jerk

*clean grip deadlift. Lift the bar in your clean grip with a smooth tempo, stop just at the point where you would jump and catch. Lower the bar to the floor(don’t drop it). Aim to keep shoulders inline with the bar and chest nice and proud/facing forwards.

15-40 mins

Into 5 single clean and jerks same weight or lower to 75/80% these should feel nice and snappy. Correct any issues found while build up in weight.


55-60 cool down


Initiate Strength & Conditioning

Sabrina going through some warm up techniques. Preparing the body and keeping your joints/muscles safe for weightlifting.

Ever struggle with not knowing how to warm up correctly before lifting?!

Here’s a good complex performed by our coach demonstrating certain exercises that can be incorporated into your warm up.

3 Romanian deadlifts
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Tall Cleans

Perform 2-3 sets and stick with just the bar to ensure you are hitting the correct positions and using the right muscles to perform the exercise.

Romanian Deadlifts - Good for glute activation and stretching the hamstrings.

High Pulls - Good for strength and getting the bar higher. Make sure you finish the pull ( stand up straight) before using your arms.

Muscle Cleans - Good for keeping the bar close to the body. (If you are someone who uses their arms too much then don’t do many of these as you might be promoting a bad habit.

Front Squats - Essential wherever you are doing Cleans or Power to warm up the hips and legs. Good to practice with a pause in the squat to focus on keeping your chest high.

Talk Cleans - arguably one of the best exercises to focus on speed under the bar. Go into your toes, shrug and drop under the bar as fast as technically possible.

Give this a try and let us know how you get on.


Rct weightlifting Week 3 (strength week)

Warm up 0-15mins

Bottom start position front squats

Build to a heavy single. If feeling good for your 1 rep max.

Add weight gradually. Use jerk blocks. Set the height slightly above the bottom of your squat depth. Drive out of the bottom position fast. Lower barbell under control.

15-40 mins

Super set, 5 sets 10 reps each exercise.

Barbell back rack (empty barbell)

10 step forward lunges
10 step back lunges
10 jump squats.

Do all reps in a row. Perfect in pairs as use each other’s working set as a rest.


Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins


Rct weightlifting Week 2

Warm up 0-15mins

Build to a heavy complex of

1 power sn**ch
1 low hang full sn**ch
1 over head squat

Start light. Add weight slowly. Make every lift look the same.

15-40 mins

Once established a heavy single. Take weight down to 75% for 5 sets.


Aim for the 5 sets are to correct any breakdowns in technique, while establishing the heavy single.

Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins

All movements adapted to ability/injuries etc.


Rct weightlifting Week 1

Warm up 0-15mins

Build to a heavy complex of

1 power clean
1 low hang full clean
1 split jerk

Start light. Add weight slowly. Make every lift look the same.

15-40 mins

Once established a heavy single. Take weight down to 75% for 5 sets.


Aim for the 5 sets are to correct any breakdowns in technique, while establishing the heavy single.

Cool down mobility work

55-60 mins


Rct weightlifting 12 week program

Warm up for each week.

500m row or 3 mins assault bike
(Nice and steady just to get some blood moving)


Banded walks
3 sets 10 steps each direction
10 forward
10 back
10 left
10 right

Minor plate complex (will go over in class)

3 sets 10 reps of (super set)

Side raise
Plate press

Nice and light. Again just to get some blood moving and the joints moving freely.

Hamstring/Hip leg swings

3 sets 10 reps (each leg)

Polymeric jump squats

1 set 10 reps

5 second decent, small pause at the bottom of the squat and jump.

Aim to keep chest up, feet planted, even weight distribution.

With a barbell

2 sets 10 reps of

SDL deadlift
Muscle clean/Sn**ch

(Clean grip/sn**ch grip depending on week)

Will go over each movement in the class. Don’t rush the warm up as it’s AS important as the weightlifting itself. Should take around 10/15mins. Minimises injuries and gets your body ready to lift some tin.


Tomorrow is the start of our 12 week traditional weightlifting program. We will post what’s planned in the class each Monday. So you know what we will be doing. Also if you can’t make the class you can still do the session in open gym. The 12 weeks will run as a 3 week cycle. Week 1 clean/clean and jerk, week 2 sn**ch, week 3 strength/mobility work. Each weightlifting week will be a movement, complex on the board. The aim will be to nail down the technique of that movement to simplify and build the overall goal of moving heavy weight safely. Each week we will performing the same warm up routine 0-15 minutes. Then work on building the weight with that weeks movement. 15-30 mins. Then bringing the weight back down to perfect any technique issues/pointers that the coach has picked up. Strength/mobility weeks. These will consist of specific compound moments that are relative to weightlifting’s along with working on flexibility issues. At the end of the 12 weeks we will be testing ourselves in a traditional weightlifting meet style training to see how your weightlifting total has progressed. Let the gains begin 🏋️‍♂️👍🏻


Traditional Olympic weightlifting 12 week program starting Tuesday February the 4th. Clean and jerk, Sn**ch and all the compounds/accessories work to get a good base for weightlifting. More details to follow 🏋️‍♂️💪🏻


Jumpers and t-shirt order are going in soon so don’t forget to put your name down and pay ASAP! 💪🏻💪🏻


Sabrina Butler some routine split jerk doubles in last nights weightlifting class. Working on a straight drive and balance when in the catch. Solid work.




Simple but effective little pointer.


One of the complex’s from our weightlifting class last Tuesday.


Kristian Baller in a very short time has improved massively. Here’s him hitting a comfy 120k clean. Sn**ches in tonight’s class. 19:30 -20:30. 🏋️‍♂️


Athlete Ryan Owen Action shot in last nights class. Perfect example of finishing the pull. Triple extension with a nice straight torso. No throwing the shoulders back and kicking the bar out in front. Making life much simpler getting under that bar.

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Videos (show all)

One of the complex’s from our weightlifting class last Tuesday.
Athlete Sabrina Butler working on a smooth pull from the floor. Acceleration at the hips and a straight bar path. Weight...
Owen hitting a comfy snatch PB today. 70kg on the bar. (Only 2kg separates chicken and rice now) RCT weightlifting every...
RCT weightlifting 19:30-20:30 every Tuesday at unit 41 gelli industrial estate. Learn all fundamentals of Olympic weight...
Snatch work from last weeks weightlifting class. Tomorrow Clean pull technique, power cleans, full cleans, squats. RCT w...
Some lifting action from last nights class. Awesome atmosphere and weights getting owned.
Rob working some pulls from the floor. Trying to iron out the early arm bend. Finishing off with a good triple extension...
Ryan Owen moving well in Tuesdays weighting class. 16 minute Emom 3 hang snatch. Nice and light focusing on technique an...
Garin showing good technique today. Making a snatch well over body weight look like any other routine lift. Body weight ...
RCT weightlifting Tuesdays 19:30-20:30. Want to learn to weight-lift safely and efficiently. Learn for a qualified BWL c...
Action shot of Matthew Jones power clean and two spilt jerks in last nights weightlifting class. Only a few weeks in and...
Ryan Owen moving well. Some light snatch technique work before today’s brutal hero wod. RCT weightlifting Tuesdays 19:30...




Unit 43 Gelli Industrial Estate

Opening Hours

7am - 5pm
7:30pm - 8:30pm
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