課程從初階幼兒膠劍至香港代表隊層面~ 教練團隊龐大包括前奧運代表、前亞運代表、現役香港代表隊!90%教練是大專以上學歷,當中更有幼兒工作者同碩士級教練,整個團隊實力非凡。 4間分校資料可參閱置頂帖子
Best afterschool Fencing Class in hong kong Headcoach Hk 2-time Olympian English class only corpor
劍擊全方位由前港隊劍擊代表 (周文迪先生) 所開辦。專為熱愛劍擊的各界人
劍藝會,一個致力幫助人們提高自信心、培養獨立精神、提高心理素質、培養高貴氣質的團隊。 我們以二十年的教學經驗,讓您或您的孩子們成長。
BSF - Fencing centre and offical distributor of Allstar Fencing Equipment in Hong Kong
ProFencing is one of the most successful and parents-preferred fencing studios in Hong Kong
Elite Academy of Fencing(EAF), actively promotes the sport of fencing in Hong Kong. The academy offers courses for children, adolescents, adults, seniors, and corporate training, catering to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
Miss Fong 劍擊團隊 Come and join us if you want to learn fencing! 一起來體驗劍擊的樂趣😀