Anusatya Yogalaya

Anusatya Yogalaya aims to illuminate the pure form of Yog

Operating as usual


Jalandhar Bandha(throat lock)

Sit in padmasana or siddha/siddha yoni asana with the head and spine straight. The knees should be in firm contact with the floor. Place the palms of the hands on the knees. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Inhale slowly and deeply, and retain the breath inside. While retaining the breath, bend the head forward and press the chin tightly against the chest. Straighten the arms and lock them firmly into position, pressing the knees down with the hands. Simultaneously, hunch the shoulders upward and forward. This will ensure that the arms stay locked, thus intensifying the pressure applied to the neck. Do not strain. Relax the shoulders, bend the arms and slowly release the lock. Raise the head and then exhale. Repeat when the respiration has returned to normal.
Contra-indications: cervical spondylosis, high intracranial pressure, vertigo, high blood pressure or heart disease.
Benefits: This bandha compresses the carotid sinuses, on the carotid arteries in the neck. These sinuses help to regulate the circulatory and respiratory systems. Normally, a decrease in oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide leads to an increased heart rate and heavier breathing. This process is initiated by the carotid sinuses. By exerting pressure on these sinuses, this tendency is prevented, allowing for decreased heart rate and increased breath retention. This practice produces mental relaxation, relieving stress, anxiety and anger. It develops meditative introversion and one-pointedness. The stimulus on the throat helps to balance thyroid function and regulate the metabolism.

Source: Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Swami Saryananda Saraswati


🌸असली होली🌸

ध्यान,पुरश्चरण और सतत् जप,
हमारी होली अभी आई नहीं ।
जिस दिन साधना पूरी होगी
उसी दिन उसका पक्का रंग हम पर लगेगा ।
साधना अनुष्ठान हमारी होली का त्योहार होगा,
जप माला देकर श्याम के रंग में रंगेंगे,
सुख की झोली में सुमिरन की अबीर लेकर ।

रंग तो लगा है कुछ, पर कुछ और बाकी है ।
भक्ति के रंग में बिल्कुल तर,
साधना के रस में सरोबोर,
स्मरण के भांग के नशे में मस्त,
उनके सुमिरन में बिल्कुल धुत्त,
हमारी असली होली आने वाली है ।

वह होली जो शरीर पर खेली जाती है
हम मन पर खेलेंगे,
इधर शरीर रंगता है, उधर शरीरी को रंगेंगे ।
इधर कपडे़ गीले होते हैं,उधर पहिनने वाला गीला होगा ।
इधर हम-तुम रंगते हैं, उधर एक ही अपने को रंगेगा....
प्रतीक्षा करो......।

🌼जय सत्यम् 🌼




We at Anusatya Yogalaya are organizing a free yoga session of 40 minutes on this "International day of Yog"!!
Let's build wellness by making yoga a part of our lives!
Yoga adds years to your life,
And life to years.
join this group via this link for more information


Join our free yoga session on 21st June 2021.
Time : 6:10 Pm to 6:50pm


"सर साठे रूंख रहे तो भी सस्तो जान" 🌳🌲🌴🍀🍃🌿🌱🏞️🌏


भ्रामरी प्राणयाम - Bhramari Pranayaam
यह प्राणयाम अंत्यंत सरल प्राणयाम है और इससे तुरंत आराम मिलता है. मन एक दम से शांत होते लगता है. यानि अभी करो और अभी रिजल्ट भी पाओ.

Practice of bhramari pranayama gives you instant way to relieve from tension, anger and anxiety. People suffering from hypertension should practice this breathing technique as it calms down the agitated mind.

इसे करना बेहद आसान है - Its practice is very easy.

किसी भी आरामदायक आसान में बैठ जाए
Sit in any comfortable posture of your choice

आँखों को धीरे से बंद कर ले
Close Your Eyes Gently and Slowly

नासिका से सांस लेना शुरू करे
Start breath through your nose

कानों को उँगलियों से बंद कर ले
Close your ears with fingers

साँस अंदर लेते हुए मन ही मन ॐ का उच्चारण करे
Chant Aum mentally while inhaling

यथासंभव साँस को अंदर रोके
Hold the breathe as per your capacity

धीरे धीरे भवरें जैसी गुंजन करते हुए सांस को छोड़ दे.
Now exhale through nose with loud humming bee sound.

इसका अभ्यास कम से कम 5 से 10 मिनट तक करे
Practice is at least 5 to 10 minutes


दीर्घ स्वसन कुंभक के साथ👇

किसी भी आरामदायक आसान में बैठ जाये
कुर्सी पर बैठ कर भी कर सकते है
रीढ़ की हड्डी को सीधा रखे
दोनों आँखों को बंद कर ले
11 बार ॐ का उच्चारण करे
(अपने धर्मानुसार किसी दुसरे मंत्र का भी उच्चारण कर सकते है)
अब धीरे धीरे साँस को नाक से लेना शुरू करे
सांस धीमी और गहरी होनी चाहिए
पूरी तरह सांस फेफड़ो में भरने के बाद सांस को यथासंभव रोके
जितनी देर आसानी से रोका जा सके
अब धीरे धीरे सांस को बहार निकाल दे
इस तरह से एक राउंड पूरा हुआ.
आप गिनती का प्रयोग भी कर सकते है
जैसे साँस अंदर भरते हुए आप 1 से 8 तक गिन सकते है
फिर अंदर रोकते हुए 1-8 तक और ऐसे ही
बाहर छोड़ते हुए 1-8 तक
गिनती को अपने सामर्थ्य अनुसार कम या अधिक कर सकते है |

दीर्घ स्वसन के फायदे👇

फेफड़े मज़बूत होंगे
ऑक्सीजन लेवल बढेगा
मन एक दम से शांत होने लगेगा


Kunjal Kriya (the practice of vomiting water)

Wash your hands and make sure the nails are carefully trimmed.
Prepare about 2 litres of lukewarm (body temperature) water per person, adding 1 teaspoonful of salt per litre according to taste.

Stand near a sink or toilet, or if the weather is warm,in a suitable place outside in the garden or near an open drain.
Drink at least 6 glasses of the prepared water, one after another,as quickly as possible, until the stomach cannot hold any more. It is most important to drink fast and not just sip the water.
When the stomach is full, the urge to vomit will occur automatically.
Lean forward, keeping the trunk as horizontal as possible.
Open the mouth and place the middle and index fingers of the right hand as far back on the tongue as possible.
Gently rub and press the back of the tongue.
This should induce the water to gush out from the stomach.
If there is no expulsion of water,it means the tips of the fingers are not far enough down the throat or that the tongue is not pressed.
The more the practioner relaxes into practice, the easier it will be.
During the expulsion of water the fingers may be removed from mouth, although this is not necessary.
When the flow of water ceases, again place the fingers in the mouth and repeat the process.
Continue in this way until the stomach is empty.

Additional practice: Kunjal should be followed by jala neti.

Time of practice: Kunjal is best practised in the morning before breakfast. However,if it is very cold, wait until the day has warmed up a little. It is essential that no food be taken before the practice.

Frequency: Kunjal may be performed once a week unless otherwise directed by a competent teacher.

Precaution: When the vomiting reflex ceases to bring up any water, stop the technique as it is a sure sign that the stomach is empty. This technique remove some of the stomach lining, leaving it temporarily vulnerable. For this reason,it is advised to eat a light meal half an hour after completion of the practice.

Contra-indications: These practices should not be performed from hernia,high blood pressure, raised intracranial pressure, heart disease, stroke, acute peptic ulcer or by diabetics with eye problems. They are not recommended during pregnancy.

Benefits: This technique tone and stimulate all the abdominal organs by inducing strong muscular contractions in the stomach walls. Excess mucus is removed, helping respiratory functions.
This technique help to release pent-up emotions and emotional blocks or feelings of heaviness in the heart caused by inner and external conflict and pressures.

Practice note: Plain water may be used on the advice of a competent teacher. Salt water, however,dissolves mucus and also inibits the secretion of acid in the stomach, making it generally preferable, and a must for those suffering from excess mucus and hyperacidity.
The biggest obstacle to this technique is the mental block which people have towards the idea of vomiting. Some people are unable to bring up the water at first. The water in the stomach will then simply pass through the system in the normal way.
The expelled water might be discoloured, especially on the first few attempts. This can be caused by fermented food particles,biles or mucus from the stomach. When the stomach is completely clean, the water will become clear.

Source-Asana Pranamaya Mudra Bandha
Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Editorial: Kunjal should be done twice a week as it is best preventive and curative kriya for COVID-19.

Photos from Anusatya Yogalaya's post 21/04/2021

आज तीनों लोकों के पालनहार प्रभु श्रीराम जी का जन्मोत्सव है। प्रभु के श्री चरणों में प्रणाम करते हुए प्रभु से प्रार्थना है कि प्रभु आप पर और आपके परिवार के सभी सदस्यों पर अपनी कृपा दृष्टि बनाए रखें और उनकी कृपा से सम्पूर्ण विश्व में मंगल ही मंगल हो

Jai Jai Shree Ram 🙏🏻🌺


🙏🌸🌸✨ ✨✨✨


समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातुमलक्रियः । प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते ॥

भावार्थ :
जिस मनुष्य के दोष वात, पित्त और कफ, अग्नि (जठराग्नि), रसादि सात धातु, सम अवस्था में तथा स्थिर रहते हैं, मल मूत्रादि की क्रिया ठीक होती है और शरीर की सब क्रियायें समान और उचित हैं, और जिसके मन इन्द्रिय और आत्मा प्रसन्न रहें वह मनुष्य स्वस्थ है ।


How can one know that reincarnation is true?

Swami Satyananda: Everybody has to realize this for themselves. There is a constant chain of cause which relates not only to the body. It relates to each and every substance in this universe; mind, body, emotion, prana, feeling, consciousness, action, enjoyment, pleasure, pain, creation, destruction: everything is subject to this law of cause and effect.
When I was studying philosophy, there came a time when I did not believe at all in reincarnation. However, then I came in contact with a yogini, who was brilliant in her practices. She taught me how to practise sadhana in the middle of the night, in burial grounds where dead bodies are buried. At that time I was eighteen and she must have been around forty. She used to tell me about the principles of reincarnation; how the soul leaves the body and reincarnates in another to fulfill the laws of evolution. There is a law of evolution which does not end with the death of the body.
Then something happened. My elder sister was a medical doctor, who accepted the Catholic religion and became a nun. She was working in a tuberculosis sanatorium about seventy miles from my birthplace, and we had no association with each other. She died under mysterious circumstances, and we were told that she suffered from tuberculosis.
However, after many years, when I was deeply involved in spiritual practices, I realised and came to know that she did not die from tuberculosis, but on account of an abortion. That was later verified. I invoked her spirit, and she told me everything as to how she had to become a nun, how the abortion was badly conducted, how she died, where she was consigned, where the body was disposed of and many other details.
After involving myself in many practices for a number of years, I came to know, not through books, but by experience, that at the time of death, the soul of those people who are not yogis and have not awakened their consciousness enters into a state of hypnosis; then their destiny and karma carries them. They are shunted away from this end to that, and finally they are born from a mother without having their own choice.

Karma Yoga Book 3 SAMSARA


*आपको और आपके परिवार को,अनुसत्य योगालय की तरफ से होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ll*
*होली के अवसर पर,ईश्वर से यही कामना है कि होली आपके जीवन में अनेकानेक सफलताएँ एवं अपार खुशियाँ लेकर आए,साथ ही वैभव,ऐश्वर्य,उन्नति, प्रगति,आदर्श,* *स्वास्थ्य,प्रसिद्धि और समृद्धि के साथ - साथ आजीवन आपको जीवन के पथ पर गतिमान रखे ll*

🌸🌺🏵️🌼होली 2021 की हार्दिक शुभकामनाए🌸🌺🏵️🌼


Bhramari Pranayama(humming bee breath)

Sit in a comfortable meditation asana, preferably padmasana or siddha/ siddha yoni asana with the hands resting on the knees in jnana or chin mudra.
Close the eyes and relax the whole body.
The lips should remain gently closed with the the teeth slightly separated throughout the practice. This allows the sound vibration to be heard and felt more distinctly. Use the index fingers to plug the ears. Bring the awareness to the centre of the head, where ajna chakra is located or follow the origin of the humming sound.
Inhale through the nose.
Exhale slowly and in a controlled manner while making a deep, steady humming sound like that of the black bee.
The humming should be smooth, even and continuous for the duration of the exhalation. The sound should be soft and mellow, making the front of the skull reverberate. At the end of exhalation, the hands can be kept steady or returned to the knee and then raised again for the next round. The inhalation and exhalation should be smooth and controlled. This is one round.

Awareness: Physical- on the humming sound within the head and on the steady, even breath.
Spiritual- on ajna chakra

Duration: 5 to 10 rounds is sufficient in the beginning, then slowly increase to 10 to 15 minutes. In case of extreme mental tension or anxiety, or when used to assist the healing process, practise for up to 30 minutes.
Time of practice: The best time to practise is late at night or early in the morning as there are fewer external noises to interfere with internal perception. Practising at this time awakens psychic sensitivity. However, bhramari may be practised at any time to relieve mental tension.
Contra-indications: Bhramari should not be performed while lying down. People suffering from severe ear infections should not practise this pranayama.

Benefits: Bhramari relieves stress and cerebral tension, and so helps in alleviating anger, anxiety and insomnia, increasing the healing capacity of the body. It strengthens and improves the voice. Bhramari induces a meditative state by harmonizing the mind and directing the awareness inward. The vibration of the humming sound creates a soothing effect on the mind and nervous system.

Source: Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Photos from Anusatya Yogalaya's post 11/03/2021

The divine union of consciousness and energy!!🌸


What is the true meaning of dharma?

Swami Satyananda: Dharma is not connected with God. Dharma talks about man's duties. The meaning of dharma is: Yato abhyudaya - 'That which uplifts you, that which gives you happiness. ' Your dharma is not to fight with your wife, to look after and bring up your children, serve your parents. Do not kill, do not steal, do not drink alcohol, isn't this dharma? Achara prabhavo dharmaha - 'Conduct and thought itself is dharma. '
When God comes into dharma, it would be better to call it bhakti or spirituality instead of dharma. If someone wears a tika on the forehead, people say, "Oh, he is very religious, very dharmic." Do not call dharmic, call him a bhakta. To believe in God, but instead fulfils the duties of one's station in life as son, father, husband or servant, then that is dharma. In the Ramacharitmanas (Uttarkand, after Doha 40,Chau 1) it has been said:

Para hita sarisa dharma nahi bhaaee,
Para peedaa sama nahi adhamaaee.

There is no dharma superior to doing good to others,
And no meanness worse than troubling others.

Bhakti Yoga Book 4




Prevent & Regulate your concern with the practice of Holistic yog!🧘🏽‍♀️


Happy Republic Day🇮🇳


।।नारदभक्तिसुत्राणि ।। भाग ४

कामक्रोधमोहस्मृतिभ्रंशबुद्धिनाश कारणत्वात् ।
For it is the cause of desire, anger, delusion, loss of memory, loss of intellect and utter ruin.

तरड्ंगायिता अपीमे सड्ंगात् समद्रायते ।
These are in themselves like little waves, but through association become a veritable sea.

कस्तरति कस्तरति मायाम् यः सड्ंगं त्यजति यो महानुभावं सेवते निर्ममो भवति ।
Who crosses, who crosses this Maya (illusory of the world)? He who gives up attachments, he who waits upon a spirituality magnanimous soul, he who becomes free from the idea of possession.

यो विविक्तस्थानं सेवते यो लोकबन्धमुन्मूलयति निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवति योगक्षोमं त्यजति ।
He who habitually resorts to a solitary place, he who cuts asunder all worldly bo***ge, who transcends the three fundamental Gunaah of nature, who gives up the idea of acquisition and preservation.

यः कर्मफलं त्यजति कर्माणि संन्यस्स्यति ततो निर्द्वन्द्तो भवति ।
He who gives up all desire for the fruit of his actions, renounces all activities and thus passes beyond all pairs of opposites.

यो वेदानपि संन्यस्स्यति केवलमविच्छिन्नानुरागं लभते ।
He who renounces even the Vedas, who has only incessant love for the Lord.

स तरति स तरति स लोकांस्तारयति ।
He crosses, he crosses this maya, and he takes other people also across it.

चतुर्थोSध्यायःप्रेमनिर्वचनम् अनिर्वचनीयं प्रेमस्वरूपम् ।
The nature of Love is inexpressible in words.

मूकास्वादनवत् ।
It is like a dainty dish tasted by a mute person.

प्रकाशते क्वापि पात्रे ।
It finds expression very rarely in some worthy soul.

गुणरहितं कामनारहितं प्रतिक्षणवर्धमानं अविच्छिन्नं सूक्ष्म तरं अनुभवरूपम् ।
Beyond the fundamental Gunaah, above all desires, growing intense moment by moment, incessant, most subtle, and fathomable only through by intuition.

तत्प्राप्य तदेवावलोकति तदेव शृणोति तदेव भाषयति तदेव चिन्तयति ।
When one has reached it, one sees that alone, hears about that alone, talks of that alone, thinks of that alone.


Relaxes the mind: YOG NIDRA

The brain is the linking mediator between the mind, body and emotions. In yoga nidra intensifying the awareness of the body stimulates the brain. When the awareness is rotated on the different body parts, it not only induces physical relaxation but also clears the nerve pathways to the brain. Each of the body parts has an existing centre in the cerebral white matter, named by researchers as 'motor homunculus' or 'little man'. The sequence of rotation of awareness in yoga nidra is in accordance with the map in the cerebral white matter of the brain. When the awareness is rotated in the same sequence again and again, it induces a flow of pranic energy within the neuronal circuit of the motor homunculus of the brain. This pranic flow brings in a subjective experience of relaxation in the brain.

In one of the stages of yoga nidra a pair of opposite feelings or sensations is intensified again and again in the practitioner. This continuous invocation of opposite feelings or sensations is in accordance with the elecetrophysiological operating principles of the brain. When a neuron fires, it produces a nerve impulse which is relayed and registered in the brain. But if the same neuron keeps on firing again and again, then its relayed impulse is no longer registered by the brain. Researchers have called this 'phenomenon habituation'. When the brain becomes accustomed to the stimulus, then gradually it becomes relaxed. The state where the brain is completely relaxed results in mental relaxation. Sannyasi Mangalteertham (1998) concluded on the basis of his study that the practice of yoga nidra brings alpha dominance in the brain, which is characterized by mental relaxation.

-yog nidra (Bihar school of yoga) class


The eightfold paths of Patanjali and Sivananda

Sage Patanjali developed the eightfold system of yoga. They are intended to train a person to come to a state of equipoise, awareness, understanding and realization. In all the eight stages, you are working with yourself. You are chipping away the sharp edges of your nature and personality. You are removing the extra bits that are on the rock to allow the statue to manifest. You are working with yourself right until the stage of samadhi.
In samadhi you cop it, and come to the pearly gates of heaven. There you meet Saint Peter, and he says, "What are you doing here?" You say, "Well, I have earned my right to live in the kingdom of heaven. "Saint Peter asks, " Why? " You say, " I have attained samadhi, I have realized myself, I know that me and my Father are one. I have gained the right to live in this kingdom. "Saint Peter conveys this message to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit says, " He might have attained samadhi, but he has been very selfish all his life. He has only worked for his welfare out of greed and selfishness. Samadhi was his selfishness. To come to the kingdom of heaven was his greed. He has not yet become selfless. He has followed the system of Patanjali, and I agree that he has chipped away all the extra bits and his become a statue, but now he is showing that off. He is saying, 'Look how beautiful I am. I am superior to everybody else. ' Send him back! And tell him to learn the yoga of Sivananda. " Saint Peter says, " What do you mean? " The Holy Spirit, in his ethereal, smoky form says, "Patanjali teaches the yoga of personal transformation, that is the first stage. Swami Sivananda teaches the yoga of reconnecting with the world after having transformed oneself. That is the last stage. "
What is the eightfold path of Swami Sivananda? After samadhi,start with serving. What does 'serve' indicate? Service means you again become active in the world, but this time as enlightened being, not as an ignorant fool who only cares for himself. You become active in the world whereby everyone's needs becomes your needs. Swami Sivananda begins with a simple precept.

Patanjali's Sivananda's
eightfold path eightfold path
Yama Serve
Niyama Love
Asana Give
Pranayama Purify
Pratyahara Be Good
Dharana Do Good
Dhyana Meditate
Samadhi Realize

Patanjali represents the personal aspect of self-transformation and Swami Sivananda's yoga represents the expression of that yogic attainment in practical life. This is also the advice which Sage Vasishtha gives to Sri Rama, "Attain your completeness, fullness in yoga, know everything to be impermanent. Know how to separate the wrong from the right. Establish yourself in the path of yoga. Once established, again engage yourself in the world, do not isolate from the world."
Rama faced many crises; however, he maintained his equipoise, clarity and focus at all times. It is because of this attainment of yoga and his interaction with society with greater understanding, that he is today recognized as 'maryada purushottam'.
Purusha means person,uttam means the best. Therefore, purushottam means the best type of individual, the best type of person,who is an example to emulate. When 'maryada' is added before purushottam,it becomes maryada purushottam, meaning one who knows the boundaries of appropriateness, and who never crosses those boundaries of appropriateness to create any discord within oneself or in anybody else's life.
The application of the teachings of Sage Vasishtha made Sri Rama an idol and a hero, and he continues to be the inspiration for all people in the world. Not because he is God, but because he became the perfect human being. This is the message of Yoga Vasishtha. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. If you take the first step, you are the achiever, and you are the winner.

The Yoga of Sage Vasishtha
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati





Pranayama awakens prana shakti

Sri Rama says to Sage Vasishtha, "You are telling me many things, but are there any practical ways in which I can experience them?" Sage Vasishtha says, " Yes, O' Rama, practise pranayama. " Why does Sage Vasishtha suggest the practice of pranayama?
According to the yogic concepts, there are three flows in our body: the solar force, the lunar force, and the balanced force. The solar force is known as pingala, the lunar force is known as ida and the balanced force is known as sushumna. These three flows are carriers of a specific gross, subtle and spiritual energy.
Pingala is the gross energy, prana shakti. Your body functions because of prana shakti. In the absence of prana, you are devoid of the physical life. Ida is the chitta shakti, the mental force. The mind is sustained and nurtured by this flow of ida shakti, the subtle prana. One is gross, the other is subtle. The spiritual nature of every individual is nurtured by sushumna, the balance of both. Sage Vasishtha tells Sri Rama, "If the body is disturbed, or if it is experiencing ill-health, you can manage all the imbalances and rectify all the defects and diseases of your body by awakening the force of prana shakti. "
This has been seen in the life of yogis, who are able to manage many of the physical conditions with the practice of pranayama. Even asana is not necessary, as pranayama increases the vital energy, the prana shakti, and removes the blocks of prana. Disease occurs when there is a block of prana. Eyesight is lost when there is a block of prana in the eyes, hearing is lost when there is a block of prana in the ears, and speech is lost when there is a block of prana at the throat in the speech centre. Digestion becomes sluggish when there is a block of prana in the digestive system. Muscles become weak when there is a loss of prana in the muscular system. Nervous tensions and nervousness come in when there is a loss of prana in the nervous system. Respiratory problems occur when there is a loss of prana in the respiratory organs. That is the theory and concept of yoga therapy. Remove the blocks of prana which are afflicting a particular organ, or system or location within your body. Many yogis practise pranayama as their sadhana. They have no blocks in their body; they are in optimum health.
In 1977, Sir Edmund Hillary, the man who conquered Mount Everest, made a trip. He followed the path of the river Ganga, from Ganga Sagar, the place where Ganga merges into the ocean, to the source of Ganga in the Himalayas. He went backwards, travelling in three powerful rocket boats, to go against the current of the river. When he was travelling through the meandering river above the Rishikesh area, he saw an emaciated yogi in the middle of the river, seated on a rock. Sir Edmund Hillary stopped near the rock, called out to the yogi seated there, and said, "What are you doing?" The yogi said, "I am practising pranayama." Hillary said, " What is the attainment of pranayama?" The yogi said, " Nothing, only vitality." They had a chat for about ten minutes.
Then,Sir Edmund Hillary decided to continue on his journey. While he was talking to the yogi, the three boats had anchored. They had thrown the rope on the rock and tied the rope to the anchor there. Now the ropes were unhitched, the engines were started and the boats were put in forward gear. However, the boats did not move. The engines were checked, everything was fine, the rev was fine, there was power and fuel, so what was wrong? At that moment Sir Edmund Hillary happened to look back and saw that this emaciated yogi seated on a rock in the middle of the Ganga, was holding the three ropes in his hand. He was holding back the boats. This is a story published in the Times of India in 1977. It is an indication of the power of prana shakti of a yogi whose body is just skin and bones. He was holding the ropes of the three powerful motor boats and all the rev of the engine could not move them forward. Therefore, do not think of prana as your breath, but as the force of life.

The Yoga of Sage Vasishtha
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati




Swami Vivekanand Jayanti 🙏
National youth day 12 January 2021 🇮🇳🕉️🧘🏽‍♀️



Every individual is responsible for himself, and we should all realize this. No one change another person. This is a conclusion that I have to come to. Every person is responsible for changing his own good or bad traits. I am the one who can correct myself; you cannot do it and the police cannot do it. All the sages have said that whatever is within you, whether joy, sorrow, alcoholism or any other bad habit, it is not possible for someone else to remove it from your life.
You should accept the good qualities through your own convictions and eliminate the undesirable qualities through your own convictions also. If you are convinced that you are right, then do it. And if you are convinced that you are wrong, give it up. I used to teach all over the world and when people would ask me if they should give up alcohol, I would reply, "If you want to drink, drink. I do not hold judgement on this." However, if you want to get rid of a negative trait, do not become obsessed with it; be indifferent to it. The more obsessive you are, the more strongly it will hold you in its clutches.
Hatha yoga is a solution to get rid of all impurities. It includes asana, pranayama, mudra and bandha. Do three or four asanas and one or two pranayamas every day. There are only three kinds of pranayama - inhalation, exhalation and retention. These three are modified in different ways in different practices. There are many mudras, pick two or three that you prefer. Bandha means to bind, to bind mooladhara, vishuddhi or manipura. So, practise asana, pranayama, mudra and bandha for half an hour or forty-five minutes, no more. Do not practise for two or three hours. And do not think that you are practising to get rid of your alcoholism. To give up alcohol is not the aim of your life. The aim of life is not to struggle to give up vices, because there is nothing called 'vice'. A vice is a shadow, just as a tree has a shadow. To remove the shadow, you will have to cut down the tree. There is not one negative quality that exists within you, there are many. They are all shadows, Maya, unreal.

Rikhiapeeth Satsangs
Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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