Life devotees. Cycle devotees.

Life Cycle,就是憑著如此的一股信念與幹勁正式成立。我們期望透過共同熱衷的事物,為生活帶來更大的動力與熱忱,從而實踐對生活的宣言。它,便是我們共擁的愛好 ── 單車。

在Life Cycle這屋簷下,我們共諸同好,由願望、夢想,到汗水與光芒,以至所堅持的理念及所享受的愉悅……彼此無所不談,分享與單車有關的一切。


我們相信,單車除了是生活的一部分之外,更是一套包含了個人與社會發展、健康、快樂元素的生活方式 ── 這也是Life Cycle一直追求,並以獨有的風格、品味、內涵所要達到的目標。

Operating as usual

【超級單車徑】元朗至上水段明啟用 6小時可由屯門踩到馬鞍山 28/09/2020

【超級單車徑】元朗至上水段明啟用 6小時可由屯門踩到馬鞍山

【超級單車徑】元朗至上水段明啟用 6小時可由屯門踩到馬鞍山 香港向來欠缺單車配套設施,土木工程拓展署今日(28日)表示,連接元朗至上水的11公里長單車徑明日(29日)將開放予公眾使用,亦即代表全長60公里、由屯門接通馬鞍山的「超級單車徑」主幹線已完成,按一般市民踏單車時....


Tribute to the custom bike artist.

In any profession you have defining moments, where recognition from respected peers confirm you are on the right path. That you have 'made it'. I was a fan of Dario Pegoretti long before I was any sort of a frame builder. His work was seminal in my development and in creating Baum Cycles. So when, late one evening, a smooth voiced Italian calls and introduces himself "I am Dario Pegoretti" it's understandable that I was fist pumping. "Apologies please for my English, I have been a long time...stalker...of your bicycles. I was wondering if you had some time to talk about them and my new fork". The implicit praise through simply Dario's recognition and "stalking" took my breath away. A rock star of the frame building world taking time to speak to me. Years later Dario - whilst a contemporary - was still an idol. The respect and reverence his work has been - and will be - held in is something a frame builder could only hope to achieve. I even recently joined his fan page, such is the esteem I still hold Pegoretti frames. His work will live on. Thank you for gracing us with your talent Dario. Fly free and rest in peace.

- Darren Baum

Photos from LIFE CYCLE's post 08/12/2017

- cross country boost optimized geometry
- oversized externally and internally butted headtube for conical 1.5" fork
- bi-ovalized toptube with a support
- hydroformed curved downtube with a support
- integrated seatpost with an support on toptube/seatstays cross section
- ti seatmast with ti bolts
- hydroformed seatstays
- hydroformed chainstays
- integrated disc cable routing
- integrated shifting cable routing
- PressFit 30 bottom bracket
- made in USA PARAGON x SYNTACE X-12 thru axle dropouts
- hand brushed finish
- custom sandblasting
- ti headbadge

Frame: Bestia 29er Boost (grade 9 ti)
Fork: ROCK SHOX RS-1 29er 100mm Travel (carbon)

Groupset: SRAM XX1 Eagle Boost 1x12s Trigger
Brakeset: FORMULA R1 Racing

Headset: CHRIS KING InSet 7 (gold)
Stem: AX-Lightness Limited Gold Edition Rigid 6 90mm (carbon)
Handlebar: AX-Lightness Limited Gold Edition Poseidon 600mm (carbon)

Seatmast: WITTSON (grade 9 ti)
Saddle: AX-Lightness Limited Gold Edition Leaf Plus (carbon)

Wheelset: AX-Lightness Limited Gold Edition Premium Boost 29 Tubular FW: Boost110x15mm | RW: Boost148x12 (carbon)
Tubulars: A-DUGAST Rhino XL 47

Size: Large (444x611mm)
Finish: hand brushed titanium

Weight: 8.4 kg
Warranty: Lifetime warranty


Un-Lost, launching worldwide December 12th

Photographer Camille McMillan has followed the Transcontinental, a 4,000km unsupported bikepacking race across Europe, for the last three editions of the genre-defining event. To celebrate his work, and the beauty of the Transcontinental Race, Apidura is supporting Camille in launching his new exhibition, Un-Lost.

Capturing the race’s journey from one corner of Europe to the other, Un-Lost uses the vast and unfamiliar landscapes of an entire continent to document the rider condition. In an age of SPOT trackers, GPS and Google Maps, there’s something to be said for being lost and finding your way again, and Camille’s exhibition aims to reflect that. To paraphrase the race’s founder, Mike Hall, “If you get lost, you will need to get un-lost.”

The worldwide exhibition will be launched on December 12th, 2017, and run for three months until February 15th, 2018. Working alongside a variety of handpicked locations, a selection of framed prints will be made available to view and purchase at fourteen pop-up galleries around the world. A full catalogue of the exhibition’s selected works will be available to purchase on the website,

More details about the exhibition, and a closer look at the concept behind it, will follow around the official launch on 12th December. Stay tuned with Apidura, and the fourteen selected gallery locations, for updates.

Photos from FESTKA Hong Kong Fans Page's post 09/11/2017
黃洛絲:將單車納入交通工具 青衣可作首要試點 26/09/2017

黃洛絲:將單車納入交通工具 青衣可作首要試點 在香港騎單車,對市民來說是極佳的周末消閒活動。大家可以隨時騎著單車傲遊大圍至大埔,途經景色怡人的吐露港,甚至可以踏進大尾篤燒烤。誠然,踏單車除作消閒娛樂活動外,不少國家和地區正開始將單車納入公共運輸政策,增加單車徑,研究城市路面配套等。特區政府實可以參考荷蘭、英國等地的單車友善政策,將單車納入交通工具之一,紓緩交通擠塞,改善路邊空氣質素。

Photos from Passoni Hong Kong by Life Cycle's post 06/07/2017
Photos from Canyon's post 29/06/2017
Timeline photos 23/06/2017

Double happiness - another Made-in-Italy gem to our custom bike rider in Hong Kong!!

Timeline photos 22/06/2017

Another happy custom bike custome in town!

Hello Hong Kong!


Passoni X Ashmei

PASSONI | ASHMEI ULTIMATE SOFTSHELL JACKET Technical front fabric waterproof to 10,000mm
Also highly breathable to 10,000gm/m2/24hr
Merino blend stretch back panels
Lightweight, high performance – 357g
Durable Water Repellent outer finish, PWC-free
Two-way, offset water-resistant YKK® AquaGuard zip

Photos from LIFE CYCLE's post 05/05/2017

Custom carbon by WERKING Italy
Model S Disc
True axle 12 mm and flat mount
Brake cable is routing internally with hidden carbon fiber flexible tube
This is a custom painted inspired by Gulf racing

email me at
[email protected]

Photos from LIFE CYCLE's post 02/05/2017

Be the 1st to get this custom carbon frame set from Plane Frameworks

Photos from LIFE CYCLE's post 02/05/2017


Ride with us as we explore:

The Mongolian Bike Challenge
The Japanese Odyssey
The Podia Roadventures

With photo essays from:
Tracy Chandler
Kyle Thornhill
Angus Sung

An exclusive interview with:
Simon Mottram
CEO and founder of Rapha

Photos from LIFE CYCLE's post 27/04/2017
【奧訊專訪】無憾領軍逾20年 沈金康打造香港單車隊衝出世界 03/04/2017

【奧訊專訪】無憾領軍逾20年 沈金康打造香港單車隊衝出世界 【體路專訪】由客串「幫工」變成享譽中外的金牌教練,把香港單 車隊由寂寂無名打造成世界級強隊,沈金康來港執教逾20載,憑藉「魔鬼手段、天使心腸」為本地單車運動創造一次又一次奇蹟,栽培出一個又一個世界冠軍。他回望過去,為香港運動員的努力和永不放棄的精神深深感動,他即使也曾失意,遇過挫敗,但卻仍無怨無悔:「我很驕傲,沒帶遺憾。」

【場地單車世界賽】港隊13人大軍名單曝光 李慧詩強戰3項爭金 22/03/2017

【場地單車世界賽】港隊13人大軍名單曝光 李慧詩強戰3項爭金 【體路專訊】場地單車世界錦標賽2017快將於4月12至16日假將軍澳單車館舉行,以剛剛4奪香港傑出運動員「星中之星」的李慧詩(Sarah)為首之香港單車代表隊,派出5男8女精英出擊,力拚群雄,其中被視作「金牌希望」的Sarah將出戰個人計時賽、爭先賽及凱林賽3個項目,全力藉主場之利爭搶最高榮譽的「彩虹戰衣」。

Outlands: Aomori 17/03/2017

Outlands: Aomori Outlands Aomori: 27 May - 1 June 2017. Explore ancient mountains, shrines, lakes and visit hidden treasures and sights. Book today.

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