Book a trial class @ 2153 1033 for your little one and begin their early development with FUN & crea
Hong Kong Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation
Star Dream Academy 是香港頂級的藝術體操學府。致力提供一個有趣和快樂的環境中學習藝術體操。
FLY IN THE AIR Aesthetics • Athletics� �靈活性訓練 = 柔韌x力量x身體控制 �國際體操聯盟註冊 �港隊體操運動員 #Gymnastics|#Mobility|#Therapy #Split|#HandBalance
Provide gymnastics training from foundation to advance level to adults
With the mission to promote the art of gymnastics and dance, AS Chloe School of Gymnastics and Dance