Getting ready to launch my biggest endeavor yet, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, and then I get this text from “The Man”. Gotta love the timing. ❤️🙏
SY Performance uses cutting edge Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindset techniques to bring out Everyone's Elite Athlete. Visit our website to learn more!
Services: 1. 90 Day Body Transformation Program. Our personal fitness trainers get you in the best shape of your life and teach you the fitness and nutrition skills you'll need to maintain it on your own. 2. Complimentary full body workout, ultrasound body fat testing, and fitness evaluation for new client inquiries. 3. Ultrasound body fat and body composition testing to monitor weight loss and mu
Operating as usual
Getting ready to launch my biggest endeavor yet, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, and then I get this text from “The Man”. Gotta love the timing. ❤️🙏
We’ve received another five-star review on Yelp! This one is from Charles J, who is on our 90 Day Body Transformation Program. Charles has so far lost almost 30 lbs in a little over 2 months and he’s well on his way to hitting the 40 lbs target that we’re shooting for by the end of the 90 day program.
What is Charles’ favorite part of the program? He loves how delicious and easy the customized meal program we designed for him is. He especially loves that he gets a weekly cheat meal, that allows him to enjoy his favorite foods and drink, so that he doesn’t feel like he’s sacrificing any fun.
Keep up the amazing work, Charles! You’re doing Great!
Personal fitness goals vary for each individual, and it’s never a cookie cutter situation like everyone just wants to lose weight. In Nikki’s case here, her goal of playing D1 volleyball requires her to put on lean muscle weight, in order to stand out in this highly competitive field.
Still a Junior in high school, Nikki puts in the hard work on the court, in the kitchen, and in our fitness studio. We’re so proud of her results in gaining 5 lbs of quality weight in three months time, while working through multiple injuries. With our goal of adding a total of 15 lbs to her athletic frame, we’re a third of the way there, and should easily reach it before they break for Summer.
We’re proud to be a part of Nikki’s team of professionals helping her achieve success in her fitness and life goals. Keep up the great work, Nikki! We can’t wait to watch you kick butt on the D1 circuit! ❤️👊
There are Transformations that are impressive, and then there are Transformations that are incredible. Josh came to us wanting to change his life by investing in our 90 Day Body Transformation Program, and he did just that.
Working with one of our top trainers, Laynie Mitchell, Josh made changes so profound that he is almost unrecognizable. After completing our 90 Day Program with amazing results, Josh continued on for a total of 7 1/2 months of training with us.
His body and mind now is completely different than when he first started with us, and we are so proud of his achievements. Keep up the great work, Josh, and we’re looking forward to seeing you in that superhero shape this year! ❤️👊
Words can’t express how humbled and grateful I am to receive this incredible 5-star review from a client!
Working together to achieve their fitness goals has been an absolute joy, and to know I’ve made a real difference in their journey is the ultimate reward. The recognition reaffirms why I love what I do.
At SYPerformance, we strive to offer more than just workouts—we aim to transform lives through tailored experiences that challenge, empower, and uplift. Thank you for entrusting me with your fitness journey; here’s to many more milestones ahead!
How many days should you train legs??? Click the link and find out!
We’ve received another five star review on Yelp! This one is from our client Logan in San Diego, whom has been showing amazing success training with us through our Hybrid Coaching Program. Utilizing our mobile coaching app and only the equipment he has at home, he’s been able to show remarkable changes in only two months.
Check out our yelp profile and feel free to drop a review! Link in our bio!
A huge thank you to our SYP Hybrid Coaching client, Pierre for his recent five star review on Yelp! Pierre is showing huge success with our hybrid coaching program, coming in once every three weeks for body measurements and an in person workout, and then completing the rest of his workouts through our mobile app at his home gym. Not only is he getting amazing results but he’s also SAVING OVER 80% OFF from traditional personal training programs. Interested in hearing more? Check out our Yelp and then give us a call!
Fitness tip from our Head Coach, Scott Yonehiro!
“Learn to love to do the exercises you hate. They’re the ones you need the most. If we only did the exercises we love to do, then we’ll never truly improve.”
SYP client, Craig is a shining example of what can be accomplished with the right focus, drive, and guidance. Suffering from bad knees and a shoulder injury, Craig was still able to lose a total of 75 lbs while picking up lean muscle weight, all while using the bare minimum in equipment at home. With a few dumbbells, resistance bands, a bench, and guidance through our SYP mobile coaching app, Craig accomplished this great feat in a little under 8 months of time. Imagine where you would be if you started your fitness journey with us eight months ago. Interested in giving our mobile coaching app a try? Now is the best time to reach out to us because we’re running a pricing special for our signature 90 Day Body Transformation Remote Coaching Program.
Call us and find out the details. 🙂❤️🤙
One of the reasons why so many fitness programs fail, and why our programs are so successful, is because we provide complete nutritional guidance. We breakdown your daily caloric and macro nutrient intake amounts, provide a structured eating schedule with satisfyingly tasty recipes, and even a grocery list to simplify shopping. Top this off with our mobile app for daily food journaling, and we provide our clients with the direction and accountability needed to achieve all of their fitness and physique goals. It’s one of the many reasons why we’re the only personal training company that offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee. ❤️👊
Even the eye of an inexperienced layman can tell the difference between great form and poor form in exercise body mechanics. To lack control and not maintain proper form through out the entirety of an exercise will stop you from reaching the true benefit from the lift. Stay in control, embrace the pain, and reap the rewards of your hard work.
When performing against acting powerhouses like Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, in the FX series 'The Old Man', actor EJ Bonilla has to always be at the top of his game. We here at SY Performance are honored to be EJ's personal training team. Whether it's in person when he's back home in LA, or coaching him remotely when he is traveling for a new film project, we love being EJ's main source to keep him in fighting shape and performing at his best. Here's to an incredible 2023 for you ! ❤️👊
Thank you, Joseph for your amazing Yelp review on training with us! We love that you are enjoying the experience, and more importantly, loving your new body!
Scott’s latest fitness article for NewsBreak is up and he talks about the power of finding your unique motivation to reach your fitness goals.
Want to know what he’s found to be the greatest motivational tool for most people? Well hell tell you one thing…It’s definitely not to be healthy. Hell, people would rather die than give up their Twinkies habit. Could it be just pure selfish vanity? Perhaps it’s “revenge” from a bad breakup or divorce?
Check out his article and let us know what you think!
Determining Your Why is Important in Fitness, too (Because of course it is) | Scott Yonehiro | NewsBreak Original I commend humanity for the trend toward discovering our own “whys?” Why do you work so hard? Why do you want to change jobs? Why is a certain lifestyle important to you? I also happen to think it’s pretty darn applicable when it comes to weight loss and fitness goals. (Granted, I’ve dedicate...
Hey Team,
Scott's latest article for his monthly fitness column on the MyBurbank site is up and ready to read! This month Scott talks about all the HATE cardio gets and if it is warranted. Check it out and let us know what you think about it! 😁
SY Performance Monthly Muscle Flex – Can’t We All Just Get Along? Cardio is Not Your Enemy Cardiovascular exercise offers exclusive benefits that you simply cannot reap from strength training alone
Monday | 5am - 10pm |
Tuesday | 5am - 10pm |
Wednesday | 5am - 10pm |
Thursday | 5am - 10pm |
Friday | 5am - 9pm |
Saturday | 6am - 7pm |