💪 藍天體育會致力提供不同的獨特水上活動體驗,並在過去的二十多年間在不同的體育項目中服務超過百萬名客戶。 Come and join us for exciting water sports & activities in Sai Kung.
Operating as usual
🏞️ The Bluff Island Cave stands out from other sea caves as a unique 60-meter-long tunnel-shaped cave! With the guidance of professional instructors, you can paddle through it on a kayak or stand-up paddleboard for an exciting and unforgettable experience.
🙌 Interested? DM us now or visit our website for more details!
🗾 沙塘口洞與其他海蝕洞截然不同,是一條長達約60米的隧道型洞穴!在專業教練的陪同下,划獨木舟或直立板穿越其中,既刺激又好玩,絕對是一個難忘的體驗!
有興趣的朋友,立即 DM 我們或瀏覽我們的網站了解更多詳情吧!
🎄❄️ Merry Christmas, paddlers! Even in winter, let’s keep training and stay active. Stay strong and ready—see you all back on the water after the holiday!
🎅 大家聖誕快樂!即使是冬天,也別忘了保持訓練和活力喔!繼續加油,假期後水上見!🌊 🏄♂️
🥰 Sometimes, happiness is so simple that we forget!
有時候,快樂其實很簡單,但我們卻常常忘了 😆
🔍 Whether it’s a land excursion or an adventure on the water, Blue Sky is here to make it unforgettable!
Contact us today to create a customized program tailored to your group or organization!
💪 立即聯絡我們,為您的團隊或機構訂製專屬活動方案
🍳 你曾經去過綠蛋島,見過它著名的「綠色太陽蛋」嗎?那裡的水清澈見底,環境非常乾淨無污染。划著獨木舟或直立板前往,不僅輕鬆有趣,還能讓人神清氣爽!
🏝️ Have you ever been to Green Egg Island and seen its famous “green sunny-side-up egg”? The water is incredibly clear, and the area is beautifully unspoiled.
Kayaking or paddling there on a SUP is not only easy but also a super refreshing experience! We’ll start from Sai Kung, where you’ll hop on one of our speedboats for a quick ride to the island. Once there, you can relax, explore, and soak in the natural beauty of this hidden gem.
Downwind SUP is an absolute thrill! 🏄♂️
When the wind conditions are just right, we paddle downwind from Sai Kung to Sheung Sze Wan, letting the wind carry us effortlessly across the water. Once we arrive, we load up our gear and catch a truck ride back to Sai Kung, making the journey both exciting and seamless.
If you’re an experienced paddler ready for your next big challenge, contact us to see if we can take on this thrilling experience together!
Downwind 直立板真是超級好玩! 🌬️
Did you know our coach can capture amazing photos for you during the tour? Just let them know, and they’ll help you create unforgettable memories! 📸
🧺 來場別具一格的家庭野餐吧!
💚 How about a family picnic with a twist?
From our Kei Ling Ha Water Sports Center, paddle out to Sham Chung, a hidden Hakka village with open grasslands and lush mangroves. It’s the perfect spot for a relaxing picnic, where kids can run wild and everyone can enjoy nature’s beauty!
Blue Sky Sports Club has everything you need, from guided tours to equipment rentals. Contact us today to plan your adventure!
#藍天體育會 #企嶺下新圍 #獨木舟租借 #海上生態遊 #獨木舟旅程
想出海玩?即刻 DM 我哋,或者親臨沙下搵我哋啦!🤙
After days of rain, the skies are finally clear, and our guests are loving it! 🌈
Ready for some fun on the water? DM us now or swing by Sha Ha to join the adventure! 🚤
#藍天體育會 #西貢沙下
❤️ 今個週末白沙洲見?
See you at Pak Sha Chau this weekend?
🙌 想 book 艇租板,即上藍天網站:https://bluesky-sc.com/
#藍天體育會 #西貢沙下 #白沙洲真係好靚
Kei Ling Ha is really beautiful. Come visit more often when you have the chance~
#藍天體育會 #企嶺下新圍
Paddle out to check out art pieces at different islands
🤔 一般的 Sit-on-top 獨木舟和流線型的海洋獨木舟有什麼不同呢?
海洋獨木舟有封閉式座艙,設計流線且高效,適合開闊水域和長途航行。這種設計速度更快且更易保持直線,但需要較高技巧來操控和自救,尤其在波浪較大的環境中。相對而言,Sit-on-top 獨木舟採用開放式設計,易於上手、穩定,特別適合初學者。它們非常適合湖泊或近岸平靜水域,如果翻船也容易重新登上。海洋獨木舟提供更大的儲物空間,適合長途旅行,而Sit-on-top 獨木舟則強調易用性和穩定性,是休閒划槳的熱門選擇。
💪 無論是海洋獨木舟還是Sit-on-top獨木舟,都可以在藍天體育會體驗到!立即上我們的網站了解更多吧~
❓ What’s the difference between a regular sit-on-top kayak and a streamlined sea kayak?
Sea kayaks have an enclosed cockpit, making them sleek, efficient, and suited for open waters and longer journeys. Their design enables faster speeds and better tracking, but they require more skill to maneuver and self-rescue, especially in rougher conditions. Sit-on-top kayaks, by contrast, have an open-top design, making them highly accessible, stable, and beginner-friendly. They’re ideal for calm waters, like lakes or mild coastal areas, and are easy to re-enter if capsized. While sea kayaks offer greater storage capacity for extended trips, sit-on-tops prioritize ease of use and stability, making them a popular choice for recreational paddling.
🙌 Whether it’s sea kayaks or sit-on-top kayaks, you can experience them all at Blue Sky Sports Club! Visit our website now to learn more!
#藍天體育會 #海洋獨木舟 #獨木舟 #獨木舟體驗 #獨木舟租借 #企嶺下新圍
🌀 又打風,我都係想出海玩姐,難得 11 月仲咁熱!
不過我唔會氣餒,深信桃芝夭夭之後,今年唔會再打風既 (right?) ~
Typhoon after typhoon, but I still want to head out to the ocean! It’s rare to have such warm weather in November!
I’m not discouraged though; I’m convinced that after Typhoon Toraji, we won’t have any more storms this year (right?) ~
If you’re a wave chaser looking to ride those typhoon swells, remember to assess your skills. If you’re not experienced enough, please stay out of the water!
🌅 出海來一場 Pilates,整個人都精神晒!
Head out to sea for a Pilates session—it’ll leave you feeling refreshed and energized!
🤙 衝浪季節來了!想學習衝浪或體驗直立板衝浪嗎?歡迎聯絡我們了解更多詳情,或立即訪問我們的網站預約課程吧 ~
🏄♂️ Surfing season is here! Ready to learn how to surf or try SUP surfing? Contact us for more details or visit our website to book your lesson today!
Established in 2001 by a group of sports professionals, Blue Sky Sports Club was inspired to provide our members with unique experiences in various sports activities.
Blue Sky Sports Club aims to help our members to learn different water sports related skills & techniques and our biggest goal is to let our members to enjoy their time in ocean.
We provide training & events on different forms of water sports such as swimming, kayaking, stand up paddling, surfing, dragon boating and wakeboarding.
Monday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 - 17:00 |
Sunday | 10:00 - 17:00 |