Water ✅️
Cold Coke ✅️
We also serve RED BULL ✅️
水? 有!
凍可樂 ? 有!
我哋仲有 RED BULL 💪
Registration opens soon ❗️
Fat Mak Trail Race, An NRNG Race
powered by
Spinsored by active Brands Asia Ltd.
📸 Johnny Pen
Fat Mak Trail Race
A trail running race inspired by a big rock called "Fat Mak Rock (肥佬麥)" in the route.
Operating as usual
NRNG 代理嘅🇯🇵日本品牌 已經進駐在 網店 www.nrngshop.com 及 Escapade Sports Hong Kong 銅鑼灣店。呢個賽季您可以加入✋自日本嘅👕🩳🧦 及能量食品及恢復補充品 😋💪
2025 Fat Mak Trail Race will open for registration soon, stay tuned!
NRNG becomes the exclusive distributor of , all from Japan 🇯🇵. It's now available on Online shop www.nrngshop.com & Escapade Sports Causeway Bay. Visit the site/shop now for 👕🩳🧦 , nutrition & recovery supplement 😋💪
🌟Fat Mak Trail Race, An NRNG Race🌟
Races organized by NRNG from Sept 2024 to March 2025.
Stay tuned!
【加購商品 Add-ons】
大家較早前訂購嘅商品👕 ☂️已經全部寄出喇📨!
我哋有🤏少量現貨可供即時購買🛒,請留意我哋稍後嘅最新資訊 😉
All add-on orders are shipped !
There are some stocks available for immediate delivery, stay tuned with us!
感謝Kris Photography 在終點幫大家紀錄開心的一刻。
我哋已於較早前將賽事成績上載到UTMB 及ITRA.
By the way, we have uploaded the results to UTMB & ITRA.
Happy photo hunting!
Thanks so much to Kris Photography for capturing amazing photos at the finish line.
Photographer ig ;
Photographer :
Album SUN映像
Please LIKE his Page
Photographer :
Photo Fox
Album Photo Fox & also @ Sportsoho
Please LIKE his Page
Photographer :
Johnny Pen
Please LIKE his Page
Photographer :
John Ng
Album @ Run-Pic
Photographer :
EC Windblow
Album @ Run-Pic
Photographer :
Victor Woo Photography
Please LIKE his Page
Photographer :
Sportie Moment
Please LIKE his Page
Photographer :
Mai Photography
Photo Album
Please LIKE her Page
【Post-race wrap up 賽後報告】
📌多謝晒、 多謝晒、 實在太多謝大家參與第二屆肥佬麥越野賽😘!
📌421人嘅參與 (日本🇯🇵🧦追唔上參賽人數😅,唯有停止接受報名🫣) 👍🙌
📌感謝一班FMTR crew 支持非常熱誠向參賽者提供服務 🙏💯
Thanks so much for all 421 participants (limited by the availability of the Japan finisher gifts 🧦😅) coming out for the Fat Mak Trail Race 2nd edition 🫶
The RD wants to give a shout-out to all the people below who contributed a lot for successfully organising the event.
工作人員名單 Official crew list (排名不分先後):
🫶SP/FP : Vanes, Bryan, Jo, May, Amy, Don, Michelle, Ringo, CowCow, Sisi, Miel, Dina, Eva, Lolo, Ruthie, Kriz, Roy
🫶CP1/CP3 : Jessica, 阿Dee, 成坤,李惠, Rebecca, Dicky, Gary, Iris
🫶CP2 : Simon, Eve, Bobo, Fion, Chloe
🫶Emcee : Megan, Haruka
🫶Fat Mak marshals : Candy, Lee, Ming
🫶Marking : Vanes, Ringo, Irene
🫶Sweepers : Eugene, Irene, 法法, Samuel
🫶⛑️St. John Ambulance Brigade 荃灣A&B支隊 Tsuen Wan Team A Division & Team B Division
🫶📸 Sunny, Victor, Keith, Kelvin, Kris, Mai, Johnny, Willis, EC, John
Official sponsor & support : Active Brands Asia Ltd Escapade Sports Hong Kong Escapade Sports Causeway Bay 10Mountain
Photographers' albums will be shared by separate posts.
Don't miss our 2 upcoming trail running races.
4TUL Ultra race : 3月29及30日, 29th-30th March
及 &
Space Tunnel Run 4月6日, 6th April
Website : https://www.noracenogoal.com/ 📣📣
2nd place of 14km (Single Loop) Cat. 1 is Wong Wu Yin.
2nd place of 14km (Single Loop) is NUGO.
Winner of 14km race (Single Loop) today is WONG HO CHUNG. Congratulations 🎉
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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Contact the business
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Room 1101-02, 11/F, Wanchai Commercial Centre, 194 Johnston Road, Wanchai
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ActionHouse is an award-winning sports and lifestyle PR and marketing agency that specializes in helping organizations amplify their brand messages, organize events, build reputation and ultimately, achieve sales.
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韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club) 韋根官方page肯定的香港球迷會
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Kenny Wong为您呈现以英超、西甲、意甲、德甲、法甲、欧冠、欧联、世界杯等国内外顶级足球赛事为主的专业国际足球资讯。 球迷可以在这里一起畅谈足球,以球会友。
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Sha Tin Rowing Centre, Sha Tin
Hong Kong
The 2022 Asian Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships (ARVIC) will be staged as a virtual event on 15 J
Hong Kong
4 Trails Ultra Loop, aka 4TUL, is a race of doing a 189km loop covering 4 major Hong Kong trails.
Hong Kong
The race passes through "Space Tunnel", & running up & down 4 mountains in one go in Yuen Long !
Hong Kong
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