Yoga Light Hong Kong

"Yoga Light " provides us a graceful atmosphere to relax our mind, stretch our body and balance our

Operating as usual


[ 2024.06.10- 2024.06.16 課堂時間表 ]
Yoga Light 香港館已遷移至旺角,最新的課堂安排如下,預約課堂或諮詢可WhatsApp 95110111。


[ 10 June to 16 June 2024 Class Schedule ]
Kindly be reminded that Yoga Light Hong Kong Studio has been relocated to Mongkok. Here is the latest schedule. Please WhatsApp at 95110111 for enquiry or class booking.

Book a trial class and continue your yoga journey with us.

New Location: Unit 11, 10/F., Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon


[ 2024.06.03- 2024.06.09 課堂時間表 ]
Yoga Light 香港館已遷移至旺角,最新的課堂安排如下,預約課堂或諮詢可WhatsApp 95110111。


[ 3 June to 9 June 2024 Class Schedule ]
Kindly be reminded that Yoga Light Hong Kong Studio has been relocated to Mongkok. Here is the latest schedule. Please WhatsApp at 95110111 for enquiry or class booking.

Book a trial class and continue your yoga journey with us.

New Location: Unit 11, 10/F., Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon


尋找「我的」瑜伽館 | 體驗課堂
Yoga Light創辦於2016年,我們深信瑜伽能讓人們更好地了解自己的身體,並在練習中得到自我感悟,感受到身體與心靈的變化。

歡迎到訪Yoga Light ,尋找適合自己的瑜伽練習。諮詢及課堂預約可WhatsApp(852)95110111。

Find My Yoga Studio | Trial Class at Yoga Light

Yoga Light is found in 2016. We believe that yoga can help us to have a deep understanding on our bodies and gain self-awareness to observe the subtle changes in our bodies and minds.

Welcome to visit Yoga Light to find the classes suit for you. For inquiries and class reservation, please WhatsApp at (852)95110111.


Yoga Light Hong Kong 現招聘兼職瑜伽導師:
- 對瑜伽教學有熱誠,具責任心
- 具兩年或以上瑜伽教學經驗
- 團體課程專業指導經驗尤佳

申請人需年滿十八歲,且持有有效香港居民身份證。可Whatsapp 95110111查詢。或電郵履歷、一分鐘之瑜伽教學短片和薪金要求至:[email protected]

Recruitment: Part-time Yoga Instructor
Yoga Light Hong Kong is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our team as part-time yoga instructors.

* Demonstrated passion for yoga instruction with a strong sense of responsibility
* Minimum of two years of experience in yoga teaching
* Proficiency in leading group yoga classes with professionalism

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and possess a valid Hong Kong Identity Card. For questions or concerns, feel free to whatsapp us at 95110111. To apply, please send us your CV, a 1 min yoga teaching video clip and salary expectations to [email protected].


[ 2024.03.11 - 2024.03.17課堂時間表 ]
請留意最新的課堂安排,預約課堂或諮詢可WhatsApp 95110111。

地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道239號20樓

[ 11 Mar to 17 Mar 2024 Class Schedule ]
Please refer to the latest Schedule. Book a Trial Class and Start Your Yoga Journey With Us.

Please WhatsApp at 95110111 for enquiry or class booking.

Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Yoga Light Hong Kong

#香港瑜伽 #灣仔軒尼詩


▍ | 農曆新年假期安排

新春期間,Yoga Light 年初一至四休息,年初四恢復課堂。恭祝大家新年如意!身體康健福綿長!

課堂的最新安排可登入Yoga Light Apps 查看。

▍ | Chinese New Year Class Arrangement

Yoga Light will close from 10 to 13 February in Chinese New Year. Happy New Year of the year of dragon! Wishing you stay healthy and stay blessed!

Please check our latest schedule through Yoga Light Apps or click to



In the year of 2024, hold a pen to recall…
Write down the first day on a blank paper.


▍ | 新導師Sunil


1月1日,我們以108 拜日式歡迎Sunil 任教於香港Yoga Light 。

☛ 諮詢: WhatsApp (852)95110111
☛ 預約:Yoga Light Apps
☛ 地址:香港灣仔軒尼詩道239號20樓

▍ | Meet our New Instructor Sunil

Sunil obtained Master Degree in Yoga and further his studies in the diploma of Yoga Naturopathy and Anatomy. In 2016 , he started to teach in India and Macau. He is specialised in yoga therapy, Ashtanga yoga and vinyasa yoga .

On 1 January , register for his 108 Sun Salutations to warmly welcome him officially join Yoga Light Hong Kong.

☛ Inquiry: WhatsApp (852)95110111
☛ Reservation:Yoga Light Apps
☛ Address:20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Yoga Light Hong Kong





購買一年46堂的優惠計劃,可獲贈4節課(可自己/親友使用),有效期為一年。此外,若兩人或以上同時購買「我思,我行」優惠計劃,將可享有九折優惠。諮詢可WhatsApp 95110111。

| “The Thinker” Promotion | ♦️Extend to 15 January 2024♦️

“ One must fight to get to the top, especially if one starts at the bottom.” In the book of the Castle written by Franz Kafka, the character K arrives in a village to pe*****te the inaccessible castle, he is driven by his unrealisable desire to reach to the castle for his duties. Finally , it’s a story with not ending. Do you find it similar as one’s life? Franz Kafka reminds us about the uncertainty of life with the depict of a series of abstract and absurd stories. You seek everywhere, from outwards and inwards, the ultimate goal of seek is to seek you in all.

In this year, “The Thinker “ would be our theme of the year-end promotion.

Special promotional price for 46 classes/year and have 4 additional classes – valid for one year (transferrable to friends/family). If two people or above purchase the promotion together , you can enjoy 10 % off discount.

For inquiries, please whatsapp 95110111.


▍ | 108拜日式特別課堂


大家準備好了嗎? 名額有限,請不要錯過本年度的拜日式特別課堂。

☛ 諮詢: WhatsApp (852)95110111
☛ 預約:Yoga Light Apps

🌟時間|1.1(日) 早上10:00

▍ | 108 Sun Salutations Special Class

On 1st January, we will start the new year with 108 rounds of Sun Salutations and hope for a better year in 2024.108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and Yoga, so we hold 108 Sun Salutation Special Class on the first day in every year to devote ourselves in the practice.

Are you ready for it ? Seats are limited, don’t miss to attend the special class with us this year.

☛ Inquiry: WhatsApp (852)95110111
☛ Reservation: Yoga Light Apps

🌟Time|1.1(Sunday) 10:00 am
🌟Location|Hong Kong Studio
🌟Instructor | Sunil


🎄Merry Christmas everyone!🎄
The joyous holiday season envelops us, we start to compose our lovely melodies of Christmas Carol.


▍ | 假期安排

相約在假期,冬至、聖誕節、元旦假期,Yoga Light 照常營業。Yoga Light 程式已開放課堂預約,報名參加今年元旦的108拜日式特別課程。

☛ 諮詢: Whatsapp(852)95110111
☛ 預約:Yoga Light Apps

▍ | Holiday Arrangement
Practice during the holidays. We will open during the holidays, Winter Solstice, Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Don’t miss out to join our 108 Sun Salutations Special Class on the New Year’s Day, it’s open for booking in the Yoga Light Apps!

☛ Inquiries: Whatsapp(852)95110111
☛ Reservations:Yoga Light Apps


[ 2023.12.25- 2023.12.31 課堂時間表 ]
請留意最新的課堂安排,預約課堂或諮詢可WhatsApp 95110111。

地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道239號20樓

[ 25 Dec to 31 Dec 2023 Class Schedule ]
Please refer to the latest Schedule. Book a Trial Class and Start Your Yoga Journey With Us.

Please WhatsApp at 95110111 for enquiry or class booking.

Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Yoga Light Hong Kong
#香港瑜珈 #灣仔軒尼詩


▍ | 108拜日式特別課堂


大家準備好了嗎? 名額有限,請不要錯過本年度的拜日式特別課堂。

☛ 諮詢: WhatsApp (852)95110111。
☛ 預約:Yoga Light Apps

🌟時間|1.1(日) 早上10:00

▍ | 108 Sun Salutations Special Class

On 1st January, we will start the new year with 108 rounds of Sun Salutations and hope for a better year in 2024.108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and Yoga, so we hold 108 Sun Salutation Special Class on the first day in every year to devote ourselves in the practice.

Are you ready for it ? Seats are limited, don’t miss to attend the special class with us this year.

☛ Inquiry: WhatsApp (852)95110111。
☛ Reservation: Yoga Light Apps

🌟Time|1.1(Sunday) 10:00 am
🌟Location|Hong Kong Studio




| “The Thinker” Promotion |
“ One must fight to get to the top, especially if one starts at the bottom.” In the book of the Castle written by Franz Kafka, the character K arrives in a village to pe*****te the inaccessible castle, he is driven by his unrealisable desire to reach to the castle for his duties. Finally , it’s a story with not ending. Do you find it similar as one’s life? Franz Kafka reminds us about the uncertainty of life with the depict of a series of abstract and absurd stories. You seek everywhere, from outwards and inwards, the ultimate goal of seek is to seek you in all.

In the year of 2023, “The Thinker “ would be our theme of the year-end promotion.

Special promotional price for 46 classes/year and have 4 additional classes – valid for one year (transferrable to friends/family). If two people purchase the promotion together , you can enjoy 10 % off discount.

For inquiries, please whatsapp (852)95110111.


▍ #峇里島靜修營 | 第六天
Bali Retreat | Day 6





#峇里島靜修營 | 第五天
Bali Yoga Retreat | Day 5


▍ #峇里島靜修營|第三及第四天
Bali Yoga Retreat | Day 3 & 4

‘ A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.’

- John Keats


「 美的事物是一種永恆的愉悅:







【歡迎使用消費劵 We Accept Consumption Voucher】
WhatsApp (9511-0111) for enquiries.
Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


[Yoga Wheel]
Balancing in yoga and life is a reflection of our inner state. Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, skill, and attunement to find the still point within it all?
Yoga Wheel class schedule in April:
(Tue) 19:00
WhatsApp (9511-0111) for enquiries.
Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Photos from Yoga Light Hong Kong's post 13/02/2023

Assisting The Yoga Poses Requires A Balance Of Trust, Intelligence, Intuition And EXPERIENCE……

WhatsApp (9511-0111) for enquiries.

Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Photos from Yoga Light Hong Kong's post 10/02/2023

Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga.
Sign up for our upcoming 30-Hour Yoga Wheel TTC with Master Kunal
Course Date
4, 5, 11, 12 March 2023 (Every Saturday & Sunday - 10:00 am to 18:00 pm)
Graduation Ceremony - 12 Mar
Venue - Yoga Light Hong Kong

*Early Bird Discount applies till 24 Feb 2023
DM us now for more details! :)


同時恭喜Denise完成兩個導師課程 ❤️
Om Shanti Om
有興趣了解30小時瑜伽輪導師課程的更多資訊,可WhatsApp查詢。 (9511-0111)

[Throw back from 200 Hour TTC]
Thank you for all of you who have joined our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. Let the seed of knowledge from TTC grow and blossom with continuous practice and learning.
Also to congratulate Denise for finishing 2 teacher training courses ❤️
Om Shanti Om
For more information about upcoming 30-Hour Yoga Wheel TTC, WhatsApp us now. (9511-0111)

Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Wheel Yoga Teacher Training 瑜伽輪導師培訓
Sign up for the 30-hour Wheel Yoga Teacher Training starting from 4 February to 12 February 2023. Early Bird Offer until 18 Jan. Seats limited. First come first served.

Wheel Yoga has become a popular yoga class in recent years. The hollow and stable structure of the yoga wheel is designed to improve the flexibility and mobility of the spine and aid in performing backbend poses easily. It can also be used to practice balance poses and inversions, strengthen our core, improve body stability, and perform multi-directional asanas.

Upon graduation, students will be awarded a certificate of completion that you can register with Yoga Alliance as continuing education. This certification demonstrates mastery of the teaching skills and knowledge of yoga wheel in this course.

Course Date
4, 5, 11, 12 February 2023 (Every Saturday & Sunday - 10:00 am to 18:00 pm)
Graduation Ceremony - 12 Feb
Teacher - Master Kunal Kunal Verma]
Venue - Yoga Light Hong Kong

導師 Master Kunal Kunal Verma]
上課地點—Yoga Light 香港

Photos from Yoga Light Hong Kong's post 30/12/2022

You are only as young as your spine is flexible.
Even if you don't have time for a big workout, stretching in the morning and night really changes your body.
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.
Join our Morning Stretch with Pinki every Tue 8am!

WhatsApp (9511-0111) for enquiries.
Address: 20/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


[Join Us] We want you!

We are hiring for both part-time teacher and part-time studio staff.

Drop us an email ([email protected]) with your resume and expected salary if you are interested!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Hong Kong?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.  Conscious breathing is my anchor.#claming #inhale #exhale #breathing #...
▍ #峇里島靜修營 | 第六天Bali Retreat | Day 6我們進入了夢幻般的境地,短短數天來得不太真實,我們忘記了時鐘滴答逝去的聲音,只知道「我思故我在」,我們與內心是如此接近。一步,兩步,細碎的舞步,叢林突兀,踏在峇里島的草地...
#峇里島靜修營 | 第五天Bali Yoga Retreat | Day 5 走到田野間,映入眼簾的是井然有序的農田,然後就是無盡的綠。綠究竟有幾多種?梵.高是一名狂烈的畫家,我們可在他的筆觸下感受到他的情感,有時平靜如風,有時如狂風暴雨。...
▍#峇里島靜修營|第三及第四天Bali Yoga Retreat  | Day 3 & 4  ‘ A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will ...
🪷Yoga is the space where flower blossoms.If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and i...
🫂Sometimes in life you just need a hug.No words, no advice, just a hug to make you feel better ❤️- - -𝗧𝗼 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘄𝗶...
🪻If you tip your head upside down your tears will stop flowing (:Calming the mind is yoga. Not just standing on the head...
🌞Knowledge without practice is useless.Practice without knowledge is dangerous.Anyone who practices can obtain success i...
【瑜伽伸展 Yoga Stretch】MORE STRETCHING LESS STRESSINGA mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its o...
【椅子瑜伽 Chair Yoga】It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.Do your practice and all is coming.- - ...
[Hatha Yoga]It doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go, what matters is who you are when you get there.Yoga is inv...
[Aerial Yoga]“What are you up to this evening?”“Oh, you know... just hanging around...”Find your courage by spending tim...





20/F. , 239 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday 07:00 - 21:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

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