i Dance 香港大型舞蹈演藝學校 自信自在 跳出真我 i Dance, I Change
EDF Dance Studio致力推動香港舞蹈界發展及培訓更多有潛質的舞蹈新秀,並每年舉辦「專業舞蹈員課程」及「中學生舞蹈獎學金培訓」. http://www.edfdancestudio.com.hk
BOOGIE DANCE STUDIO座落於元朗安樂路,交通方便,朗屏或元朗西鐵站步行5-7分鐘到達。我們提供多元化的舞蹈,滿足不同人士需要。
兒童,青少年及成人舞蹈課程 -Funky Dance -瑜珈 -拉丁舞 -標準舞 -K-pop -Fitness課程
Yayakids 屬於 The Yard 轄下兒童教育部門! 我們擁有超凡師資的強大導師團隊, 及8200呎完善寬敞的新蒲崗校舍。 Vision 讓小孩透過舞蹈了解自我意象,建立自信和健康的生活。 Mission 我們不旨在培育明日之星,更重視是小朋友的學習過程和心態,帶領他們從團體訓練中成長。
A place where we share our love and passion for Pole Dancing.
Want to dance, fun, and make friends? We offer Dance. Zumba, Arts, and Music from basic to advanced.
歡迎 whatsapp 707 434 07 查詢及預約 總店地址: 官塘成業街30號華富工貿中心204室 (官塘地鐵B出口步行3分鐘) 分店地址: 荔枝角永康街55號金百盛中心1903室 (荔枝角地鐵
BLS韓風香港舞蹈中心為香港著名舞蹈總監Bo Sir所成立,擁有多年花車巡遊編排及表演經驗。 地址: 香港北角英皇道499號北角工業大廈B座21樓01室
Choreography Class@Dance Beat Studio:Kpop,Hip Hop,Urban &Sexy Dance編舞是一個舞蹈作品的創
2Live Dance Studio homepage: http://www.2livedancestudio.com
We offer a wide variety of dance classes for all levels and ages.
The most popular Tango School in Hong Kong by Raymond and Lily, champions in Asian Tango Championship 2011 and China Championship 2014. They are the only couple in HK listed Top 30 in World Championship. Highly renowed for bringing up many good dancers.
𝘄𝗲 𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗘 . 𝙬𝙚 𝗙𝗢𝗖𝗨𝗦 *DANCE is our LIFESTYLE* Click here for more information - https://linktr.ee/dance_lifestyle_studio
Welcome to Charming Dance Paradise 鍾意舞坊
學院擁有專業舞蹈導師教授各種潮流舞蹈課程及3-10歲兒童舞蹈訓練課程和瑜珈課堂 舞蹈課程適合初學者 學院位於觀塘黃金地段,地鐵站步行4分鐘 TRIAL CLASS$120(二人同行每人$110)
Heavenly has established itself as one of the most famous and prestigious dance studio's in the Worl
www.dancetrinity.com 8/F, Fung Woo Centre, 279-281 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong +852 9634 9770
拉丁舞·爵士舞·Kpop ·中國舞·體操·啦啦隊·音樂劇·唱歌·瑜伽·普通話
Showtime Dance Studio提供兒童,小學,中學,大學生及成人舞蹈班課程,包括kpop, hiphop, jazzfunk, breaking, popping等,並提供大量公開比賽及演出機會。 亦有到校及社區中心教學課程 查詢及報名:9042 4446(whatsapp)
Our ultimate goal is to make our students happy, and through the art of dance, give them confidence and tremendous self-esteem.
This is where you know all about DanzStage Hong Kong.
「因材施教 精益求精」 Dance Sensation是一所提供舞蹈教學、專業培訓、演出?
旺角跳舞學校。於2015年創辦。開辦多元化課程,JAZZ FUNK/HIP HOP/GIRL'S HIP HOP/KPOP等。
Dance School
RAW Studios, founded by Master Ram, is a platform that provides professional and inspiring body-and-mind activities that engage each individual to lead an active and healthy life. Our vast array of activities include Dance, Fitness, Yoga and more.
課程查詢 (852) 2321 2024 留位查詢 (852) 9094 2487 / 9304 2487 WhatsApp (852) 9094 2487 / 9304 2487 電郵 [email protected]