Goldman Sachs has predicted who will win the World Cup (with an alarming degree of certainty) -...
The football (or soccer if you prefer) World Cup is nearly upon us. It’s a big deal. But which team will win? Well Goldman Sachs has crunched an awful lot of data, and reckons it has the answer.
DNA Article (2010)
After T20, get ready for shorter version of football!
With football frenzy at an all time high due to the upcoming World Cup, a group of youngsters have come up with a shorter version of the game to give sport enthusiasts a platform to show off their skills.
Emaho Magazine (2011)
Delhi Street Football - Bringing the Game!
Q. What is DSF all about and who was the brainchild? A. DSF is a brainchild of 4 young...
Our first article on Indian Express (2009)
Back Street Boys - Indian Express
Back Street Boys - After T20 cricket, here comes the shorter version of football Every evening, a park in Delhis Rajendra Nagar Colony is full of obsessed youngsters kicking and p
Learn to play soccer from the best in the world! Register at KyaZoonga for the FCBarcelona Soccer Camp in Delhi today and get a free football. Hurry! Registrations close on 11th May!
FCBarcelona Soccer Camp in Delhi and Bangalore!
Register online for FCBarcelona Soccer Camp in Delhi and Bangalore and learn football tricks from the European champion football club. Register now for this summer soccer camp and get a free football!
Check out our clip that was featured on Channel V last year. Watch 1:06 onwards
[v] School Of Cool Episode 38 Clip 2/4
A show that teaches you everything about being BLOODY COOL! Transform yourself from a College Champu to the College Ka Don!
DelhiStreetFootball (OfficialDSF) on Twitter
DelhiStreetFootball (OfficialDSF) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow DelhiStreetFootball (OfficialDSF) and get their latest updates
DSF TOI July, 2010.
Times of India Publications
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NavHind Times
Football gets shorter at Akbar Road | iGoa
NEW DELHI: With football frenzy at an all time high due to the upcoming World Cup, a group of youngsters have come up with a shorter version of the game to give sport enthusiasts a platform to show off their skills.