
God's Grace through Guru by transmission of Divine Spiritual power to awaken the kundalini shakti/ chakras/ inner awakening for joy ,bliss & liberation.

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What Is Shri Yantra | Shri Chakra?

The Shri Yantra is also known as Sri Chakra is a Yantra (Geometrical Design), that is an important part of ta***ic traditions. The Shri Chakra is of immense importance in the Shri Vidya school of Hinduism. The Shri Yantra is used for worship and as an aid to meditation. The vibrations created by the intricate design of the Shri Yantra helps in meditation.

The Shri Yantra is made up of 9 interlocking triangles. 4 of these triangles have their apexes pointing upwards and base downwards, while 5 of the triangles have apexes pointing downwards and base pointed upwards. The 4 triangles that point upwards represent Shiva while the 5 that point downwards represent Shakti. The Sri Yantra is also referred to as Navayoni Chakra because of the nine triangles.

The nine triangles of the Shri Yantra form an interlocking design that consists of 43 smaller triangles. At the centre of these interlocking triangles is the central point known as Bindu which represents the cosmic centre and the Sri Chakra itself represents the entire cosmos. At the central point is seated the divine Shakti, known as Tripura Sundari or Lalita Tripura Sundari.

The overall structure of the Shri Yantra is made up of 9 levels.

9. At the innermost core level is the centre point or Bindu, as described above, this is known as Sarva Anandmaya.

8. The next outer level is a small triangle that has the Bindu at its centre and is known as Sarva Siddhiprada.

7. The next outer level is a ring formed by 8 triangles which are known as Sarva Rogahara.

6. A ring of 10 triangles can be seen at the next level and is known as Sarva Rakshakara.

5. Another ring of 10 triangles forms the next level known as Sarvarthasadhaka.

4. The next level is formed by the outermost ring formed by the triangles consisting of 14 triangles, this level is known as Sarva Saubhagyadayaka.

3. A lotus consisting of 8 petals forms the next layer and is known as Sarva Samkshobahana (the inner lotus).

2. The outer lotus with 16 petals forms the next layer and is known as Sarvasa Paripuraka.

1. The outer-most level is a square that frames the entire concentric structure with four square openings in the four cardinal directions. This level is known as Trailokya Mohana.

It is interesting to note that the Sri Yantra is considered to be a representation of the Lalita Sahasranama. The Lalita Sahasranama is a hymn to the Goddess Lalita Devi, a manifestation of the Divine Mother (Shakti) and a part of the Brahmanda Purana. Just as in the Shri Yantra the progression is from the outer layers to the innermost centre (Bindu), the verses of the Lalita Sahasranama start with the grosser aspects of the Goddess and then progress to the subtler aspects of Kundalini and culminate in the unity of Shiva and Shakti represented by Lalithambika.



Tu no has nacido cuando ha nacido tu cuerpo, ni vas a morir cuando el muera. Pensar que el espacio que hay dentro de una jarra nace cuando la jarra es fabricada y prevé con ella, es una enorme insensatez. La conciencia interior está libre de nociones que al cuerpo, a la mente y a los sentidos les resultan atractivas o indeseables. Ésta conciencia interna parece tomar contacto con ellos como el viajero llega a una posada o el tronco de madera es arrastrado por la corriente, pero ni la llegada ni el desplazamiento producen dicha ni dolor alguno a la conciencia.
Por qué la gente se alegra o se entristece en tales circunstancias?
Yoga Vashista

Ishwar Puri - Master's death is only in the physical form 10/11/2023


What happens when a Perfect living Master dies? A perfect living Master when he dies, his physical body die.He doesn't die. He remains active in his disembodied astral body. He remains active in his other bodies and he will remain active in all these levels till ALL these souls who have been initiated by HIM have gone home. He will not leave any one of them. Many souls go one stage up and stay there for a long time. There are some souls of a perfect living Masters sitting there for a view thousend years! They like it so much! They say Master this is a great place, can we have a little bit of vacation here? Go ahead! Masters are very good at giving a long rope to us! Ok , go ahead enjoy! But he is not leaving us! Perfect living Master once you manifest his inner form, his radiant form NEVER leaves you, no matter how much time you spend in going up. So his death is only in the physical form but his initiation is not at the physical form. Initation is at the astral radiant form. When a perfect living Master initiates us, he is not doing anything here. He is doing something in his radiant inner form and our astral inner form. That's where he connects us.

That's where he becomes a permanent friend of ours! That's where he remains a companion of ours with us FOREVER. In the physical world his body dies, our body dies. All the body die. But that remains permanent till that body can also die, even then the Master will be there with you in every possible form right till you go home. So the difference between perfect living Masters companionsphip inside and other companionships is, the others end but this one NEVER ends. His does not disappear. The perfect living Master is operating while in the physical body here at all levels. He is not
Only taking care of souls who are here, he taking care of souls of different levels who are already there. So he is a multi-tasker Master, he is doing his task in several levels at the sam

Ishwar Puri - Master's death is only in the physical form The channel is ad free but you can support me: buymeacoff.ee/lakshmi.narayanThe video clip is taken from the below mentioned discourse of Ishwar Puri Ji: htt...



Por favor, dime qué es y dónde está la mente para que pueda renunciar a ella. Brihaspati le respondió afablemente: Los que conocen la mente, dicen que es el yo. La mente no es más que el sentimiento del ego que existe en tu interior.
Dijo entonces Kaca, algo desanimado: Pero eso es muy difícil de hallar, si no imposible del todo.
Su padre le reconvino sonriente:
¡Pero qué dices!. Muy al contrario, es lo más fácil del mundo; ¡Más fácil que aplastar una flor en la palma de tu mano, o cerrar los propios ojos! Porque esa mente que parece ser la causa de tu dolor, se desvanece cuando surge el verdadero conocimiento. En realidad no hay sentimiento del ego. Sólo existe a causa de tu ilusoria ignorancia. ¿Dónde está el ego? ¿Cómo surge en tu interior?¿En qué consiste? En todos los seres y en todo momento, Lo único que hay es conciencia pura. Por consiguiente, el sentimiento del ego no es más que una palabra. Prescinde de ella, hijo mío, y con ella de todas tus limitaciones y condicionamientos psicológicos.

Yoga Vasishtha




The ritual of eating with the hands in India is very popular even out of India amongst Indian descendants.

Is there a reason why we do this?

Oh yes.
Believe it or not. This is actually a "RITUAL" using what we call as "Mudra"

Well, what is a "Mudra"?
The Mudra is a symbolic or ritual gesture or pose in Hinduism. This involves hands and fingers in a certain gesture used for multiple purposes such as good health/control, Balance, control of energy and even communication such as in dance forms like Bharathanathyam and kathak.

So when we eat with our hands we form a Mudra with which symbolizes humility and grace of being humble.

According to the Vedas, the hand is considered to be a very important part of the body. In Ayurveda, we say that each finger of the hand consists of an element, that being: Agni (fire) , Jal (water) , Vayu (wind) , Prithvi (Earth) & Aakash (space).

Hence it is believed that when the fingers consisting of the 5 elements come into contact with the food entering the mouth, it benefits the body and health and increases the value of the food.

Om namah shivaya 🔱🙏



La experiencia dualista es ignorancia y su abandono es la liberación. Cuando se abandona tal experiencia, toda división entre el espectador o sujeto y lo visto u objeto, desaparece por completo.
Lo que tomamos como creación sólo es el movimiento de la conciencia y cuando comprendemos que tal movimiento es falso e inexistente, eso es el nirvana.

Yoga Vasishtha



Sólo vive realmente el que se esfuerza por conquistar el autoconocimiento, que es lo único valioso que podemos alcanzar en esta vida y lo que pone fin al cruel ciclo de las reencarnaciones. El hombre que lo desdeña pasa su vida como los asnos. El conocimiento de las escrituras sólo es un fardo pesado y lacerante para el que está rodeado de deseos; el que vive agitado y descontento, no puede sufrir el peso de su propia mente; para el que carece de autoconocimiento la mera existencia ya es una carga insoportable.
Yoga Vasishtha



Cuando uno es capaz de superar el ego por medio de una inteligencia despierta, limpia de su conciencia esas impurezas que conocemos como mundo objetivo y mente. De hecho, no hay una cosa como el ego. Es algo que brota misteriosamente, sin causa ni sustancialidad alguna. Brahmán penetra todas las cosas. El ego, por tanto, es falso y por ende, el mundo, que parece real a ese ego, también es falso. Lo que es irreal, es irreal, lo real es eterno y tranquilo. Tu eres eso.

Yoga Vasishtha.



If Vedanta says "All is Brahman", then why did concepts like Mukti, Moksha, or Nirvana emerge?

This is a good question.

All is truly Brahman.
Brahman is limitless and free.
You are That.

Then what is Moksha?

For that, we must understand what is Samsara.

Samsara is a thought.
Nothing more.

Samsara is the mistaken thought:
“I am a limited, bound, incomplete, suffering entity”

Moksha is the absence of this thought.

The presence of a thought is relative.
The absence of a thought is also relative.

Brahman is not bothered in either case.

So both Samsara and Moksha
Have no effect on Brahman.

Both Samsara and Moksha
Are ultimately false.

Then why bother with Moksha if it’s false?

Because false Samsara is as real as it seems.

And only false Moksha
Can get rid of false Samsara.

One thorn removes the other
Before both are discarded.

There comes a point
Where it’s more important
To overcome Moksha
Than it is to overcome Samsara.

-- Gokul Ramesh 🙏



Q : Y a-t-il des drogues (médicaments) qui facilitent la méditation ?

M : Non ! Parce qu’après l’utilisateur deviendra incapable de méditer sans en prendre de façon régulière.

Ceux qui prennent de l’opium ou de l’alcool recherchent inconsciemment la béatitude de l’état sans pensée du Soi Réel.
Ils en ont un avant-goût par ces drogues mais après, il y a la redescente à l’état normal et un besoin d’en prendre plus pour avoir le même effet.

Cela va entraîner une accoutumance et une dépendance qui rendra ces personnes esclaves de la substance.

Avec tous ces stimulants artificiels, il s’ensuit une chute, le contraire du but visé à l’origine (la béatitude).

La seule béatitude qui demeurera permanente est celle de la réalisation du Soi.

Ramana Maharshi



Comparison between Shankaracharya and quantum physics.

*Adi Shankaracharya*
This world is ( maya ) an illusion.
*Quantum Physics*
The world we see and perceive are not real, they are just 3D projections of mind.

*Adi Shankaracharya*
Brahma sathya jagan mithya --Only the Brahman is the absolute reality
*Quantum Physics*
Only that consciousness is reality

*Adi Shankaracharya*
The Brahanda is created and dissolved again in to the para-brahman.
*Quantum Physics*
The atoms bind together to make planets , stars ,comets and at some time later they dis-integrate and merge with consciousness.

Adi Shankaracharya*
Jivatma is nothing but a separated soul from Brahman. and has to strive to merge with Brahman called moksha
*Quantum Physics*
Everyone was once part of one consciousness later separated. And has to merge back to that consciousness

*Adi Shankaracharya
*when the Jiva becomes realised then it is the state of nirvana , the jiva beyond -time , space and mind.
*Quantum Physics
*when someone deeply understands that consciousness then there is no time ,
no space and no mind.

*Adi Shankaracharya
*Jiva feels he is real because of the presence of mind.
*Quantum Physics
*Individuality is an illusion that is caused by mind.

*Adi Shankaracharya
*Brahman cannot be realised through senses, because they are limited.
*Quantum Physics
*Infinity cannot be understood with finite mediums.

*Adi Shankaracharya and **Quantum Physics*---

We are all one consciousness experiencing differently subjectively ( because
of different karma )
There is no such thing as death, life is just a dream. we are eternal
beings. The reality as you know does not exist.

What the entire Quantum physicists have understood is just a part of Advaita Philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya which is purely derived from vedas. There exists none greater a scientist than Adi Shankaracharya .

The unchanging reality is called God by common people, called consciousness by scientists , called energy by believers.

we are all the same consciousness but appear differently because of our own actions.
With a single line stated by Shankara " ब्रह्मा सत्य जगन मिथ्या , जीवो
ब्रह्मैव न अपरह "" Brahman is the only reality , the living entity is not
different from Brahman " that has revealed the inner most knowledge.
Nothing can match Adi Shankara' s selfless service in the field of science and contributions to the world.

--Shivshankar Rao 🙏

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