24/7 Fitness Wan Chai

誠邀您親臨 24/7 FITNESS 體驗全新服務
We are cordially invited you to enjoy 24/7 FITNESS b

Operating as usual


24/7 FITNESS會員專屬禮遇

做做下運動膝關節痛1,2+?不如試試佢! 24/7 FITNESS今次同維固力合作,守護大家關節健康!維固力係一種關節補充產品,可有助延緩膝關節退化3,修復軟骨3。依家做緊會員專屬優惠,憑現金劵買500毫克90粒裝膠囊/ 1500毫克30包裝沖劑,每盒即減$15。現金劵喺全線24/7 分店有得攞啦!想知多少少睇呢邊: https://bit.ly/3ToFMBN

#關節健康 #暉致 #暉若善長健致 #健身
1. Rogers P. How to Do the Leg Press. Available at: https://bit.ly/4be4w5Q. Accessed April 2024.
2. Wong TL, et al. 運動表現期刊. 2017;4(1): 43-52.
3. Sun Y, et al. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020; 15:150.
PM-VIS-24-073105 Aug 2024 ©️2024 VIATRIS-AII Rights Reserved


【📢開幕預告】台灣首間24/7 FITNESS - 內湖店即將開幕 🎊

24/7 FITNESS正式進駐台灣!未來我哋將繼續積極拓展海外市場,務求將智能健身服務帶到世界各地🗺️!


🏪內湖店最新嘅開幕消息,請大家密切留意我哋專頁!快啲約埋你嘅朋友,一齊嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!

〖 🎉全港最強 100+分店 〗更多分店即將開幕,全面照顧您嘅健身需要!

24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:


【📢 Grand Opening Announcement】Taiwan's First 24/7 FITNESS - Neihu Club is Opening Soon 🎊

24/7 FITNESS is officially expanding into the Taiwan market! In the future, we will continue to actively grow our international presence, with the goal of bringing our intelligent fitness services to the world 🗺️!

In addition to Taiwan, we have over 150+ branches globally across 10 cities, including Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Singapore! 🌎One membership grants worldwide access; you can work out conveniently! 🏋🏻

🏪 Please stay tuned to our official page for the latest updates on the Neihu Club opening! We cordially invite you to come and experience the amazing 24/7 FITNESS!

〖🎉Hong Kong's Largest Fitness Network with 100+ Branches〗 More branches are coming soon and for all your fitness needs. Stay tuned!

24/7 FITNESS HK address:

To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:

#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #台灣 #即將開幕 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港分店最多


【📢喜訊公佈】24/7 FITNESS香港分店總面積超過80萬呎!🎉


大家想喺邊度開新鋪? 立即留言話我哋知!你哋嘅意見喺我哋進步嘅最大動力!🏋🏻

📍如果你哋有好嘅鋪位推薦,歡迎發送電郵俾我哋:[email protected],我哋一起打造更好嘅健身環境!💪

感謝大家一路以嚟嘅支持,我哋一齊 Rewrite the future!🌟

【📢 Exciting Announcement】24/7 FITNESS branches in Hong Kong span a total area of over 800,000 square feet! 🎉

We’ve heard your needs! As we continue to expand our branches, the momentum of new store openings will not slow down! 🎉More flagship stores will be launched successively in the coming year, and we can’t wait to see you all! More branches are set to open soon, fully catering to your fitness needs! 🏪✨

Where would you like to see new stores? Leave a comment and let us know! Your feedback is our greatest motivation for improvement! 🏋🏻

📍 If you have any great location recommendations, feel free to email us at [email protected], and let’s work together to create a better fitness environment! 💪

Thank you all for your continued support. Together, let’s Rewrite the Future! 🌟

#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #旗艦店 #即將開幕


如果有任何 #衝動,但又book唔切羽毛球場,
隨時隨地有得 #沖凍水涼 ,冷靜完仲可以沖埋個熱水涼 🤭
即刻冷靜晒 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️

#衝動 #凍水涼 #羽毛球

#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #免費試玩 #全港分店最多 #一個會籍全球通行 #阮馬素力薦


【 全城100+分店,總有一間喺你左近! 】

奧運獎牌得主阮馬素力薦嘅24/7 FITNESS,全港坐擁超過100間分店,並擴展至超過十個城市,由今日起,同我地一齊延續運動熱潮,繼續操肌!


🏪24/7 FITNESS總有一間喺你左近,運動無懼地域同時間限制!🏋🏻

#健身 #24小時



奧運男神阮馬素早前大駕光臨我哋24/7 FITNESS灣仔店進行拍攝,更留下親筆簽名~🕺🏻

😆大家行開24/7 FITNESS灣仔店,記住嚟探下我哋,齊齊去健身兼打卡📸!

誠邀你親臨24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束的健身模式!😊

📞📲 致電/WhatsApp查詢 : 9201 8247

😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

【📸 Instagrammable Hotspots 🤩】

Our beloved German gymnast Marcel Nguyen visited the 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club for a photo shooting recently, and even left behind his autograph. 🕺🏻

😆When you come to the 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club, let's all go workout and take photos together! 📸

We cordially invite you to come and experience the amazing 24/7 FITNESS! 😊

🏪1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
📞📲 Phone/WhatsApp : 9201 8247

😊Get a FREE Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

#健身 #24小時 #灣仔 #灣仔健身 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #現已開幕 #健身器材 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港最多分店


🎉好消息🎉 24/7 FITNESS新灣仔店現已開幕!🎉 🎉 🎉


全新面貌的24/7 FITNESS灣仔店位於商業住宅中心地帶,交通便利,24小時照顧你的不同健身需要!

會員可隨時享用近百種頂級健身設施,在優越舒適的環境中,選擇重量訓練(Weight training)、自由重量訓練(Free weight training)或帶氧心肺功能訓練(cardio training)等,達到最理想的健身目標。

誠邀你親臨24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束的健身模式!😊

📞📲 致電/WhatsApp查詢 : 9201 8247

😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

🎉Exciting News🎉 The brand-new 24/7 FITNESS branch in Wanchai is now open! 🎉🎉🎉

Everyone, make your way to Jaffe Road in Wanchai and come explore our latest facility! 😆

The brand new 24/7 FITNESS Wanchai branch is located in the heart of the commercial and residential area, with convenient transportation. We are here to cater to your diverse fitness needs 24 hours a day! 😆

Members can enjoy nearly 100 top-notch fitness facilities at any time, in a superior and comfortable environment. Choose from weight training, free weight training, or cardio training to achieve your ideal fitness goals.

🏪 1/F, Kin Lee Building 130- 146 Jaffe Road, Hong Kong, Wan Chai.
📞📲 Phone/WhatsApp : 9201 8247

😊Get a FREE Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

#健身 #24小時 #灣仔 #灣仔健身 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #現已開幕 #健身器材 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港最多分店


【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店✨教練介紹-Jeffrey Au】

24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業嘅教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業嘅服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS灣仔店教練-Jeffrey Au,大家平時見到佢地都可以請佢指教下!😁😁💪🏾🔥

📞📲 致電/WhatsApp查詢: 9201 8247

🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及WhatsApp:

😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

【24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club ✨Trainer Profile-Jeffrey Au】

We are dedicated to provide the best quality of personal training here at 24/7 FITNESS. Coaches are talented and well recognized with their own expertise. Let’s us introduce our star trainer from Wan Chai Club-Jeffrey Au! You’re most welcome to talk to our trainers! 😁😁💪🏾🔥

🏪1/F, Kin Lee Building 130- 146 Jaffe Road, Hong Kong, Wan Chai.
📞📲 Phone/WhatsApp: 9201 8247

🏪24/7 FITNESS HK - addresses & WhatsApp:

😊Get a FREE Trial:

▍ Jeffrey Au|
🏆Qualification & Awards⭐:
⭐️ NBFA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer

#健身 #24小時 #運動 #會籍 #零預繳 #按堂收費 #私人教練 #優惠 #免費體驗 #灣仔 #灣仔健身 #全港分店最多


【A Meet-And-Greet Event with Hammer Strength Founder Gary Jones】

Gary Jones, the founder of Hammer Strength, has over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry. He started his career in 1970 with the strength equipment manufacturer, Nautilus, where he was responsible for introducing low-friction selectorized equipment and the first leverage machines. After 15 years at Nautilus, he branched out on his own to create an entirely new line of exercise machines - Hammer Strength. His innovative designs and unwavering commitment have made Hammer Strength the global leader in plate-loaded fitness equipment. 💪🏻

📣This is a fantastic opportunity to meet him in person and learn more about his journey.

🗓Date: 18 July 2024 (Thursday)
🕰Time 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
🏪Venue: 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club
1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
(Language: English)

💁🏻Please register with our staff at Wan Chai Club:


【🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS會員專享: 247 Movie Night 🎬】

🥳為慶祝24/7 FITNESS 🎂 6週年快樂🎂我哋決定請大家睇Marvel最新力作🎬《死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine》🎬,🔥24/7 (三) 約實大家一齊睇好戲,逼爆戲院!💥



📍電影: 死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine

1.⁠ ⁠尖沙咀海運戲院 (🈵已滿座🈵)

2. 嘉禾筲箕灣銀河廣場 (⚠️尚有少量名額⚠️)
House 1 + 2

3. 嘉禾屯門StagE (⚠️尚有少量名額⚠️)
House 4

😎👍🏻想睇 🎬《死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine》🔥🔥🔥 嘅方法好簡單,請立即與我們分店同事報名/查詢詳情📲!名額有限,先到先得,滿額即止!🔥🔥🔥

💁🏻24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及電話:

如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。

#運動 #優惠 #247請你睇戲 #死侍與狼人


【🎁24/7 FITNESS 會員合約延長 優惠🎁】

🎉好消息🎉24/7 FITNESS感謝大家及各位會員一直以嚟支持同愛戴,我哋推出 “會員合約延長優惠”!由即日起至2024年12月31日,所有24/7 FITNESS嘅會員加簽延長合約 即可享以下回饋優惠:


📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥

✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!

🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:


-24/7 FITNESS保留更改是次優惠之內容而不先行通知。
-如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。

【🎁24/7 FITNESS Membership Renewal Promotion🎁】

🎉Exciting news 🎉 24/7 FITNESS would like to express our gratitude for the continuous support and loyalty from all of our valued members. We are excited to introduce the ""Membership Contract Extension Promotion""! From now until December 31, 2024, all 24/7 FITNESS members who extend their contracts can enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

🎁 *For current members: Additional signs up a 12-month membership ($520 per month) and receive ""1-month membership"" as a bonus. Additional signs up a 24-month membership ($520 per month) and receive ""2-month membership"" as a bonus.
🎁* For new members: The offer does not apply in the first year but only from the second year onwards. When signing up for a 12-month membership at $520 per month, you will receive an additional ""1-month membership."" Signing up for a 24-month membership at $520 per month will grant you an extra ""2-month membership.""

📍😉 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! For more information, get in touch with us via phone or WhatsApp. Take the first step towards your fitness journey and join us today! 📞📲 🔥

We cordially invite you to come and experience 24/7 FITNESS!

🏪24/7 FITNESS contacts:

💪🏾🏋🏽Register for our 1 DAY Free Trial:

*Terms & conditions:
-Promotion period is from now until December 31, 2024.
-Applicable for existing members with current / open contracts and new registered members.
-Each client can us


🏖️24/7 FITNESS會員獨家專享「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」FREE DRINKS 🍹

🏖️全港最大型嘅沙灘音樂節「TheNextwave」再度強勢回歸!為期兩天嘅音樂節,於6月29、30號喺愉景灣大白灣沙灘舉行🏖️,屆時將有多達 25 組表演單位傾力演出。除了欣賞音樂表演🎤🎼,🌭更可盡情品嚐不同美食和飲料。🍹


🎉即日起 24/7 FITNESS 所有會員購買《The Nextwave XX24沙灘音樂節》單日入場憑證後,前往24/7 FITNESS分店向職員索取電子表格。🎹音樂節當日,可到Token Booth換取 2杯🍷酒精 或 🍹無酒精飲品。



💁🏻24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及電話:

如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。

#運動 #優惠
DRINKS #耀榮文化


【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店✨教練介紹-Lam Ng】

24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業嘅教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業嘅服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS灣仔店教練-Lam Ng,大家平時見到佢地都可以請佢指教下!😁😁💪🏾🔥

📞📲 致電/WhatsApp查詢: 9201 8247

🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及WhatsApp:

😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

【24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club ✨Trainer Profile-Lam Ng】

We are dedicated to provide the best quality of personal training here at 24/7 FITNESS. Coaches are talented and well recognized with their own expertise. Let’s us introduce our star trainer from Wan Chai Club-Lam Ng! You’re most welcome to talk to our trainers! 😁😁💪🏾🔥

🏪1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
📞📲 Phone/WhatsApp: 9201 8247

🏪24/7 FITNESS HK - addresses & WhatsApp:

😊Get a FREE Trial:

▍Lam Ng|
🏆Qualification & Awards⭐:

⭐️AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer certification
⭐️SAS-Skills Application Scheme Weight Reduction Training Protocols
⭐️PT Series I: Foam Roller/Medicine Ball/Elastic Cuff - Balance & Core Training
⭐️PT Series II: Foam Roller/Medicine Ball/Elastic Cuff-Strength Training and Stretching
⭐️Pilates Application Series Lumbosacral Conditions - Back Pain
⭐️Secret Book - How to Make Use of Fitness Training to Prevent Neck Pain
⭐️IPTFA Sport Stretching Technique Workshop
⭐️IPTFA Advanced Sports and Stretching Instructor Certificate
⭐️Occupational Health and Safety (Personal Trainer) Workshop
⭐️Special TRX Functional Training Workshop
⭐️Sport Injuries Workshop - Introduction to Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation
⭐️ep-fitpro Certificate of Stretching Exercise Workshop
⭐️ WBC Advance Boxing (Fitness) Trainers Course Conducted In Hong Kong And Supervised By An Official Representative Of The World Boxing Council

#健身 #24小時 #運動 #會籍 #零預繳 #按堂收費 #私人教練 #優惠 #免費體驗 #灣仔 #全港分店最多




24/7 FITNESS為推廣全民健身運動普及化,正積極擴大規模 📈🏋🏻,現誠招充滿熱血♥️同理想嘅您📝,加入24/7 FITNESS大家庭,注入活力同新氣象🏅!

健身教練 – 為每位客人度身訂做健身訓練計劃📜

有興趣者請將閣下的履歷連同現在及期望薪金透過電郵至收,詳情請致電/ WhatsApp 查詢。


Something BIG is happening📣

To cope with our ever growing network, to promote “sport for all” 🏋🏻 and maintain our high service quality, 24/7 FITNESS needs ambitious talents just like you♥️!
Join our family now if you are:

Fitness Trainer: Customize training programme for our customers.📜

Interested parties can send full resume with current and expected salary to us by e-mail ([email protected]), please call or WhatsApp (92018247) for more details.

#健身 #24小時 #加入我們 #招聘 #健身教練 #運動 #健康



24/7 Fitness於公眾假期期間24小時照常營業。想隨時隨地運動話咁易!🏋🏻

🏪24/7 Fitness各分店地址:


🐉Happy Dragon Boat Festival!Are you hanging out with friends to watch the dragon boat racing and have rice dumplings?

24/7 Fitness opens 24 hours, even during public holidays. No more excuses! Let’s work out together! 🏋🏻

🏪24/7 Fitness HK’s addresses:

😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:

#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #端午節快樂

Photos from 24/7 Fitness Wan Chai's post 05/06/2024

【24/7 FITNESS週年晚宴精彩盛況2024】
24/7 FITNESS於5月31日(星期五) 在香港會議展覽中心Grand Hall舉行了週年晚宴以慰勞全公司員工及各合作伙伴這六年以來的共同努力!💪🏻🙇🏻

✨當晚眾星雲集,24/7 FITNESS品牌代言人-德國體操奧運選手阮馬素更專誠從德國來港出席並與眾同樂。此外,還邀請了著名歌手張敬軒、尹光、新進女團Viva表演和參與刺激的抽獎環節,於現場送出多份現金獎,場面相當熱鬧!謹此再一次感謝24/7 FITNESS每一位員工及合作伙伴!🙏🏻

【24/7 FITNESS Annual Dinner Highlights 2024】
24/7 FITNESS hosted its Annual Dinner at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 31st (Friday). The event served to express the company's heartfelt gratitude to all employees and partners for their unwavering collaborative efforts over the past six years. 💪🏻🙇🏻

✨Apart from the regional celebrities who attended the Annual Dinner, we had the honor to invite our brand ambassador, the German gymnast Marcel Nguyen, who flew in from Germany to join us for a magical evening. Well-known musicians Hins Cheung, Jackson Wan and New Girl Group Viva were also invited to perform and took part in the exciting lucky draws. Many happy memories were created and shared on that evening. Once again, we would like to sincerely show appreciation to all 24/7 FITNESS employees and business partners! 🙏🏻

#健身 #24小時 #阮馬素 #張敬軒 #尹光 #週年晚宴 #全港分店最多 #六週年


【🎉24/7 FITNESS六週年快樂🥳】

🏪24/7 FITNESS在香港、澳門、深圳、廣州、珠海、廈門、上海、成都、新加坡和台灣等十個城市經營超過100間分店。💯 24/7 FITNESS作為地區的市場領導者,由開業到現在,健身行業經歷了翻天覆地的變化,能夠在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出,我們在短短6年內於香港、澳門及內地已經開設超過100間分店,成為全港澳分店最多的24小時健身中心!👍🏻

🏆這個成就肯定了我們所有同事同合作夥伴一路上在這個品牌共同投放的努力。💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 24/7 FITNESS更加致力開拓海外市場,於今年5月正式收購新加坡GYMMBOXX,邁出海外擴張的第一步!未來24/7 FITNESS將繼續積極拓展海外市場,務求將高科技智能健身服務帶到亞太區以至世界各地。🌏

除此之外,24/7 FITNESS旗下的美容品牌 ~ 純JYUN ~ 於4月正式誕生,一貫秉承24/7 FITNESS的信念,為大家提供全面的專業美容服務,全面貼心照顧客人不同狀況的需要,讓客人展現出健康平衡美。🧘🏻‍♀️

【🎉Happy 6th Anniversary to 24/7 FITNESS!🥳】

🏪24/7 FITNESS has opened branches in cities such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Xiamen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Singapore, and Taiwan. As a market leader in the region, 24/7 FITNESS has experienced significant changes in the fitness industry from its establishment to now. 💯 Despite the intense market competition, we have successfully opened over 100 branches in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China within just 6 years, making us the fitness center with the most branches in Hong Kong and Macau! 👍🏻

🏆This achievement undoubtedly reflects the efforts of all our colleagues and partners in building this brand. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻24/7 FITNESS is committed to expanding into overseas markets and took the first step in May this year by acquiring GYMMBOXX in Singapore. In the future, 24/7 FITNESS will continue to actively expand into international markets, aiming to bring high-tech intelligent fitness services to the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. 🌏

In addition, the beauty brand JYUN, under 24/7 FITNESS, is officially launch on April. We are delighted to offer a wide range of comprehensive, professional beauty services tailored. Its aim is to meet the diverse needs of our valued customers, ensuring their attainment of optimal health and balanced beauty. 🧘🏻‍♀️

#健身 #24小時 #阮馬素
#純 #週年晚宴 #全港分店最多 #六週年快樂



🎉好消息🎉24/7 FITNESS創先河設立✨私人教練堂「七天冷靜期」✨,全面保障會員的消費權益,讓我們的會員安心購買我們的私人教練堂。🫶🏻會員有充裕嘅時間,揀一個至Fit自己嘅plan! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻






大家一齊來24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束的健身模式! 🏋🏋🏋為你的健康踏出一步! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻

💁🏻 想知道更多優惠詳情就快D黎聯絡我們📲 查詢!🔥🔥🔥

🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:

▼▼▼▼▼ 立即登記 ▼▼▼▼▼
😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

【7-Day Cooling-Off Period for Personal Training Sessions, 24/7 FITNESS Ensures Your Peace of Mind】

🎉Exciting news!🎉 24/7 FITNESS is proud to introduce the groundbreaking ✨"7-Day Cooling-off Period" for Personal Training Sessions ✨, providing comprehensive protection for our members' consumer rights and offering them peace of mind when purchasing our Personal Training Sessions. 🫶🏻 Members now have ample time to select the plan that best suits their needs! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻

✅ We are the first 24-hour fitness center to implement the revolutionary ✨"7-Day Cooling-off Period" for Personal Training Sessions ✨.

💁🏻💁🏻 Transparent pricing with convenient monthly fees and no upfront payment required.

❌ No membership fees or additional charges.

👍🏻 We have the largest number of branches in Hong Kong and Macau.

🏃🏻🏃🏻 One membership provides access to over 100 branches worldwide.

Join us at 24/7 FITNESS and experience a comfortable and unrestricted fitness journey! 🏋🏋🏋 Take a step towards your health! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻

💁🏻 For more details about our promotions, contact us 📲 immediately! 🔥🔥🔥
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses:

▼▼▼▼▼ Register now ▼▼▼▼▼
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #私人教練堂 #7天消費冷靜期 #優惠


【🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS X「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」
☀ 🎁好賞予你Giveaway🎁】

今個夏天,「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」,將於6月8日及9日(星期六及日)在中環海濱活動空間舉行。在中環壯麗的摩天大廈和標誌性的維多利亞港景色下,S2O將為香港的派對狂熱份子帶來獨特而難忘的體驗。讓更多愛電音、愛跳舞、愛夏日、愛show off身型與及一眾時尚潮流達人,一同參與今個夏天不能錯過的熱玩盛典。
約定大家!☀☀☀ 👙

詳情: www.s2ohongkong.com 想去「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」的方法好簡單,跟從以下步驟,便可能獲得「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」指定日期入場門票兩張(價值港幣$ 1,960),合共40份!

1. Like 24/7 FITNESS Hong Kong 專頁
2. Like S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival ()專頁
3. Like此post 及Share此post
4. 於post內留言及回答問題,Tag一位好友 🎁

我們從中選出最有心思的朋友,即有機會獲得指定日期入場門票兩張(價值港幣$ 1,960),合共40份! 問題: 點解想去「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」?想邊個陪你去?

例如: 我想去「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」,因為好好玩又可以見到靚仔靚女,最想同(@朋友甲)一齊去!

‼️截止日期: 由即日起至2024年5月29日中午12時正!得獎者會有專人inbox通知! 條款及細則: 如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#健身 #24小時 #全港分店最多


💁🏻24/7 FITNESS灣仔店🏋「新機入伙」率先預覽!

全新面貌的24/7 FITNESS灣仔店增添頂級挪威品牌B***y Builder系列的健身器材🏋🏻,適合進行🍑臀推(Hip Thrust)訓練,有助於發展腿臀肌肉的全面性力量,雕塑臀部線條。💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻

🍑臀推(Hip Thrust) 好處:

📍使用有關健身器械時需注意安全,想了更多有關🍑臀推 (Hip Thrust) 的動作及


📌 😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快D打黎📞📲 /WhatsApp 9201 8247查詢!🔥🔥🔥


💁🏻Join us for an exclusive preview of the state-of-the-art fitness facilities at 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club! 🏋️‍♂️

The brand new 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club offers top-notch fitness facilities equipped with B***y Builder products from Norway. Designed for effective🍑 Hip Thrust exercises, these equipments helps build well-rounded strength in the leg and gluteal muscles, ultimately sculpting the shape and definition of the buttocks.

🍑Why do Hip Thrust?
✅Improve the size, strength and appearance of the breech.
✅Increase speed and explosive power.
✅Increase the starting ability and explosive power of squats and deadlifts at
the bottom.
✅Improve the overall function of the body, strengthen the core muscles, and
strengthen the strength of the lower back and gluteus maximus.

📍Please pay special attention to all safety precautions when using this fitness equipment. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our professional trainers for more information during our staffed hours.

We are open 24 hours a day and have implemented a smart and automated system to provide a unique and relaxing experience for our members. 😊

📌😉 Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! For more information, get in touch with us at 9201 8247 via phone or WhatsApp. Take the first step towards your fitness journey and join us today! 📞📲 🔥

🏪1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

#健身 #24小時
#灣仔 #灣仔健身 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #健身器材 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港最多分店 #臀推 Thrust


💦24/7 FITNESS會員獨家專享「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」門票優惠💦

☀各位靚仔靚女夏天眨吓眼就到啦,大家係咪已經苦練到一身肌肉💪🏻準備要show off至Fit身型👙?

🎉今年24/7 FITNESS再次成為「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」健康及肌肉訓練夥伴,24/7 FITNESS的會員們將會獨家享有「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」門票優惠!😎👍🏻名額有限,想知道更多優惠詳情就立即與我們分店同事查詢📲!🔥🔥🔥

💁🏻24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及電話:


如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。

#運動 #優惠


【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店】
【24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club】

😍全新面貌的24/7 FITNESS灣仔店現已正式開幕!
😍The newly renovated 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club is now officially open!

🏪中環、旺角、觀塘、銅鑼灣、香港仔、紅磡、屯門、筲箕灣、土瓜灣、西環、深水埗、北角、元朗、大圍、新蒲崗、黃大仙、上環、大埔、天后、石門、荃灣、葵涌、長沙灣、天水圍、九龍灣、粉嶺、觀塘第二分店、大角咀、尖沙咀、鰂魚涌、將軍澳、東涌、柴灣、上水、馬鞍山、屯門第二分店、沙田、美孚、葵芳、堅尼地城、元朗第二分店、天水圍第二分店、旺角第二分店、屯門第三分店、青衣、沙田第二分店、荃灣第二分店、佐敦、K11、荃灣第三分店、深水埗第二分店、大圍第二分店、將軍澳第二分店、黃大仙第二分店、鴨脷洲、寶達、天水圍第三分店、紅磡第二分店、九龍城、油麻地、土瓜灣第二分店、荃灣第四分店、葵涌第二分店、炮台山、薄扶林、佐敦第二分店、中環第二分店、北角第二分店、銅鑼灣第二分店、鯉景灣、香港仔第二分店、藍田、將軍澳第三分店、銅鑼灣第三分店、葵盛、西營盤、將軍澳第四分店、屯門第四分店、MegaBox、小西灣、藍田第二分店、錦上路、油塘、太子及新蒲崗第二分店現已開業!大埔第二分店、啟德Mall 3、何文田、長沙灣第二分店、青衣第二分店、黃竹坑、科學園、馬鞍山第二分店、觀塘第三分店、愉景灣及又一城店亦即將開幕!🎉
🏪24/7 FITNESS clubs in Central, Mongkok, Kwun Tong, Causeway bay, Aberdeen, Hung Hom, Tuen Mun, Shau Kei Wan, To Kwa Wan, Sai Wan, Sham Shui Po, North Point, Yuen Long, Tai Wai, San Po Kong, Wong Tai Sin, Tai Po, Sheung Wan, Tin Hau, Shek Mun, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Cheung Sha Wan, Tin Shui Wai, Kowloon Bay, Fanling, Kwun Tong second branch, Tai Kok Tsui, Tsim Sha Tsui, Quarry Bay, Tseung Kwan O, Tung Chung, Chai Wan, Sheung Shui, Ma On Shan, Tuen Mun second branch, Shatin, Mei Foo, Kwai Fong, Kennedy Town, Yuen Long second branch, Tin Shui Wai second branch, Mongkok second branch, Tuen Mun third branch, Tsing Yi, Shatin second branch, Tsuen Wan second branch, Jordan, K11, Tsuen Wan third branch, Sham Shui Po second branch, Tai Wai second branch, Tseung Kwan O second branch, Wong Tai Sin second branch, Ap Lei Chau, Po Tat, Tin Shui Wai third branch, Hung Hom second branch, Kowloon City, Yau Ma Tei, To Kwa Wan second branch, Tsuen Wan fourth branch, Kwai Chung second branch, Fortress Hill, Pokfulam, Jordan second branch, Central second branch, North Point second branch, Causeway bay second branch, Lei King Wan, Aberdeen second branch, Lam Tin, Tseung Kwan O third branch, Causeway bay third branch, Kwai Shing, Sai Ying Pun, Tseung Kwan O fourth branch, Tuen Mun fourth branch, MegaBox, Siu Sai Wan, Lam Tin second branch, Kam Sheung Road, Yau Tong, Prince Edward and San Po Kong second branch are now open! Tai Po second branch, Kai Tak Mall 3, Ho Man Tin, Cheung Sha Wan second branch, Tsing Yi second branch, Wong Chuk Hang, Science Park, Ma On Shan second branch, Kwun Tong third branch, Discovery Bay and Festival Walk are coming soon. 🎉

⌚Open 24 hours a day, all year round

🙅🏻🙅🏻No forced sales, no prepayment, membership fee is charged monthly

💁🏻💁🏻Clear and highly transparent pricing

🏋🏻🏋🏻Flexible fitness goals

💻Intelligent & automated self-service

♻State-of-the-art fitness facilities

💡Advanced security system

🕺🏻💃🏻大家快D黎24/7 FITNESS灣仔店體驗我地舒適自在、無約束的健身模式!
🕺🏻💃🏻 We cordially invite you to come and experience the amazing 24/7 FITNESS!

🏪1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

📞📲詳情請致電/Whatsapp 9201 8247或瀏覽網站 www.247.fitness
📞📲Enquiry / Whatsapp 9201 8247 OR Visit our website at www.247.fitness

Get a FREE Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽

#健身 #24小時 #灣仔 #灣仔健身 #運動 #健康 #會籍 #零預繳
#按月收費 #正式開幕
#健身器材 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港最多分店


【 S2O-香港站限定💦立即參加24/7型男美女大招募!贏取1年免費會籍💪🏻 】

24/7 FITNESS再次贊助「S2O 亞洲潑水節 - 香港站」💦 現招募熱愛運動🏋🏻 充沛活力、自信又唔怕羞嘅你🫵🏻成為「24/7 AMBASSADOR」潑水大使🎖️只需3個步驟即可參加‼️

1/ 追蹤
2/ 上載一帖展示以「熱愛運動的您」為主題的相片或短片至IG POST
3/ Hashtag 及 及 #247一日限定代言

🔹遴選小組將會選出最多8名最受歡迎且最活力有型的入圍者,並將於5月24日以IG DM形式由專人通知📩

💦24/7 AMBASSADOR於「S2O 亞洲潑水節 - 香港站」完成指定任務🎉 於場內邀請入場參加者一齊打卡📸 將現場氣氛推至最高,感染大家盡情投入享受濕身電子音樂派對💦 入圍者可贏取1年24/7 FITNESS免費會籍!現場設有「最具人氣王」選舉,獲取額外現金獎$5000🫶🏻





24/7 FITNESS現已正式收購新加坡GYMMBOXX,在新加坡邁出海外擴張第一步🌎!未來我們將繼續積極拓展海外市場,務求將高科技智能健身服務帶到世界各地🗺️。

24/7 FITNESS會員可憑會籍通行全球分店🏋🏻✨,詳情請大家密切留意24/7 FITNESS社交媒體!


✨歡迎大家隨時隨地體驗24/7 FITNESS舒適自在、無約束的健身模式!


【24/7 FITNESS Acquires GYMMBOXX in Singapore Officially】

24/7 FITNESS have now officially acquired GYMMBOXX in Singapore, marking our first step in overseas expansion🌎! Moving forward, we're committed to actively expanding into international markets, aiming to bring high-tech smart fitness services worldwide🗺️.

24/7 FITNESS members can now access global club network with their membership 🏋🏻✨. Stay tuned to 24/7 FITNESS social media for details!

More clubs are set to open soon, with one membership granting access everywhere, catering to all your fitness needs💪🏻!

✨ Experience the comfortable and unrestricted fitness model of 24/7 FITNESS anytime, anywhere!

😊 Register for Your 1 DAY Free Trial Now:

#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #新加坡 #正式收購 #即將開幕 #優惠 #免費試玩 #全港分店最多


【又上鏡啦😍! #財經透視 帶你分析 #體適能行業新趨勢👏🏻!】

相信大家都成日有留意開 #財經透視 👀,探討唔同產業嘅現況👏🏻,而今次有 香港健身Guide籌委組及調查組主席邱益忠 同 24/7 Fitness董事及行政總裁 黃靜怡分享下點解24小時健身室嘅發展趨勢,同埋作為全港最多分店嘅連鎖24小時健身室💯 24/7 Fitness到底點樣持續擴張,達到運動產業化,馬上去片啦👏🏻!

AASFP, Be Your own Trainer💪🏻
Inspire a healthier lifestyle🥳
追蹤我們 獲得更多體適能課程資訊🤩
#健身 #健身教練 #招職 #優職推介 #健身教練牌 #教練牌 #健身牌 #伸展 #女教練 #男教練 #運動產業化

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Videos (show all)

多謝各位同事參與灣仔247第一屆模仿同事大賽,好明顯唔會再有下一屆希望下星期返工,大家都可以笑笑口繼續做同事😂 你哋又覺得邊位同事扮得最似對方?#247fitness #gym #wanchai🎥 @aprilhhh_fitness
【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店✨教練介紹-Jeffrey Au】   24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業嘅教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業嘅服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS灣仔店教練-Jeff...
【🏅奧運獎牌得主阮馬素力薦24/7 FITNESS👍🏻】 24/7 FITNESS與奧運男神阮馬素同大家一齊迎接2024巴黎奧運,仲有4日就到7月26日奧運開幕禮!全城運動氣氛再次熾熱起來!除了睇精彩賽事,都要記得努力鍛鍊!🏪 24/7 F...
【🌎一個會籍全球通行🌎】 🏪 24/7 FITNESS於香港、澳門、深圳、廣州、珠海、廈門、上海、成都、新加坡和台灣等十個城市經營超過100多間分店📍為您帶來零預繳、按月收費、舒適自在嘅健身模式!🎉🎉🎉更多分店即將開幕,🌎一個會籍全球通行,...
🏍️💥💪🏻😏 guess what?#247fitness #wanchai
Do you wanna give a shot to the mobility challenge that our trainers recently tested at our Wan Chai club? It sounds lik...
【🌟眾星祝賀24/7 FITNESS 🎂 6週年生日快樂🎂】🥰感謝大家與24/7 FITNESS一齊迎接🎂 6週年生日快樂🎂,我哋嚟聽一聽🌟眾星們的生日祝福吧!💗立即去片😎 #247fitness #247fitnesshk #健身 #gy...
【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店✨教練介紹-Lam Ng】  24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業嘅教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業嘅服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS灣仔店教練-Lam Ng,大家...
【🎉24/7 FITNESS六週年快樂🥳】🏪24/7 FITNESS在香港、澳門、深圳、廣州、珠海、廈門、上海、成都、新加坡和台灣等十個城市經營超過100間分店。💯 24/7 FITNESS作為地區的市場領導者,由開業到現在,健身行業經歷了...
【24/7 FITNESS灣仔店✨教練介紹-April Hui】 24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業的教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業的服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS灣仔店教練-April H...




1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A O'Brien Road Wanchai
Wan Chai

Other Gyms in Wan Chai (show all)
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Room 502, 5/F, Wah Hing Commercial Building, 279-283 Lockhart Road
Wan Chai

Arena P Arena P
3/F, Toi Shan Centre, 128 Johnston Road, Wanchai
Wan Chai

Arena P, your perfect training arena! 為您提供教練租場、私人訓練、小組訓練!

1/F, Shinyam Commercial Building, 163 Johnston Road, WanChai
Wan Chai

1-on-1 Boxing & Weight Training gym at Wanchai. At Kuen Kwun, every detail matters.

Fox Muay Thai & Fitness - Fox 泰拳會所 Fox Muay Thai & Fitness - Fox 泰拳會所
Wan Chai

泰國專業合資格師傅教授 小班教學 提供1對1小班 ~ 私人教授 ~ 灣仔地鐵站A1出口(步行1分鐘) ~ 歡迎WhatsApp 預約 90 8080 03

香港健身黑店關注組 香港健身黑店關注組
Wan Chai


MiU Training Hub MiU Training Hub
Shop 2, 1/F, No. 11 Lin Fa Kung Street West, Tai Hang
Wan Chai

Orca Training Studio Orca Training Studio
19/F, Siu Fung Building, 51-53 Johnston Road
Wan Chai

Personal Training Studio

Living with Yoga Living with Yoga
28/F, C. K. K. Commercial Centre, 289 Hennessy Road
Wan Chai

" Living with Yoga " , a newly formed chapter/organization, supported and sanctioned by the Yoga Federation of Hong Kong.

Plateau Spa at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Plateau Spa at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road
Wan Chai

Located on the 11th floor, the Plateau Spa is a self-contained resort within a hotel, offering privacy, seclusion and an escape from the vibrant city.

EFX24 Wan Chai EFX24 Wan Chai
2/F, Emperor Group Centre, 288 Hennessy Road
Wan Chai

EFX24 – Redefine Your 24 Hours EFX24 operates around the clock, providing unrestricted access to its spacious fitness facility at all branches for members. They simply pay a monthly fee to fully immerse themselves in the pleasure of fitness.

灣仔彈床瑜珈 HILT 灣仔彈床瑜珈 HILT
Wan Chai


F45 Training Wan Chai F45 Training Wan Chai
15/F 36 Hennessy Road
Wan Chai

F45 is a High Intensity Interval Training system exploding worldwide and now in HK! Try us for one w