The Practice Studio_SM

A second branch yoga studio under The Practice Group

Operating as usual

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 27/06/2024

夏日熱辣辣優惠嚟啦! 🌞

由 7 月或 8 月開始,你仲可以享受到無限堂課嘅優惠月票!

一個月 $1580 *
兩個月 $2700 *
仲再等乜?快啲嚟 join 啦,一連兩個月任你去參加所有課堂!


*可以低於每堂半價$250 加入星期日手平衡工作坊

Soak up the summer with our Unlimited Monthly Pass!
This special offer is open to our existing students for a limited time in July and August
only. Sign up for one or two months of unlimited classes at these exclusive rates:
1 Month: $1580 *
2 Months: $2700 *
*Eligible to join Sunday Arm Balance Workshop at a discounted rate of $250

If you’re already part of our studio family, your current package will be extended
accordingly. Don’t miss out on this chance to flow with us all summer long!
Unlimited access to all our classes, set to the perfect summer soundtrack and vibes


我哋好興奮同大家介紹Tiffany老師,佢會喺7月9號同16號分別教授 基礎瑜伽正位 同 內觀流 課程!作為 內在觀流 嘅金級導師,我哋真係期待佢將會帶嚟啲新歌俾我哋學員!🎶🎧


Get ready to flow with us this July! We’ve got 4 special classes coming up, and you won’t want to miss them. Our girl Tiffany Chan is taking over on July 9th and 16th - she’s a gold instructor of Inside Flow, so you know the vibes are going to be 👌 Plus, she’s hooking us up with her Foundational Yoga Alignment expertise.

Mark your calendars and get ready to move with us! These classes are not to be missed.



🌟 優惠一:

🌟 優惠二:




Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 08/06/2024

你知唔知The Practie Shatin快三歲啦? 為慶祝呢個重要時刻,我哋又有嘅優惠活動!

唔論你係想來做運動keep fit,定係準備做爸媽,我哋都有特別為你而設嘅課程!除了studio嘅常恆班會送堂之外,6月份買孕婦瑜伽套票嘅話,仲可以share俾你另一半!咁就可以一齊做運動啦! 帶埋新朋友過嚟仲有八折添!


我都要恭喜所有準爸媽,祝你哋生活美滿,BB健康開心!我哋The Practie Shatin等緊你嚟參加特別課程㗎哦!

Woot! Did you hear? The Practice Shatin is turning 3 soon and they’re pulling out all the stops to celebrate! You don’t wanna miss their epic anniversary deals.

Whether you’re looking to get fit or preparing for parenthood, they’ve got special packages just for you. And get this - if you sign up in June, you can even share the prenatal package with your partner. Talk about a win-win celebration! Also, you and your friend will also be able to enjoy a 20% off if you bring a friend over!

Just remember, these offers are only valid until June 23rd, so don’t wait till the last minute! Come join the Practice Shatin crew and feel the fun, energetic vibes.

Oh, and a big congrats to all you mamas and papas-to-be out there! Wishing you a beautiful life ahead and a happy, healthy baby. We can’t wait to see you in the Practice Shatin’s special classes!

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 21/05/2024

父親節就嚟到啦!The Practice 為了幫一班準父母再次舉辦夫婦孕婦瑜伽工作坊:讓準爸媽共同認識生產過產、學習有助分娩動作、讓另一半能夠支援及參與分娩過程,安心迎接寶寶的來臨,那就不要錯過這個工作坊

地點:The Practice Shatin

* 如何練習順產呼吸,以達到順利分娩的目的
* 學習控制盆底肌肉,幫助順利分娩和產後修復
* 如何使用瑜伽球和椅子等工具,準備自然分娩
* 練習三個層面的動作,幫助打開骨盆,順利分娩
* 安全注意事項,適合在家中練習
* 如何在醫院實踐上述技巧,促進產程進展
* 討論丈夫在分娩過程中的支援角色,包括呼吸法、按摩手法、輔助動作等,幫助妻子度過陣痛。


現有學生可以使用他們現有的課程套餐2 節參加課程。新學生可以與他們的夥伴以$580參加課程。

Expectant Explorers: Couple Prenatal Yoga Class 🎉💕🧘‍♀️

Once again, we are offering a special class for you: Expectant Explorers - Couple Prenatal Yoga Class. The class will be led by Veronica.

Date:9 June (Sunday)
Venue:The Practice Shatin

Expectant Explorers - Couple Prenatal Yoga Class is a yoga class designed specifically for expectant parents to experience the journey of pregnancy together. This class not only helps expectant mothers relax their minds and bodies, but also strengthens their muscle strength and cultivates breathing techniques, which helps them smoothly through pregnancy.

For existing students, you can attend the class with their existing package with your partners. New students can join us with your couple for $580.

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 03/05/2024

🌸 母親節就嚟到,即將成為媽媽的女士們,你你哋諗住點樣慶祝這一天?

為了慶祝母親節,我們現在推出一項特別優惠,有效期至5月12日: 只要您購買我們的10堂孕婦或產後課程套餐,您可以選擇額外加價$170購買2堂額外課程,或在同樣位於石門嘅 A l‘aise SPA享受60分鐘的孕婦香薰油按摩。

🤰 孕婦瑜伽和孕婦按摩的兩大好處:

1️⃣ 孕婦瑜伽:有助於增強體力和靈活性,緩解孕期不適症狀,提高睡眠質量,增進心理健康,同時促進寶寶的健康發育。

2️⃣ 孕婦按摩:能緩解背部和關節疼痛,減輕水腫和浮腫,緩解壓力和焦慮,促進血液循環,並提供身心放鬆的愉悅體驗。請注意,孕婦按摩只適用於懷孕未滿7個月的女士

🎁 別錯過這個特別優惠,在這個珍貴的時刻放鬆一下,享受一番呵護吧!🌺

🌸 With Mother’s Day approaching, how will you celebrate this day, expecting moms? To celebrate Mother‘s Day, we are now offering a special promotion until May 12. When you purchase our 10-class prenatal or postpartum package, you can choose to add on $170 to purchase an extra 2 classes or enjoy a 60-minute pregnant ladies essential massage at A l’aise SPA.

🤰 Two benefits of prenatal yoga and prenatal massage:

1️⃣ Prenatal Yoga: Helps strengthen the body and flexibility, alleviate pregnancy discomfort, improve sleep quality, enhance mental well-being, and promote the healthy development of the baby.

2️⃣ Prenatal Massage: Relieves back and joint pain, reduces swelling and edema, alleviates stress and anxiety, improves blood circulation, and provides a pleasant experience of relaxation for both body and mind. Please note that prenatal massage is only available for ladies who are pregnant for less than 7 months.

🎁 Don‘t miss out on this special offer to pamper yourself during this precious time! 🌺


Clement and Cheryl are here to make your Labour Day holiday even more special with invigorating holiday yoga classes! 🎉🧘‍♀️ Don’t miss out on this opportunity to move and rejuvenate your body on this public holiday! Join us for a blissful session of yoga, led by our energetic instructors. Book your spot now and celebrate Labour Day with a refreshing and energizing yoga practice. 💪💃


Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 29/04/2024

你想同你嘅身體建立深度連結,又享受咖啡嘅樂趣嗎?The Practice 沙田好興奮同上環新開嘅精品咖啡店 .co____ 合作,喺戶外舉辦 Coffee X Flow Jams!我哋好開心有Vivien同Tiffany 分別主持Animal Flor同Inside Flow課堂



5月26日 (星期日) 10:30-13:00
會員價 / 早鳥價 (5月12日前報名):$450
正價: $500
(包含 1 杯咖啡)

Do you want to connect with your body and enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning? The Practice Shatin is excited to collaborate with a newly opened boutique coffee store in Sheung Wan, .co____ , to bring you Coffee X Flow Jams, an outdoor event!

We are thrilled to have Vivien and Tiffany hosting the Animal Flor and Inside Flow classes, respectively. Join us on this beautiful lawn on Sunday morning as we share our love for movement and coffee!

26th May (Sunday) 10:30-13:00
Member / Early-bird (On or before 12 May):$450
Original Price: $500
(Price includes 1 complimentary coffee)




Ignite Your Yoga Practice with Cheryl’s Yoga Wheel Class!

Join us every Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30pm for a dynamic and empowering yoga experience. Discover the transformative benefits of the yoga wheel as Cheryl guides you through a unique blend of strength, flexibility, and balance.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, this class is designed to deepen your practice and unlock new possibilities. Don’t miss out on this invigorating journey! Sign up today.

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 12/04/2024


第五屆 RYT200 Teacher Training 2024
9月18 至 12月20日
▪️瑜伽器材應用:學習正確使用瑜伽櫈、瑜伽帶、瑜伽毯、瑜伽磚、瑜伽長枕及瑜伽墊(yoga chair, belt, blanket, blocks, bolster & yoga mat)
▪️瑜伽哲學:瑜伽的歴史、瑜伽派系、不同的瑜伽分支以及其背後相應的哲學;《薄伽梵歌(The Bhagavad Gita)》
▫️在完成課程後,參加者將有機會輪流在我們的常規導師指導下,教授The Practice的常規學生
早上10:00-下午12:00 (2小時)
全期共28節- 歡迎非培訓生參加,現時TP學生85折
10節課 $2800 (每節$280)
5節課 $1575 (每節$315)
單節課 $550
[email protected]
The Practice Studio Shatin

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 28/03/2024


What have you planned for the long weekend? If you are staying in Hong Kong, don’t forget to keep working for your body! This Saturday we are featuring Tiffany in her AG lesson! Don’t miss it!!


各位即將做父母的朋友們,你正在尋找準備順利分娩的方法嗎?The Practice 再次舉辦夫婦孕婦瑜伽工作坊:讓爸媽共同認識生產過產、學習有助分娩動作、讓另一半能夠支援及參與分娩過程,安心迎接寶寶的來臨,那就不要錯過這個工作坊

地點:The Practice Shatin

- 如何練習順產呼吸,以達到順利分娩的目的
- 學習控制盆底肌肉,幫助順利分娩和產後修復
- 如何使用瑜伽球和椅子等工具,準備自然分娩
- 練習三個層面的動作,幫助打開骨盆,順利分娩
- 安全注意事項,適合在家中練習
- 如何在醫院實踐上述技巧,促進產程進展
- 討論丈夫在分娩過程中的支援角色,包括呼吸法、按摩手法、輔助動作等,幫助妻子度過陣痛。


現有學生可以使用他們現有的課程套餐2 節參加課程。新學生可以與他們的夥伴以$450參加課程。

Expectant Explorers: Couple Prenatal Yoga Class 🎉💕🧘‍♀️

Once again, we are offering a special class for you: Expectant Explorers - Couple Prenatal Yoga Class. The class will be led by Veronica.

Time:10:00-12:00 pm
Venue:The Practice Shatin

Expectant Explorers - Couple Prenatal Yoga Class is a yoga class designed specifically for expectant parents to experience the journey of pregnancy together. This class not only helps expectant mothers relax their minds and bodies, but also strengthens their muscle strength and cultivates breathing techniques, which helps them smoothly through pregnancy.

For existing students, you can attend the class with their existing package with your partners. New students can join us with your couple for $450.

#石門 #孕婦瑜伽 #沙田孕婦瑜伽 孕婦瑜伽

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 12/03/2024

100小時 產前及產後瑜伽導師培訓
本課程的設計旨在為瑜伽導師提供 「產前產後孕婦瑜伽」的

- 育有一子
- 順產及母乳媽媽
- 產後半年成功修復腹直肌
- 六年密集式教孕婦瑜伽
-五年CrossFit 經驗,了解肌肉特性 將其帶入產前產後瑜伽
- 7成媽媽可順利自然生產

- 懷孕的基礎知識
(懷孕期的生理變化 /三個妊娠期及分娩/分娩階段/.)
- 瑜伽教學法
懷孕階段調整瑜伽式子 /與學生們建立信任及,瑜伽器材應用、解剖學及懷孕期的特殊情況、放鬆與舒緩)



100-Hour Pre-& Post-natal Teacher Training
(Installment Plan available)
12-30 August 2024
Every Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm
This course is designed to offer yoga teachers the skills to teach Pre- and Post-natal yoga.
Fundamentals of Pregnancy
(Physiological changes in pregnancy/ Three trimesters and childbirth/ Stages of labour/...)
Teaching Methodology
(Room set up/ Special sequences for pre- and post-natal class/ Modification in normal class/ Building the trust with students/...)
Yoga prop usage, anatomy and special condition during pregnancy, relaxation/..
*Completion of 200-hour foundation yoga teacher training is required.
One off payment: HKD13,500
Installment Plan of 2 months: HKD8000/month (Payment complete before the training starts)


🌸 慶祝國際婦女節,讚揚女性的力量!🌸


$1000 可享用 5 堂課,有效期為1.5個月(42天)

4月4日伴侶產前瑜伽課程 +$350(原價$450)
石門 森沐 60分鐘 孕婦中式按摩 +$398(原價$580)
石門 森沐 60分鐘 孕婦精油按摩 +$480(原價$680)




#國際婦女 #孕婦瑜伽 #快閃優惠‼️ #石門瑜伽

🌸 Celebrate the Power of Women on Women’s Day! 🌸

On this special day dedicated to honoring the strength and versatility of women, we want to celebrate the incredible power of all the women out there. We recognize that being a woman means possessing exceptional abilities, including the amazing capacity to nurture and care for their little ones during pregnancy.

To commemorate this occasion, We are thrilled to announce our 24-hour prenatal yoga flash sale! We believe that every expectant mother deserves to experience the benefits of prenatal yoga, and we want to make it even more accessible for you.

💥 Flash Sale Details 💥

🌟 $1000 for 5 prenatal yoga classes valid for 1.5 months (42 days) 🌟

In addition, we have some special add-on options exclusively for you:

+$350 🌺 Couple Prenatal Yoga Class on 4th April (original price $450)
+$398 🌺 A l’aise SPA 60 mins Prenatal Chinese Massage (original price $580)
+$480🌺 A l’aise SPA 60 mins Prenatal Essential Oil Massage (original price $680)

This Women’s Day, treat yourself to the nourishing practice of prenatal yoga and indulge in well-deserved self-care with our exclusive offers. Embrace the journey of pregnancy with grace, strength, and a deep connection to yourself and your baby.

Limited slots are available, so don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Let’s celebrate the power of women and embrace the beautiful journey of motherhood together! Happy Women’s Day! 🌸💪🤰


今日係元宵佳節,祝大家團團圓圓! 密集新年活動後,還未完全卸下新年繁鎖後的勞累?您身心需要真正深層放鬆!今日除了同家人吃湯丸外,仲可以一齊去放鬆一下!到了農曆新年最後一天,我地同位於沙田石門嘅超大按摩旗艦店森沐一齊送禮!🎁

1. 請like同save呢個帖子
2. 追蹤 、 同埋 .laisespa
3. 喺留言度寫一段創意嘅祝福語,同時tag三位朋友
4. 將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!

- 在森沐享受以下一個療程:採耳,佛陀式頭療 或 高級香薰推油
- ⁠*HKD 488嘅The Practice旗艦店同沙田禮券各一張 (可用於購買套票)



* 可用於購買套票,2024年3月31號或之前兌換

Today is the Lantern Festival, and I wish everyone a warm and harmonious time together! After the busy Lunar New Year activities, have you fully relaxed and let go of the fatigue from the festive season? On the last day of the Lunar New Year, we, together with the flagship store, À l’aise SPA, are giving away gifts! 🎁

How to participate:
1. Like and save this post.
2. Follow , , and .laisespa.
3. Comments and tag three friends.
4. Post this post on your Instagram Story for an additional 2 chances to win!
We will select the most creative New Year blessing and the friend who is tagged with the most thoughtfulness as the winners! 🏆 The winners will receive the following prizes:

1 treatment at À l’aise SPA : Ear Candling, Buddha-style Head Therapy, or Premium Aromatherapy Massage
*One voucher worth HKD 488 from The Practice flagship store and one voucher from The Practice Shatin

À l’aise SPA is their second branch in Shek Mun spans over tens of thousands of square feet and is designed with a vacation island theme, hoping that guests can take a good break and nurture themselves in a short escape. With a team of professional massage therapists who specialize in various massage services, prenatal massage, head therapy, ear candling, beauty, eyelash extensions, manicures, and more, they strive to provide every guest with a comprehensive and healing experience from head to toes!

*Redemption is until March 31, 2024, can be used on package



最後喺度祝大家身體健康,龍馬精神,龍年行大運! !

Arriving at the last day of the Lunar New Year event!
According to the Luna Calendar, today is ‘Renri’ - the people’s birthday! I wish everyone a happy birthday!
To celebrate everyone’s birthday, each student can now purchase eight sessions at a discounted price of $888. The validity period is two months, starting after the end of your current package! This offer is only valid for twenty-four hours, so it’s time to indulge a little more after eating so much turnip cake and nian gao!

Lastly, I wish everyone good health, vitality, and great fortune in the Year of the Dragon!


新年去到第五日,大家可能又要離開我家裏嘅寵物, 返回工作🥹不過唔緊要,想去到邊都見到自己嘅寵物,記得參加今次嘅抽獎啊!全人手訂製寵物刺繡 同The Practice送禮啦!千祈唔好錯過啊!🎁


追蹤 、 同埋
將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!


*⁠價值HKD 388嘅The Practice旗艦店同沙田禮券各一張

Pp_embroidery 係一間本地專為寵物訂製嘅人手刺繡小店。市面訂製物品居多,刺繡嘅更少。但係市面嘅刺繡店舖大多都已機械製作。為咗為客人提供一個更精緻同神似,所有產品以人手設計及製作,每件都係獨一無二。今次抽獎送出嘅禮物仲要係全新產品,以寵物及瑜伽主題設計!


* 2024年2月29號或之前兌換

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, many of you may have to leave your pets at home and return to work. But don’t worry, you can still see your beloved pets wherever you go. Remember to participate in this giveaway! Custom pet embroidery by and gifts from The Practice! Don’t miss out! 🎁

How to participate:

Please like and save this post.
Follow , , and .
Write a creative New Year blessing in the comments and tag three friends.
Post this post on your Instagram Story for an additional 2 chances to win!
We will select the most creative New Year blessing and the friend who is tagged with the most thoughtfulness as the winners! 🏆

The winners will receive the following prizes:
- 1 custom embroidered patch with a yoga and pet theme
- voucher worth HKD 388 from The Practice flagship store and one voucher from The Practice Shatin
Pp_embroidery is a local handmade embroidery shop specializing in custom pet embroidery. Unlike most embroidery shops on the market, which are machine-made, PP embroidery aims to provide customers with more delicate and lifelike products, all of which are designed and handmade, making each piece unique. The gift we are giving away this time is a brand-new product with a pet and yoga theme. If you are interested, don’t miss it!💪🏻

*Redemption period is until 29 Feb, 24.


大年初四繼續抽下獎,The Practice同 Helix Wellness 今次送健康俾你!快啲參加啦!🎁

1. 請like同save呢個帖子
2. 追蹤 、 同埋
3. 喺留言度寫一段創意嘅新春祝福語,同時tag三位朋友
4. 將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!


- 一節30分鐘嘅瑜伽相關疼痛評估服務
- ⁠*HKD 388嘅The Practice旗艦店同沙田禮券各一張

今次嘅合作夥伴 - Helix Wellness!佢哋係一間醫療健身公司,提供個人訓練同物理治療服務,專注於幫助客戶保持強壯同無痛嘅身體。佢哋嘅健身房喺中環好方便,而且有一隊年輕嘅高資歷同經驗豐富嘅訓練師同物理治療師。佢哋亦有一個專為60歲以上人士而設嘅特別計劃,因為我哋相信每個人都應該擁有活力同自信嘅生活。有助你了解自己嘅身體狀況同埋找出疼痛嘅原因!

* 2024年2月29號或之前兌換

#新春送禮活動 #抽獎 #恭喜發財 #新年快樂🍾️ #龍年行大運好運旺旺來🧧🙆‍♀️🧨🐰

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, The Practice and Helix are working together to send ‘health’ to all of you! Join now! 🎁

How to participate:

1. Like and save this post.
2. Follow , , and .
3. Write a creative New Year blessing in the comments and tag three friends.
4. Post this post on your Instagram Story for an additional 2 chances to win!
We will select the most creative New Year blessing and the friend who is tagged with the most thoughtfulness as the winners! 🏆

The winners will receive the following prizes:

- A 30-minute yoga-related pain assessment session
- *A HKD 388 voucher from The Practice flagship store and one voucher from The Practice Shatin

Our collaboration partner - Helix Wellness! They are a medical fitness company that provides personal training and physical therapy services, focusing on helping clients maintain a strong and pain-free body. Their fitness center in Central is convenient and they have a team of young, highly qualified, and experienced trainers and physical therapists. They also have a special program designed for individuals aged 60 and above because we believe everyone should have a vibrant and confident life. It helps you understand your body condition and identify the causes of pain!

Join now!🐲💪🏻

*To be redeemed by 29 Feb, 2024


大年初三赤口大家都知道,但是赤足唔知你哋有冇聽過呢?全新香港品牌Urbanroot 同The Practice送禮啦!千祈唔好錯過啊!🎁

1. 請like同save呢個帖子
2. 追蹤 、 同埋
3. 喺留言度寫一段創意嘅新春祝福語,同時tag三位朋友
4. 將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!


- 一張價值HKD 388 Urbanroot 網店禮券
- ⁠*HKD 288嘅The Practice旗艦店同沙田禮券各一張

Urbanroot是來自第一個來自香港的赤足鞋品牌, 希望為你提供舒適簡約的產品, 讓你享受回歸基本生活的輕鬆自在。重新感受世界, 由足而始💪🏼快啲參加抽獎,試吓赤足自在嘅感覺啦!


* 2024年2月29號或之前兌換

#新春送禮活動 #抽獎 #恭喜發財 #新年快樂 #龍年行大運 #

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, we a introducing a healthy and up-rising concept of going... BARE FOOT! The new Hong Kong brand Urbanroot, together with The Practice, is giving away gifts! Don’t miss out! 🎁

How to participate:
- Like and save this post.
- Follow , , and .
- Write a creative New Year blessing in the comments and tag three friends.
- Post this post on your Instagram Story for an additional 2 chances to win!
We will select the most creative New Year blessing and the friend who is tagged with the most thoughtfulness as the winners! 🏆

The winners will receive the following prizes:

1 voucher worth HKD 388 from Urbanroot online store
*1 HKD 288 voucher from The Practice main Store and The Practice Shatin each

Urban Root is the first barefoot shoe brand from Hong Kong, aiming to provide you with comfortable and minimalist products, allowing you to enjoy the ease and freedom of returning to a basic lifestyle. Rediscover the world, starting from your feet. 💪🏼 Join the lucky draw and experience the feeling of freedom when going barefoot!

Join now! Wishing everyone a year of good luck, good health, and success in all endeavors! 🐲💪🏻

*To be redeemed by 29 Feb, 2024


🧧🎉大年初二開年食好嘢!食好嘢又點少得全香港最天然和有功效的乳酪嘅傳統乳酪?全香港乳酪品牌 同The Practice送禮啦!千祈唔好俾佢停!🎁

1. 請like同save呢個帖子
2. 追蹤 、 同埋
3. 喺留言度寫有關食物的新春祝福語,同時tag三位朋友
4. 將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!


- 1個傳統乳酪福袋
- ⁠*1張價值HKD 188嘅The Practice 總店及沙田店的禮券各一



* 2024年2月29號或之前兌換

#新春送禮活動 #抽獎 #恭喜發財 #新年快樂🎊 #龍年行大運好運旺旺來🧧🙆‍♀️🧨🐉

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, enjoy good food! How can you have the most natural and effective traditional yogurt in Hong Kong? , the all-natural yogurt brand in Hong Kong, together with The Practice, is giving away gifts! Don’t miss out! 🎁

How to participate:

Please like and save this post.
Follow , , and .
Write a creative New Year food-related blessing in the comments and tag three friends.
Post this post on your Instagram Story for an additional 2 chances to win!
We will select the most creative New Year blessing and the friend who is tagged with the most thoughtfulness as the winners! 🏆

The 3 winners will receive the following prizes:
1 Traditional Yogurt Gift Bag
*1 voucher worth HKD 188 from The Practice Main Store and Shatin Tin Store each

Chuan Tong Yogurt is a Hong Kong brand committed to making yogurt using the most natural and healthy methods. Their products are free of additives, preservatives, and even suitable for pets, babies, and friends with lactose intolerance. Join the lucky draw and try this healthy and delicious yogurt! 🥰

Join now! Wishing everyone a year of abundance, fullness of food, enjoyment of delicious meals, and a home filled with happiness! May your plate be filled with rice grains and your body be filled with blessings! 🐲💪🏻

*To be redeemed by 29 Feb, 24


龍年大🍊,🧧祝龍運當頭,🦕體安康,🫶 行運一條🐉新年快樂!🧧🎉

大年初一齊行大運!Arpi 同The Practice送禮啦!千祈唔好錯過啊!🎁

1. 請like同save呢個帖子
2. 追蹤@thepractice_sm、@arpriyoga
3. 喺留言度寫一段創意嘅新春祝福語,同時tag三位朋友
4. 將呢個帖子喺Instagram Story度post出黎,就有額外2次抽獎機會啦!


- 一張Arpi 1.5mm 瑜伽蓆
- ⁠一張價值HKD 188嘅The Practice旗艦店同沙田禮券各一張*



#新春送禮活動 #抽獎 #新年快樂 #龍年行大運


Happy New Year! May the Year of the Dragon bring you good fortune and prosperity, with a healthy body and abundant luck. Happy New Year!

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, let’s embark on a journey of good luck together! Arpi and The Practice are giving away gifts! Don‘t miss out! 🎁

How to participate:
1. Please like and save this post.
2. Follow , , and
3. Write a creative Lunar New Year greeting in the comments and tag three friends.
4. Share this post on your Instagram Story for an additional two chances to win!

We will select the most creative greetings and those who have tagged their friends with care as the winners! 🏆

The winners will receive the following prizes:
- One Arpi 1.5mm yoga mat
- One HKD 188 voucher for The Practice flagship store and Sha Tin*

Combining superior grip and a firm-yet-supportive layer of added cushioning, the Arpi yoga mat is ideal for various fitness platforms, including yoga, Pilates, stretching, bodyweight training, and rehabilitation programs. The mat also features an antimicrobial surface layer to keep you healthy and clean.

Join now! Wishing everyone a year of auspiciousness, good health, and success! 🐲💪🏻

*The voucher must be redeemed by February 28th.


進入倒數新年最後七日,唔知大家準備好過肥年,行過好運未? 🧧🧧🧧❤️


Final countdown to Chinese New Year! Are you ready to welcome a lucky and phosphorous year? There’s Chinese new year we are excited to collaborate with a carefully selected series of local brand to welcome the Chinese New Year with us! Starting from the first day to the seven days, we will be releasing daily lucky, draw prices for those who are creative and lucky enough! If you also wish to try your luck in this chinese new year, r remember to stay lookout for any news! 🧧🧧🧧

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 02/01/2024

只有4位** upgrade 左去新環境真係好靚仲包埋第一晚同最後一晚晚餐 千祈唔好錯過❤️

住宿地點:巴厘島 Salty Breeze Bali 🌴


價錢需全額付款以確保機票預訂 ✈️

- 提升身心實踐的機會 🧘‍♀️💪
- 在美麗的巴厘島環境中深化瑜伽練習 🌺
- 與Rico, Carol和Mary一同探索內在的平靜和力量 🤝🌟
- 學習各種冥想和呼吸技巧,以促進身心靈的平衡 🌬️🌈
- 與志同道合的人們建立深厚的友誼和共享經驗 ❤️🌏


【Bali Yoga Retreat with The Practice】✨ LAST 4 SPOTS LEFT!
Date: 21st-25th February 2024
Accommodations: Salty Breeze Bali 🌴
Welcome to bring your family along! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Regular price:
Shared room: HKD 12,800,
Single room: HKD 13,800

Full payment required to secure plane tickets ✈️

During this retreat, you will enjoy the following wonderful experiences:
- Opportunities to enhance your physical and mental practice 🧘‍♀️💪
- Deepen your yoga practice in the beautiful environment of Bali 🌺
- Explore inner calm and strength alongside Carol and Mary 🤝🌟
- Learn various meditation and breathing techniques for overall balance 🌬️🌈
- Build deep friendships and share experiences with like-minded individuals ❤️🌏

DM us now!

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 22/12/2023

Bali Retreat Accommodation Upgrade 🕊️🫶🏻
為左令大家嘅retreat享受更多,我地決定不惜工本升級,包場升級大家既住宿去Bali 嘅Salty Breeze🌴🌴

現時仲有四個位! 如果你有興趣同 , .ma.lee 同 專心修練瑜加就快啲DM我地!!👭🏻👫🏻

In order to enhance your retreat experience, we have decided to upgrade our accommodation and occupy the whole venue. We are very excited to host you all in this beautiful naturalistic resort. 🌿🌾🌸🌺

We only have the final 4 spots (shared room) left. If you also wish to practise with Carol, Mary and Rico this February, DM us now to reserve your spot! 👫🏻👭🏻

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 21/11/2023

🌟 我地好高興為大家介紹別錯在The Practice沙田十二月的全老師 Vivian Wan!🧘‍♀️

🕙 時間:逢星期六
上午10:30-11:30 - 哈達(Hatha)班
上午11:45-12:45 - 恢復性空中瑜伽



✨ We are delighted to introduce the new teacher at The Practice Shatin, Vivian Wan! 💫

🕙 Time: Every Saturday, 10:30-11:30 AM - Hatha Class
11:45-12:45 AM - Restorative Aerial Class

Vivian has been trained in various dances since she was three years old, such as ballet, traditional Chinese dance, and more. She believes practicing yoga is the training of one's heart, allowing you to know your body better through each practice, placing your focus back onto yourself only, and no longer comparing yourself to others. She genuinely believes this would help students find peace amidst a hectic city lifestyle. Her goal is to spread awareness of the benefits of yoga and how it can improve health problems and daily stress.

In Vivian's lessons, students will be taught more about their bodies and breathing techniques. She hopes to create a learning environment that is relaxing and safe for all to enjoy, find peace & happiness, and bring balance to their lives.

🌿 Don't hesitate! Come meet Vivian yourself in Decemeber!🌿

Photos from The Practice Studio_SM's post 27/10/2023



經過五年的練習,Clement開始質疑是否仍然有必要追求瑜伽,因為這些年來他並沒有像其他年輕開始練習並不斷取得進步的瑜伽練習者那樣有重大突破。然而,瑜伽並沒有放棄他。有一天在這種認識的推動下,Clement決定在瑜伽教師培訓課程。在老師Samrat Dasgupta的指導下,他深入研究了瑜伽哲學的精髓,學習了新的體式,培養了有效的教學技巧,並獲得了對身體解剖的全面理解。通過這種轉化性的教學經驗,Clement現在真正理解瑜伽的本質是靈活性和力量之間的平衡,而不僅僅是追求靈活性。

Clement 會係十一月星期四晚上任教哈他瑜伽及基礎瑜伽,期待見到你!

New teacher arriving The Practice Shatin! Let's get to know Clement a little more:

Clement, out of boredom, stepped onto a yoga mat for the first time in 2015. To his surprise, his initial experience with Hatha yoga, specifically a slow flow class, proved to be one of the most challenging exercises he had encountered. The captivating nature of the practice made him realize the profound impact that a slow and steady approach could have on the body. Since then, Clement has regularly practiced yoga, gradually internalizing his learnings and transforming them into a habit.

After five years of practice, Clement began to question whether yoga was still worth pursuing, as he hadn't experienced any major breakthroughs like other practitioners who started at a younger age and continued to flourish. However, yoga did not give up on him.

Motivated, Clement decided to sign up for the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2020. Under the mentorship of Master Samrat Dasgupta, he delved into the essence of yoga philosophy, learned new asanas, developed effective teaching skills, and gained a comprehensive understanding of body anatomy. Through his perusal as a yoga teacher, he gains profound insights and guidance sparked Clement's thirst for knowledge and spirit of exploration. Through this transformative teaching experience, Clement truly grasped the nature of yoga as a balance between flexibility and strength, rather than focusing solely on flexibility.

Let's catch Clement on Thursday night in November, looking forward to sharing our practice with you all!

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Room507, 5/F, Corporation Park, 11 On Lai Street, Shek Mun, Shatin
Hong Kong

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