Goal Fun Share

Goal Fun Share



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Hong Kong
Other Sports Events in Hong Kong (show all)
ActionHouse International ActionHouse International
Room 1101-02, 11/F, Wanchai Commercial Centre, 194 Johnston Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong, 852

ActionHouse is an award-winning sports and lifestyle PR and marketing agency that specializes in helping organizations amplify their brand messages, organize events, build reputation and ultimately, achieve sales.

Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong
Hong Kong


Y2Y Orienteering Y2Y Orienteering
Hong Kong

Y2Y brings orienteering to a new level

韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club) 韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club)
Hong Kong

韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club) 韋根官方page肯定的香港球迷會

Fat Mak Trail Race Fat Mak Trail Race
Hong Kong

A trail running race inspired by a big rock called "Fat Mak Rock (肥佬麥)" in the route.

足球情報站 足球情報站
Hong Kong

Kenny Wong为您呈现以英超、西甲、意甲、德甲、法甲、欧冠、欧联、世界杯等国内外顶级足球赛事为主的专业国际足球资讯。 球迷可以在这里一起畅谈足球,以球会友。

Hong Kong Photog Hong Kong Photog
Hong Kong

記錄香港的體育及各類活動,如有活動資訊或合作方案,請與我們聯絡 Record sports and various activities in Hong Kong. If you have event information or cooperation plans, please contact us email : [email protected]

巴黎聖日耳門香港球迷會- Paris Saint Germain Hong Kong Fans Club 巴黎聖日耳門香港球迷會- Paris Saint Germain Hong Kong Fans Club
Hong Kong


Liza News Liza News
Hong Kong

Liza News 賽馬貼士

2022 Asian Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships 2022 Asian Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships
Sha Tin Rowing Centre, Sha Tin
Hong Kong

The 2022 Asian Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships (ARVIC) will be staged as a virtual event on 15 J

4TUL Ultra race 4TUL Ultra race
Hong Kong

4 Trails Ultra Loop, aka 4TUL, is a race of doing a 189km loop covering 4 major Hong Kong trails.

Space Tunnel Run Space Tunnel Run
Hong Kong

The race passes through "Space Tunnel", & running up & down 4 mountains in one go in Yuen Long !