今日7月28日星期日(18:00),香港運動員何詩蓓將於女子200米自由泳初賽上陣,大家記得準時開電視支持啦 🤗 🏊♀️
Genius-Pro Swimming Academy - 菁英游泳會
Nearby gyms & sports facilities
Queen's Road Central
荔枝角 勵豐中心 8樓03室 (地鐵站D2出口)
觀塘, Central District
Golden Shower Street, Quezon
Nathan Road
You may also like
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Genius-Pro Swimming Academy - 菁英游泳會, Sports Team, Kennedy town, Hong Kong.
Operating as usual
今晚6:30pm - 10:00pm為小弟的私人時間😚,希望各位新學員體諒,允許我們延遲回覆訊息至今晚凌晨時分🙇🏻♂️,謝謝各位🙏🏻
🌟成人暑期初諧課程 (保證班*/**) / 恆常班^🌟
最快包你6 - 11堂一定學識!不取巧,冇額外課堂收費!
如果你哋嚟緊有以下計劃 / 問題,唔好諗啦,快啲嚟搵我哋幫手💪🏻💪🏻
1. 報咗潛水,教練話要游200米😰
2. 準備去旅行,享受陽光與海灘🥂🍻🏊🏻♂️
3. 嚟緊約咗船P,但係自己又唔識游水😥
4. 上過出面課程,學極都唔識,又唔想放棄😖
5. 跟出面教練做動作嘅時候,發現身體浮左喺度就唔識郁🥶,好尷尬,驚俾人覺得自己好蠢😭
6. 講效率,要短時間學識游水💪🏻
只要你每1-2個禮拜,俾1-2日時間我哋,我哋100%保證你5-10 堂學識游水💪🏻💪🏻
🔹 非坊間一般游泳班,只教游泳技巧
🔹 重點解構驚水,浮唔起,吹唔到泡泡成因
🔥 免費恆常班小組試堂 🔥
免費試堂時限為30分鐘,為防止濫用免費試堂優惠,所有客人需於課堂開始前24小時按指示繳付100% 課堂款項到指定銀行戶口,將入數紙發送至whatsapp: 9288 3320,待課堂後,讚好Facebook / Instagram 專頁,截圖頁面發送到 WhatsApp 9288 3320,客人將可獲50%現金發還 / 於正常課堂中抵扣 (需要跟同事確認)。
* 1:1 / 1:2 成人保證班:
🔹一堂由驚水變到唔驚水 ( 最少減低6-8成 )
🔹18 -45 歲成人:2 - 6 堂學識游水包踩水 (100%)
🔹45-70 歲成人:3 - 6 堂學識游水包踩水(100%)
🔹踩水:95% 學員只需30-45分鐘學識
🔹深水游泳恐懼問題:90% 學員只需 1堂 (花費30-45分鐘) 處理
** 1:3-5 小組保證班:
🔹一堂由驚水變到唔驚水 ( 最少減低八成 )
🔹18 -70 歲成人:11 堂內學識 2-3 種泳術 (包括蛙泳 / 自由泳 / 背泳)
🔹踩水:95% 學員只需 1-2 堂 (每堂花費30分鐘) 學識
🔹深水游泳恐懼問題:90% 學員只需1-2 堂 (花費30-45分鐘) 處理
^ 小組恆常班:
可以要求使用英語, 廣東話, 普通話進行課堂, 或即時雙語翻譯
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#女教練 #註冊游泳教練 #男教練 #菁英游泳會 #免費試堂 #全港最快學識游水 #修身課程 #健體課程 #水療課程 #成人游泳班泳 #兒童游泳班 #踩水教學
觀塘小朋友初班開始咗啦,依家先係短短嘅第三四堂 (中途有啲新寶寶加入),基本上上咗幾堂小朋友都可以揸到浮板踢到腳啦!每個小朋友都有唔同嘅可愛性格 (😟😩😣😭😙😌…)以下係部份語錄:
🤢:踢緊浮板 (好驚,阿Sir好驚跌落水😖!)
面對小朋友嘅以死相逼☹️,我們毫不畏懼,繼續迫小朋友去 … 唔係唔係,係繼續幫小朋友去適應浸頭落水,最後 … 梗係用我哋嘅絕密辦法成功咗啦🤣!
各位新學生,抱歉最近兩天有游泳班諮詢比較多,需要大約一至三天時間回覆,所有Facebook內的查詢,等候時間可能較長,建議各位直接 WhatsApp 我們!
🌟暑期兒童游泳班🌟 (負責人主理)
地點:堅尼地城 / 維園 / 大角咀 / 觀塘
年齡:3 - 5歲小朋友 (嬰幼兒游泳班)
5-12歲以上小朋友 (兒童游泳班)
時間:6-8月各區時間表 (平日/週末)
導師:註冊嬰幼兒導師 (負責人)領導課堂
課堂特色 (保證事項):
✅ 不出4堂,小朋友能初步進行揸浮板孭書包踢腳 (100%保證)
✅ 利用專業感統刺激法,助小朋友1堂適應水性,愛上游泳 (100%保證)
✅ 利用專業手法,助小朋友30分鐘內大幅度減少怕水問題 (100%保證)(家長可從旁觀察變化)
✅ 95%小朋友成功於第一堂進行淺潛唔喊(100%保證)
1. 客人專享最高$100課堂現金回贈
2. 可享一次介紹客人額外現金回贈
了解更多課堂時間資訊,WhatsApp : 9288 3320 或按以下連結:
1. 第一二堂爹哋媽咪一齊落水
2. 為小朋友穿着厚一點兒童保暖衣
3. 買返件貼身嘅兒童救生衣
4. 家長需給予寶寶最少2-4節課堂適應,負責導師會給予家長全力支援,建立互信關係
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#女教練 #註冊游泳教練 #男教練 #菁英游泳會 #免費試堂 #兒童游泳班 #嬰幼兒游泳班 #暑期課程
今年2024年,同樣的學內游泳比賽,Johnny再下一城,於25米蛙泳 (非自己強項) 再次贏得比賽銀牌,當中操練蛙泳的時間也只有約4-5節課課,今天比賽更是帶病上陣😷🥴…
最令我們神奇的是 … Johnny本項運動並非游泳😱,而是乒乓球!除了學校2-3個月游泳班,平日基本上沒有接觸游泳活動,更別說操練!
Johnny 參賽過程可為一波三折,2023年曾經遭到老師否決比賽資格,2024年訓練過程中不幸生病,直接影響比賽表現,小朋友沒有因這兩件事而放棄,繼續認真接受訓練,參加比賽,其堅毅不屈的心態,值得我們學習!
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#神奇小子 #逆境自強 #泳隊唔係大晒 #下年攞金牌
地區:堅尼地城 / 維園 / 大角咀 / 觀塘
班別:自組 (1:1)/ (1:2) / 小組 (1:4-6)
星級導師:前港隊及泳隊運動員 (游泳/體能訓練)
✅ 掌握一種以上游泳技巧,能於指定時間內完成50米
試堂:免費 (30分鐘)
- 1節 (維持基礎體能)
- 2節或以上 (目標體能及耐力訓練)
- 除了基礎游泳課程,我們會為學員加上陸上體式能,深度強化大腿 / 小腿 / 手臂的爆炸力,肌耐力,由港隊成員負責執行整個操練過程!
1. 課堂前需預繳 $100
2. 試堂後如繼續參與課堂,$100將於常規課堂抵扣
- 預繳8堂費用,可享額外95折優惠
- 5月份課堂一律9折優惠
- 6月課堂一律95折優惠
WhatsApp : 9288 3320 或按以下連結
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#免費試堂 #嬰兒按摩 #唔驚水 #嬰幼兒游泳班
地區:堅尼地城 / 維園 / 大角咀 / 觀塘
年齡:5 - < 12歲小朋友
班別:自組(1:1) / 自組(1:2) / 小組 (1:3-5)
星級導師:前港隊及泳隊運動員 (游泳/體能訓練)
課堂特色 (初學小朋友):
✅ 保證2-3堂,小朋友能初步進行揸浮板孭書包踢腳 (95%保證)
✅ 利用專業感統刺激法,助小朋友一至兩堂適應水性,愛上游泳 (100%保證)
✅ 利用專業手法,助小朋友5分鐘內大幅度減少怕水問題 (100%保證)(家長可從旁觀察變化)
✅ 1-2堂助小朋友成功進行冇助浮物飄浮 (100%保證)
✅ 十堂以內時間掌握自由式連換氣 (游5至10米)(100%保證)
- 1節 (目標學識游水)
- 2節或以上 (目標學識游水 + 耐力訓練 (游靚啲/穩定啲))
1. 課堂前需預繳 $100
2. 試堂後繼續報道課堂,$100將於常規課堂抵扣 (需完成項目1及項目2)
- 試堂後預繳12節課堂,享有每堂95折優惠
- 所有5月份課堂,享有每堂9折優惠
- 所有6月份課堂,享有每堂95折優惠
WhatsApp : 9288 3320 或按以下連結
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#免費試堂 #嬰兒按摩 #唔驚水 #嬰幼兒游泳班
🌟嬰幼兒游泳保證班 (2024暑期課程)🌟
地區:堅尼地城 / 維園 / 大角咀 / 觀塘
年齡:3 - < 5歲小朋友
班別:自組(1:1) / 自組(1:2) / 小組 (1:3)
導師:註冊嬰幼兒導師領導 (非一般註冊游泳教練)
課堂特色 (針對怕水容易喊小朋友):
✅ 不出四堂,小朋友能初步進行揸浮板孭書包踢腳 (100%保證)
✅ 利用專業感統刺激法,助小朋友一至兩堂適應水性,愛上游泳 (100%保證)
✅ 利用專業手法,助小朋友5分鐘內大幅度減少怕水問題 (100%保證)(家長可從旁觀察變化)
✅ 一堂助小朋友成功進行淺潛唔喊 (100%保證)
1. 課堂前需預繳 $100
2. 讚好專頁
3. 試堂後繼續課堂,$100將於常規課堂抵扣
- 試堂後預繳12節課堂,享有每堂95折優惠
- 所有5月份課堂,享有每堂9折優惠
- 所有6月份課堂,享有每堂95折優惠
了解更多課堂時間資訊,WhatsApp : 9288 3320 或按以下連結:
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#免費試堂 #嬰兒按摩 #唔驚水 #嬰幼兒游泳班 #菁英游泳會
💥💥31-days keep your belly away💥💥
👉🏻31-days Systematic Fitness Programme👈🏻
(For 8-12 years old kid)
🔥Genius-Pro Swimming Academy x Wind Surfing Ex-HK team member🔥
Weekly group intensive sports (on land / swimming) training + 31 days tailor made diet for each kid.
Programme starting date:
- June 15 to July 15 —- weekday late afternoon / weekend (TBC)
- July 16 to Aug 15 —- weekday morning time / weekend (TBC)
➡️ Successful fat burning (No need on diet)
➡️ Core muscle building (good for kids body development in future)
➡️ Diet design according to kids favorite food
➡️ Encourage family cohesion forming —> give support to kids
Target student:
✅ Kids have many sports class —> still cannot lose weight
✅ Kids lack exercise —> keep getting fatter
✅ Kids have central obesity / belly problem (easy got tired)
✅ Kids lacking muscle —> wanna become stronger.
28-31 days (4-4.5 weeks)
(1) Victoria Park swimming pool entrance open area
(2) Kowloon Park Swimming pool entrance open area
(3) Lai Chi Kok Park Swimming pool entrance open area
For more details regarding the course, reach us directly through WhatsApp:
Location : Victoria Park Swimming Pool
Thanks all for attending our first lesson of DH guarantee class! All of our student successfully reach the goal of zero fear floating!
Below are some of the photo showing the happiness of our student throughout the class!
If you wanna be 1 of us, joining our guaranteed class to feel our amazing power ✨✨✨.
Clicking the link below for class registration:
Join our team, Be our guaranteed :class team member!
(資深) 註冊游泳教練
- 中五 / 六或以上程度;
- 持有認可之註冊游泳教練 / 教師證書;
- 持有效銅章泳池救生章;
- 有三年或以上教學經驗(較多經驗者可轉為資深教練,領導小組游泳班);
- 對任何年齡學生有愛心,耐性,具責任感;
- 教授異性成人學員需具備職業操守;
- 有教授成人班經驗可優先考慮;
- 具備良好溝通能力;
- 能操簡單英語;
- 需提供最近一年性罪行定罪紀錄查核報告
- 中三或以上程度;
- 持有認可之游泳教練證書將獲優先考慮;
- 具備游泳教學經驗優先考慮;
- 持有效銅章泳池救生章;
- 守時,具責任感,有愛心及有良好的協調能力;
- 需輔助游泳班主教練管理游泳班秩序
課程助理 (全職/兼職)
- 負責照顧未進場及已進場學員;
- 協助學員點名報到,與家長聯繫;
- 引領學員到游泳池指定地方;
- 維持秩序及協調游泳班暢順運作;
- 誠實有禮,勤力和有責任感;
- 具良好客人溝通能力
市場行銷部助理 (兼職)
- 懂得使用繪圖設計軟件優先考慮
- 配合市場部主管規劃廣告設計大綱
- 協助制定游泳會未來發展方針
- 協助主管擬定繪圖細則
- 協助編輯及修改廣告文字細節
- 協助文字雙語翻譯
- 進行資料蒐集
會計部助理 (兼職)
- 中五 / 六或以上程度;
- LCCI level 2-3 優先考慮
- 懂得使用Microsoft work / excel
- 協助處理客人查詢
- 協助編制及整理客人資料表
- 游泳班編配及與教練接洽游泳班細節
- 處理公司日常開支報銷及記錄
- 處理教練人工計算及記錄
- 跟進學員缺席及補課細節及記錄
- 協助負責人共同編制游泳會帳目
- 配合核數師合作準備審計所需文件
- 膳食津貼:教練如需任教超過一節 (上/下午/晚上公眾泳池游泳班,憑有效收據可獲最高$20-$40膳食津貼
- 交通津貼:教練合理交通費全數津貼 (以公共交通工具價錢為準)
- 公眾泳池入場費津貼:全數津貼
- 跨區教班福利:時薪可獲最高50%提升
- 酌情年終獎金:需視乎員工表現,出勤記錄而定
- 會計部及市場行銷部助理,可享彈性在家工作,適合需要照顧小朋友之人士應徵
- 會計部及市場行銷部助理,歡迎斜杠族加入,公司全力配合員工之全職工作時間
申請者需要將履歷電郵致:[email protected]
No matter what kind of class you taken from our swimming club. Feel free to leave a comment here. Your feedback will give us a push to make further improvement !
#留言 #游泳班 #游泳保證班 #兒童游泳班 #成人游泳班 #五堂保證學識游水 #工人姐姐游泳班
Domestic helper (Guarantee) Class !!!
Location :
Kowloon Park / Victoria Park
First lesson :
4 May 2024 (Sat)
5 May 2024 (Sun)
Duration : Trial + 10.5 paid lesson
Guaranteed part:
🔹Use 1-2 lesson to tackle as least 70% water fear problem after trial lesson
🔹Age 18 - 70: Within 10 paid lessons, able to:
- Pick up at least 1-2 stroke (100% guarantee)
- Tread water skills (100% guarantee)
- Swim in deep water (95% guarantee)
🔥Free trial lesson🔥
Enjoying free trial lessons by like our facebook / instalgram!
Make an appointment for a trial lesson:
To avoid the abuse of free trial lesson, all students are required to place a $100 deposit (24hr before the class) to designated bank account and WhatsApp the payment slip to 9288 3320. Upon the confirmation of the fulfilment of free trial lesson conditions, deposit will be returned after the lesson is completed, or can be used to offset the fees for regular class.
#註冊游泳教練 #菁英游泳會 #免費試堂 #全港最快學識游水 #修身課程 #健體課程 #水療課程 #成人游泳班 #踩水教學
🌟Adult Beginner (Guarantee*) Course🌟
🔥 🔥 Indian, Nepali, Filipino, Indonesian, Malaysian, British people, American, French people etc. welcome 🔥 🔥
If you have the following plans/problems, please don’t hesitate to call for our help!💪🏻
1. Need to pass the entrance requirement of diving course😰
2. Schedule a trip to South-East Asia country and enjoy the sunshine and beach🥂🍻🏊🏻♂
3. Having a boat trip with friends, but don’t know how to swim😔
4. Have taken 10-20 swimming lessons previously, but still cannot swim / swim well😖
5. Feel embarrassing when you cannot follow the coach instructions like “relaxing the lower back” etc.😭
6. Required efficient learning😎💪🏻
As long as you give us 1-2 days per every 1-2 weeks, we can 100% guarantee that you can swim within 5** / 10*** lessons💪🏻💪🏻
** 1:1 / 1:2 Adult Guarantee Class:
🔹1 lesson reduce 70-100% water fear!
🔹Age 18 - 45: able to swim in 1 - 5 lessons
🔹Age 45 - 70: able to swim in 3 - 5 lessons
🔹Tread water skill: 95% of students only need 30-45 minutes to pick up
*** 1:3 / Group Adult Guarantee Class:
🔹Use 1 lesson to tackle as least 70% water fear problem after trial lesson
🔹Age 18 - 70: Within 10 paid lessons, able to:
- Pick up 1-2 stroke (100% guarantee)
- Tread water skills (100% guarantee)
- Swim in deep water (95% guarantee)
🔥Free trial lesson🔥
To avoid the abuse of free trial lesson, all students are required to place a $100 deposit (24hr before the class) to designated bank account and WhatsApp the payment slip to 9288 3320. Upon the confirmation of the fulfilment of free trial lesson conditions, deposit will be returned after the lesson is completed, or can be used to offset the fees for regular class.
👍🏻Like & share the Facebook or Instagram page to get the free trial lesson👍🏻
Make an appointment for a trial lesson:
# Female Coach # Registered Swimming Coach # Male Coach # Genius-Pro Swimming Academy # GPRS # Geniuspro # Free Trial Lesson # Hong Kong’s Fastest Learning Swimming # Self-cultivation Course # Fitness Course # Hydrotherapy Course # Adult Swimming Class # Children’s Swimming Class # Treading water teaching
🌟成人初諧 (保證*) 課程🌟
包你5堂** / 10堂*** 一定學識!不取巧,冇額外課堂收費!
如果你哋嚟緊有以下計劃 / 問題,唔好諗啦,快啲嚟搵我哋幫手💪🏻💪🏻
1. 報咗潛水,教練話要游200米😰
2. 嚟緊夏天去旅行,享受陽光與海灘🥂🍻🏊🏻♂️
3. 嚟緊約咗船P,但係自己又唔識游水😥
4. 上過出面課程,學極都唔識,又唔想放棄😖
5. 跟出面教練做動作嘅時候,發現身體浮左喺度就唔識郁🥶,好尷尬,驚俾人覺得自己好蠢😭
6. 講效率,要短時間學識游水💪🏻
只要你每1-2個禮拜,俾1-2日時間我哋,我哋100%保證你3-5 堂學識游水💪🏻💪🏻**
🔥 免費試堂 🔥
免費試堂時限為30分鐘,為防止濫用免費試堂優惠,所有客人需於課堂開始前24小時按指示繳付50% / 100% 課堂款項到指定銀行戶口,將入數紙發送至whatsapp: 92883320。
** 1:1 / 1:2 成人保證班:
🔹一堂由驚水變到唔驚水 ( 最少減低八成 )
🔹18 -45 歲成人:試堂後1-5 堂學識游水
🔹45-70 歲成人:試堂後3-5 堂學識游水
🔹踩水:95% 學員只需30-45分鐘學識
🔹深水游泳恐懼問題:90% 學員只需 1堂 (花費30-45分鐘) 處理
*** 1:4-6 小組保證班:
🔹一堂由驚水變到唔驚水 ( 最少減低八成 )
🔹18 -70 歲成人:試堂後10堂內學識 2-3 種泳術 (包括蛙泳 / 自由泳 / 背泳)
🔹踩水:95% 學員只需 1-2 堂 (每堂花費30分鐘) 學識
🔹深水游泳恐懼問題:90% 學員只需1-2 堂 (花費30-45分鐘) 處理
🔹港鐵荃灣綫,港島綫 (包括半山區),觀塘綫,東涌綫 (東涌站除外),將軍澳綫鄰近屋苑
可以要求使用英語, 廣東話, 普通話進行課堂, 或即時雙語翻譯
Facebook:Genius-Pro Swimming
Whatsapp:9288 3320
機構合作:[email protected]
一般查詢:[email protected]
#女教練 #註冊游泳教練 #男教練 #菁英游泳會 #免費試堂 #全港最快學識游水 #修身課程 #健體課程 #水療課程 #成人游泳班泳 #兒童游泳班 #踩水教學
~ 溫差問題 ~
這是四個因素之中第二主要因素。如果空氣溫度跟水溫的溫差越大 (假設水溫 > 氣溫),小朋友泡在泳池中便會容易有溫暖舒服的感覺,小朋友便不那麼容易在水中發抖,從而延長小朋友上游泳課的時間。舉個例子,參考天文台一月份記錄,2024年1月23日的氣溫只有7度,假設游泳池水溫約24度,小朋友逗留在游泳池的時間會比起今天 (2024年2月25日) 約18-20度氣溫的時間長,初學不會游水的小朋友會更加明顯!
我哋春天游泳班已經開始咗啦!如果想了解各區嘅泳班資訊,快啲追蹤我哋嘅專頁,WhatsApp我哋秘書同事:92883320. 我哋會盡快回覆你💪🏻
👨🏻⚕️Alex Hui Swimming Classroom👨🏻⚕️
👉🏻Four main reasons regarding the kids shivering👈🏻
~ Temperature Difference ~
This is the second important point amount the four elements. If the difference between water temperature and air temperature is great (assume water temperature > air temperature), kids will comparatively feel more comfortable and is willing to stay longer inside the pool. Let’s say, on 23 January 2024, according to HKO record, daily average air temperature is only 7°C, and that the pool water is around 24°C. Kid are more willing to stay inside the water more than when the air temperature is around 18-20°C, like today “25 February 2024”. Beginners will be affected more if they haven’t learn the first stroke!!!
Spring class is heated now !!! Like our page and PM us if you wanna know more information!
#菁英游泳會 #試堂 #免費試堂 #小組游泳班 #獨立課 #游泳班 #兒童游泳班 #小朋友驚水 #2024游泳班 #恆常游泳班
In view of the continuous cold weather since the middle of October last year, the duration of time the kids stay in the pool is comparatively shorter, say only around 25-40 minutes. So, a question will be raised: what can we do in order to help the kids stay longer inside the pool, without letting them have the feeling of shivering?
Today, we will gone through four main reason regarding the kids shivering: (1. Most important ; 4. Less important)
1. Lacking confidence
2. Temperature difference
3. Lacking fit thermal suit
4. Skinny body
< Lacking confidence >
👉🏻 This is the most important point among the four elements. There are both external and internal factor that makes the beginner kids scared. The external factor will be water deepness, cool water temperature, and the water pressure. For the internal one, muscle stiffness problem of a specific part of body will also make the kid fear! So, that is the reason why so many kids cry, or have early shivering problem in the pool. 👈🏻
Wanna know more about how we use our first lesson to solve 70% of the above problem? PM us! Our team can provide a free, in depth, professional consultation for you💥.
We will share the remaining factor in our coming post. Bear in mind, the above four factors are correlated. We believe with the help of parent, together with our professional swimming team, no kid will fear to water anymore after the first lesson💪🏻
💥Trail lesson (100 free quota)💥
Kennedy Town, Sai Wan Ho, Kowloon Park, Tai Kok Tsui, Mei Foo, Kwun Tong
$120 / section (first 100 successful class register can enjoy a free trial lesson)
Class nature:
group / in case of extreme fear case, will offer individual trial lesson
Registration method: PM us / click on the following link and WhatsApp our secretarial staff for class arrangement😉
#菁英游泳會 #試堂 #免費試堂 #小組游泳班 #獨立課 #游泳班 #兒童游泳班 #小朋友驚水 #2024游泳班 #恆常游泳班
放心 ! 呢啲問題我哋見得多,你嘅小朋友絕對冇問題 ! 只不過有啲地方需要我哋幫佢解決,成個過程只係需要幾分鐘,再配合適當的換氣訓練,第一節課堂我們只需約 20至30分鐘,便可以幫小朋友解決最少70%驚嘅問題,你敢唔敢接受我哋嘅試堂挑戰?
💥依家有個限時免費試堂優惠 (原價$120),名額100個,限期至2024年3月31日,專門為怕水的小朋友而設。仲等?快啲撳下面嘅連結同我哋預約免費試堂啦!我哋期待喺嚟緊嘅游泳班可以見到你👶🏻👧🏻👦🏻🏊🏻♂️💥
For all the beginner kid / toddler, they must have experienced the stage of lacking confidence. If the problem is serious, they will shiver immediately once they stand in the pool, some will cry out immediately after they have the feet touching the water.
Some coach will just leave them at the side, waiting for them to clam down, and take care of the other kid first, while some will keep trying to do leg kicking practise with them or play with them, hoping to use the practising time to dilute the fearness problem.
The problem is: Is it an effective way to help them to tackle the fearness problem? What is the problem behind that make the kids cry? if I say we can use 20-30 mins to help them reduce at least 70% of fear, will you consider to book our trial lesson to accept our challenge?
We will discuss more in the following post regarding the “four key factors that make the kid shivering”
Wanna know more? Please help us to like the page and share it out! You one time ‘like’ button pressing is the motivation to our marketing team and coaching team to create and share more useful post!
💥If your kid actually hit the problem as mention above, please don’t hesitate to let us know by clicking the following picture, we will arrange a free trial lesson for you to feel our power💪🏻💪🏻
Bear in mind, free trial lesson only got 100 quota (Original fee: $120), first come first serve! And this promotion will end at 31 March 2024. Be quick😉! We are looking forward to seeing you in the future in our class!💥
恭喜發財 ! 菁英游泳會祝大家龍年事事順利, 身體健康, 小朋友無論學業或游泳繼續保持喺最佳狀態 !
新一年我哋會繼續為大家提供各種游泳上的小知識, 持續為大家更新本會各區游泳班資訊, 及未來發展方向 !
唔好諗咁多喇, 快啲撳個掣追蹤我哋專頁啦😝
Kung Hei Fat Choi & Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to our facbook page. Genius-Pro Swimming Academy and our staffs wish you all a year fill with joy, luck and prosperity😉. May the new year dragon breathe a fire full of health , happiness and prosperity to and your familiy. 🐉🐉🐉🐲🐲🐲. For those who have a kid, keep having good academic and swimming performance in the year of dragon!
In 2024, we will keep updating with all of you our Academy development, swimming class arrangement in different district, so as providing all of you up to dated useful swimming tips when you are taking our lessons.
Simply click on the "following" button! We are looking forward to seeing you in the nearest future!
#游泳班 #游泳隊 #兒童游泳班 #親子游泳班 #成人游泳班 #成人水療游泳班 #私人泳班 #菁英游泳會 #水中健體課程 #長者水療班 #水中復康 #帶氧運動 #健體修身 #泳隊訓練
恭喜發財 ! 菁英游泳會祝大家龍年事事順利, 身體健康, 小朋友無論學業或游泳繼續保持喺最佳狀態 !
新一年我哋會繼續為大家提供各種游泳上的小知識, 持續為大家更新本會各區游泳班資訊, 及未來發展方向 !
唔好諗咁多喇, 快啲撳個掣追蹤我哋專頁啦😝
Kung Hei Fat Choi & Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to our facbook page. Genius-Pro Swimming Academy and our staffs wish you all a year fill with joy, luck and prosperity😉. May all our client stay health, and for those who have a kid, keep having good academic and swimming performance in the year of dragon!
In 2024, we will keep updating with all of you our Academy development, swimming class arrangement in different district, so as providing all of you up to dated useful swimming tips when you are taking our lessons.
Simply click on the "following" button! We are looking forward to seeing you in the nearest future!
究竟我哋應唔應該冬天畀小朋友繼續學游水呢 ?
曾經試過畀小朋友冬天學游水嘅家長,心裏面總會有幾個疑問 / 謬誤 :
(1) 點解我個小朋友好快就凍到上唔到堂㗎 ?
(2) 點解出面嘅小朋友仲係游得咁開心嘅 ?
(3) 游水著咁少衫,梗係好容易病啦 !
嚟緊我哋 會同大家一齊探討以上幾個問題,一起從小朋友的角度分析點解佢哋怕凍,並拆解游水容易生病嘅謬誤 !
Regarding to the continuous low temperature among the past few weeks, parent start to suspend the swimming class for their kids because of the following reason :
(a) My kid start shivering at the middle of lesson, and cry out finally ;
(b) With only around 10 degree air temperature, how can my kid not getting sick by wearing only a thin layer of plastic swimming suit for an hour? ;
(c) Water coldness will threaten the kid from learning swimming further.
In view of the above parent's concerns, our channel "Alex Hui Swimming Classroom" will :
(i) discuss the reason of the kids sense of coldness in water,; and
(ii) come across a common fallacy that swimming in winter will get sick easily
in our upcoming posts!
Wanna know more? please don't hesitate to PM us now!
- 於此貼文任何位置截圖
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- 新學員成功預約首節課堂
- 把介紹人的電話號碼發送到 whatsapp: 9288 3320
🔹小朋友游泳班 (初階 / 進階 / 游泳隊)
🔹 成人游泳班
🔹 水中健體 (修身) + 成人游泳課程
🔹 水中物理治療 (復康) + 成人游泳課程
➡ 荔枝角公園游泳池
➡ 大角咀游泳池
➡ 九龍公園游泳池
➡ 維多利亞公園游泳池
➡ 堅尼地城游泳池
《相互學習,相互尊重》係我哋嘅宗旨之一,面對不同性別,不同種族(膚色) / 宗教,不同年紀嘅學生,學員喺學習過程中都會有唔同需要。作為菁英游泳會一位專業嘅游泳教練/教師,除了具備專業游泳知識,尊重學員,擁有一顆學習的心態也是必須的。與學生多互動,多了解,多溝通,多配合,提升課堂靈活性,讓不同程度的學員循序漸進,在冇壓力的情況下學習游泳,這就是我們的理念。
#游泳班 #游泳隊 #兒童游泳班 #親子游泳班 #成人游泳班 #成人水療游泳班 #私人泳班 #菁英游泳會 #水中健體課程 #長者水療班 #水中復康 #帶氧運動 #健體修身 #泳隊訓練
"菁英游泳會" (Genius-Pro Swimming Academy) 是一所香港註冊的游泳教育團體,成立至今一直為不同年齡 / 程度學生,提供游泳教學服務。其專業認真之態度,一直備受學生和家長們讚許。
近年,成年人對各種各樣水上運動需求不斷增加,而家長亦開始注重嬰幼兒習泳 (0-4歲) 對其身心發展的優點。
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Kennedy Town
Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Monday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
Tuesday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
Wednesday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
Saturday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
Sunday | 07:00 - 22:00 |
1416 Cheer Team Road
Hong Kong, 852
All-In-One Contact:- http://guidelines.hkct.tk To be a Brand in Hong Kong. fb.com/HongKongCheerTeam
15/F. QRE Plaza, 202 Queen's Road East
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15/F, QRE Plaza, 202 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2572 2683 Website: www.vim-pilates.c
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