Early Bird Offer
Find time for fitness. Hi! Follow along and learn basic stretches, bends, and exercises that help you to improve you.
I am Sandhya Wadhwa,certified Yoga Teacher, teaches weight management, relaxation, & how to release stress & anxiety through yoga class.
Operating as usual
Early Bird Offer
New online Yoga and fitness batch is going to start from Monday 21st November.
For any query and booking whatsapp at 9971200906.
Happy International Yoga Day 2022
Benefits of Padhastasana
¶¶ Massages the digestive organs.
¶¶ Alleviates flatulence, constipation, and indigestion.
¶¶ Spinal nerves are stimulated and toned.
¶¶ Increases vitality.
¶¶ Improves the metabolism.
¶¶ Improves concentration.
¶¶ Helps with nasal and throat diseases.
¶¶ People suffering from severe back pain, high blood pressure, heart problems, knee problems, sciatica or abdominal hernia should not practice this asana.
Dm for online yoga or fitness classes. (Evening batch available)
¶¶ Improves immune system.
¶¶ Massages all the internal organs.
¶¶ Improves pancreas, liver and kidney function.
¶¶ Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
¶¶ Increases blood circulation towards brain
¶¶ Regulates the activity of the thyroid gland.
Yoga Prayer ( Prayer do works )
Pray for your inner peace and pray for the World.
Janu sirsasana ( Head to knee Pose )
¶ It calms the brain and eliminates mild depression
¶Stretches the spine, liver, spleen, hamstrings, groins, and shoulders.
¶ Simulates the kidneys and liver.
¶ Reduces pain of legs.
¶ Helps to get rid of belly fat.
¶ Improves digestion.
¶ Relieves symptoms of menopause.
Dm for evening Yoga batch.
Level - Beginners and Intermediate
One legged downward facing dog🧿
¶¶ The posture relieves stress, calms the mind, and energizes and rejuvenates the body.
¶¶ Strengthens the arms, shoulders, & legs.
¶¶ It also stretches the thigh muscles.
¶¶ strengthens abdominal
¶¶ lengthens the spine
Ek padasana (One leg balancing pose)
¶¶ It provides strength to the leg and leg muscles
¶¶Strengthens arms and shoulders.
¶¶ It provides strength to the lower back & makes it flexible.
It should be avoided by the patient suffering from
¶¶Blood pressure ¶¶Back injuries ¶¶severe knee and ankle pain or arthritis.
Watch this reel by yogwithsandhya on Instagram FE**SH • Come Check This
Seated wide legged stretch (Merudandasana)🧿
¶¶ Good stretch in hips and hamstring.
¶¶ Improves balance, focus and concentration.
¶¶ Stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion.
¶¶ Strengthens the core muscles and back.
¶¶ Improves overall flexibility.
¶¶ Stretches the spine.
Standing wide legged forward stretch 🧿
❤️ 😊 💞💞
The Bakasana works on the abs and the thighs and hence tones the stomach aiding weight loss. So it can be part of weight loss yoga. Full body workout: This Yogasan is a great full-body workout just like the Surya Namaskar steps. It tones the arms, core muscles, strengthens the wrists, back, and legs.
Women help women !! with this positivity, on this Women's Day here i am offering special offer for all beautiful women out there.
Book your free trial.
हम हर समय शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के बारे में बात करते हैं लेकिन मानसिक स्वास्थ्य भी उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है और हम में से बहुत से लोग इसके बारे में शायद ही कभी बात करते हैं।
हम अक्सर अपने जानने वालों से उनका हाल चाल पूछते हैं - how are you?
उत्तर आता है - I am good.
चाहे ऐसा हो या नही।
सब अपने जीवन में अकसर बहुत बार ऐसे हालात में आते हैं, लगता है मानो उनसे निकलना मुश्किल है परंतु ये भूल जाते हैं की कुछ भी स्थायी नहीं है । विचार आते हैं और चले जाते हैं, उन्हें धारण करना और मन में बैठाए रखना हानिकारक होता है।
आप कहेंगे ये मुश्किल है पर
ये सिर्फ अभ्यास से संभव है।
अभ्यास कैसा?
आप शांत हो कर एक जगह बैठ जाए और कुछ देर अपनी breathing पर focus करे।
Breathing कैसी?
Abdominal breathing.
श्वास धीमा, लंबा और गहरा ले।
इसे आप सोने से पहले कर सकते हैं या जब भी negative thoughts आए उन्हें ज्यादा देर तक न रहने दे । Positivity के साथ बदल दे।
Actually Mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community" - WHO
Hands to head simple and effective stretches for everyone. These stretches strengthen shoulder, arm and wrist which helps to avoid cervical pain and numbness.
Practice daily when ever get time.
Yoga for strengthening wrist| Yoga for shoulder | Yoga for numbness | Yoga for elders | Yoga on desk Hands to head simple and effective stretches for everyone. These stretches strengthen shoulder, arm and wrist which helps to avoid cervical pain and numbness...
Monday | 6am - 7pm |
Tuesday | 6am - 7am |
Wednesday | 6am - 7pm |
Thursday | 6am - 7pm |
Friday | 6am - 7pm |
Saturday | 6am - 7pm |